I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #34....
"Lost, yesterday, somewhere between Sunrise and Sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever."
-Horace Mann-
I selected this quote as the time is on us where another whole year.. that being the year 2008 is about to be in the books, forever. As I type, less that 14 hours seperates this ENTIRE year from 2009.
Mann's quote reminded me of a great tip. Appreciate time. Appreciate life. We all have a time bomb on our backs, ticking away. The challenge is.... we have neither the idea of how many ticks we have left, nor how long in between the ticks. So, with that stated.. enjoy life each and every minute that you can.
That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Quote #33, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #33....
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
-Leo Tolstoy-
Doesn't it all start there? I remember giving advice to someone else on what they should do to improve themselves. Someone pointed out to me .. what makes you think you can change that person when you can't even change your own habits? Hmm... good point.
I believe Gandhi once said.. "be the change you want to see in the world". In other words, take charge and change what YOU can control... yourself. Set good examples and perhaps others will follow.
We've all told our kids, do as I say, not as I do. Here is a newsflash: they are watching what you do!
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #33....
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
-Leo Tolstoy-
Doesn't it all start there? I remember giving advice to someone else on what they should do to improve themselves. Someone pointed out to me .. what makes you think you can change that person when you can't even change your own habits? Hmm... good point.
I believe Gandhi once said.. "be the change you want to see in the world". In other words, take charge and change what YOU can control... yourself. Set good examples and perhaps others will follow.
We've all told our kids, do as I say, not as I do. Here is a newsflash: they are watching what you do!
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Quote #32, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #32....
"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But what I cannot accept.. is not trying."
-Michael Jordan-
Failure, from Sir Michael, arguably the greatest basketball player ever? Most certainly.In fact, Jordan claims what HAS made him So Successful is that he HAS Failed so many times. Did you know he was cut from his high school hoop team?
Jordan also says he has missed over 9000 shots. He has lost almost 300 games. He has also been entrusted to take the game winning shot 26 times.. and failed.
Failure is a part of learning. A part of life. Not trying certainly doesn't have to part of life. Of your life. Or mine.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #32....
"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But what I cannot accept.. is not trying."
-Michael Jordan-
Failure, from Sir Michael, arguably the greatest basketball player ever? Most certainly.In fact, Jordan claims what HAS made him So Successful is that he HAS Failed so many times. Did you know he was cut from his high school hoop team?
Jordan also says he has missed over 9000 shots. He has lost almost 300 games. He has also been entrusted to take the game winning shot 26 times.. and failed.
Failure is a part of learning. A part of life. Not trying certainly doesn't have to part of life. Of your life. Or mine.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Quote #31, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #31....
"Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible."
-Charles Dickens-
Don't you just love these types of people? The mini heros of our planet.
The ones who so quietly go about their business, improving the world one small person at a time. One event at a time. One small action at a time.
They look for no publicity. Some actually seek anonyimity. Perhaps that's whats so fun and rewarding to them about it? The simple fact that they can sneek in a way to help others without being noticed. Hmm.. Ironic isn't it?
One thing is for sure. Helping another sure is a bit selfishly rewarding. Maybe thats the way the big guy upstairs made it on purpose.
There is an old saying... one cannot help share perfume with others, without getting a bit of the wonderful smelling stuff on himself. To help another is simply awesome .
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #31....
"Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible."
-Charles Dickens-
Don't you just love these types of people? The mini heros of our planet.
The ones who so quietly go about their business, improving the world one small person at a time. One event at a time. One small action at a time.
They look for no publicity. Some actually seek anonyimity. Perhaps that's whats so fun and rewarding to them about it? The simple fact that they can sneek in a way to help others without being noticed. Hmm.. Ironic isn't it?
One thing is for sure. Helping another sure is a bit selfishly rewarding. Maybe thats the way the big guy upstairs made it on purpose.
There is an old saying... one cannot help share perfume with others, without getting a bit of the wonderful smelling stuff on himself. To help another is simply awesome .
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
In Case You Missed(12/19-12/25 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
It was a fun week, but not the most "viewed " week, as people are busy doing the Christmas holiday thing. Here goes....
12-19.... Have you heard of the wine.. Smile-Vino?( very cool concept here. Women.. you ll enjoy this. DEFINITELY worth your time).
12-22.... 6 Reasons to NEVER Give UP ( Linclon, Edison, Ford.. good company here).
12-23.... The White Envelope( a Christmas story to WET your eyes).
12-24.... Useful Holiday Eating Tips( these are not the normal tips . Funny!)
12-25.... No email; Merry Christmas.
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.
It was a fun week, but not the most "viewed " week, as people are busy doing the Christmas holiday thing. Here goes....
12-19.... Have you heard of the wine.. Smile-Vino?( very cool concept here. Women.. you ll enjoy this. DEFINITELY worth your time).
12-22.... 6 Reasons to NEVER Give UP ( Linclon, Edison, Ford.. good company here).
12-23.... The White Envelope( a Christmas story to WET your eyes).
12-24.... Useful Holiday Eating Tips( these are not the normal tips . Funny!)
12-25.... No email; Merry Christmas.
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.
Quote #30, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #30....
"If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play."
-John Cleese-
What is this? Is Cleese for real here. Work is supposed to be S-E-R-I-O-U-S.
Says who? I think people take work too darn serious. In fact, they take life too darn serious. His quote, in my opinion, is 100% on the mark.
People do their best in a comfortable relaxed atmosphere. I remember at my old job I loved working on a Saturday, in my jeans. I also enjoyed the after 5 o'clock mental psyche. The phones slow down, and I was just more comfortable. Less stress. That usually meant more production.
So..lighten up at work. Let the workers have some fun. A little stress relief. As long as work gets done and done productively, whats wrong with a bit of fun sprinkled in? You may even find the workers will WANT to stay working with you and your company?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #30....
"If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play."
-John Cleese-
What is this? Is Cleese for real here. Work is supposed to be S-E-R-I-O-U-S.
Says who? I think people take work too darn serious. In fact, they take life too darn serious. His quote, in my opinion, is 100% on the mark.
People do their best in a comfortable relaxed atmosphere. I remember at my old job I loved working on a Saturday, in my jeans. I also enjoyed the after 5 o'clock mental psyche. The phones slow down, and I was just more comfortable. Less stress. That usually meant more production.
So..lighten up at work. Let the workers have some fun. A little stress relief. As long as work gets done and done productively, whats wrong with a bit of fun sprinkled in? You may even find the workers will WANT to stay working with you and your company?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Quote #29, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #29....
"The point of good writing is knowing when to stop.
-L M Montgomery-
There is an art to brevity. Respect that.
Ther is a time to write and a time to stop. It's Christmas eve. It's time to stop writing and take care of other important matters.
Merry Christmas to all.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #29....
"The point of good writing is knowing when to stop.
-L M Montgomery-
There is an art to brevity. Respect that.
Ther is a time to write and a time to stop. It's Christmas eve. It's time to stop writing and take care of other important matters.
Merry Christmas to all.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Quote #28, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #28....
"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."
-James Baldwin-
How true is this quote? Anyone who has children can vouch for this statement. Kids are amazing. Here's what we know...
They come out of the womb 1000% dependant. They come out pretty much happy, innocent creatures. They are extremely observant. Their little minds are like giant sponges. They aim to please. They long for attention and recognition. They want to be loved and cared for.
Pretty simple huh?? It seems so, yet, being a parent is probably the most challanging task ever thrown at us adults.To help things out and simplify.. be a good role model and you'll be amazed at how much they imitate you.
Ever heard of the saying "Do as I say, not as I do"? How about "actions speak louder than words"? Boy, are those kids watching our actions.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #28....
"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."
-James Baldwin-
How true is this quote? Anyone who has children can vouch for this statement. Kids are amazing. Here's what we know...
They come out of the womb 1000% dependant. They come out pretty much happy, innocent creatures. They are extremely observant. Their little minds are like giant sponges. They aim to please. They long for attention and recognition. They want to be loved and cared for.
Pretty simple huh?? It seems so, yet, being a parent is probably the most challanging task ever thrown at us adults.To help things out and simplify.. be a good role model and you'll be amazed at how much they imitate you.
Ever heard of the saying "Do as I say, not as I do"? How about "actions speak louder than words"? Boy, are those kids watching our actions.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Quote #27, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #27....
"If everything came easy in life, then we would all have everything and nothing would mean anything."
-Phillip Crone-
Lots going on here. Everything. Nothing. Everything. Anything. Whew!
If you think about it, some of the most rewarding things in life are things you had to really earn; stuff that you worked extremely hard at achieving. It also seems like everything and anything worthwhile takes time to materialize. Be it work, sports, relationships, spiritual journeys... it all takes time. Theres an old saying, "there is no elevator to success.. you have to take the stairs". How true that is.
Finally, think what this quote says. What if we all had everything? What would life be without wants?. Where would the wonder and excitement come from? Back to Crone's quote.. if all of us did have everything, than wouldn't it all mean nothing in the end?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #27....
"If everything came easy in life, then we would all have everything and nothing would mean anything."
-Phillip Crone-
Lots going on here. Everything. Nothing. Everything. Anything. Whew!
If you think about it, some of the most rewarding things in life are things you had to really earn; stuff that you worked extremely hard at achieving. It also seems like everything and anything worthwhile takes time to materialize. Be it work, sports, relationships, spiritual journeys... it all takes time. Theres an old saying, "there is no elevator to success.. you have to take the stairs". How true that is.
Finally, think what this quote says. What if we all had everything? What would life be without wants?. Where would the wonder and excitement come from? Back to Crone's quote.. if all of us did have everything, than wouldn't it all mean nothing in the end?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Quote #26, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #25....
"Your dream is not big enough if it doesnt scare you."
-Matthias Schmelz-
( no relation to Judge Schmelz from Caddieshack)
This one is simple for me. COMFORT ZONE.
We have to get outside of it to grow.
We have to get outside of it to be the best we can be.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #25....
"Your dream is not big enough if it doesnt scare you."
-Matthias Schmelz-
( no relation to Judge Schmelz from Caddieshack)
This one is simple for me. COMFORT ZONE.
We have to get outside of it to grow.
We have to get outside of it to be the best we can be.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Quote #25, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #25....
"You don' t need to be sick to get better."
Coming off a weekend of 101 degree fever and an upset stomach, this quote stuck right out at me. Hmm. Does it literally mean to take better care of your health? Just because you aren't in the hospital, doesn't mean you are taking good care of your body with proper exercise, food for the body and nutrition for the mind.There's no better reminder of that than 2 days on the couch feeling like crap. Perhaps the body's subtleness of a gentle reminder?
Or, does the quote mean getting better as far as self improvement? You could be physically healthy, yet in dire need of improvment in many other categories. I for one am constantly trying to improve myself in all areas. As my godfather Uncle Fran used to say.. "no sense getting older if your not going to get any wiser".
If I had to guess I think the quote was more for the self improvement, but not 100% sure.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #25....
"You don' t need to be sick to get better."
Coming off a weekend of 101 degree fever and an upset stomach, this quote stuck right out at me. Hmm. Does it literally mean to take better care of your health? Just because you aren't in the hospital, doesn't mean you are taking good care of your body with proper exercise, food for the body and nutrition for the mind.There's no better reminder of that than 2 days on the couch feeling like crap. Perhaps the body's subtleness of a gentle reminder?
Or, does the quote mean getting better as far as self improvement? You could be physically healthy, yet in dire need of improvment in many other categories. I for one am constantly trying to improve myself in all areas. As my godfather Uncle Fran used to say.. "no sense getting older if your not going to get any wiser".
If I had to guess I think the quote was more for the self improvement, but not 100% sure.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Quote #24, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #24....
"The person who is too severe in his criticism of others is usually too lenient with himself."
-Croft Pentz-
The critic. The blamer. The finger pointer. People who are constantly criticising most likely are not perfect. In fact they are probably far from perfect.
Pentz is suggesting that maybe the people who are doing the criticising should take a step back and look at their own actions. Fault finders are specialists at one thing... finding fault. It may serve these people well to work on themselves before trying to fix others.
I submit to you that if every person on this planet was a bit more concerned with self improvement( key word: SELF) rather than telling others what they are doing wrong, you'd see a much different world. A much better world.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #24....
"The person who is too severe in his criticism of others is usually too lenient with himself."
-Croft Pentz-
The critic. The blamer. The finger pointer. People who are constantly criticising most likely are not perfect. In fact they are probably far from perfect.
Pentz is suggesting that maybe the people who are doing the criticising should take a step back and look at their own actions. Fault finders are specialists at one thing... finding fault. It may serve these people well to work on themselves before trying to fix others.
I submit to you that if every person on this planet was a bit more concerned with self improvement( key word: SELF) rather than telling others what they are doing wrong, you'd see a much different world. A much better world.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Quote #23, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #23....
"Sometimes the greatest encouragement one can receive is the discouragement of a nonbeliever."
-Michelle Ustaszeski-
Did you ever have someone tell you, "You can't do that. Are you Crazy?" What was your first response? Did you say to yourself "I'll show him/her?"
Perhaps it is human nature to try to prove people wrong. Who are they to tell you you can't accomplish something? I've found most that are telling you that you can't achieve something are just miserable or jealous that you had the courage to try something. And they didn't.
Here's my 100% , very strong, bottom line on this: If you have passion, perseverence, patience, persistence and a positive attitude, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Get your goals and plans lined up and go for it. Why listen to some 'Negative Nelly', who didnt have the guts to try whatever their dreams were, so they try to poo-poo yours? Ignore the naysayers, and, as Larry the Cable Guy says, "Get Err Dunnn" .
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #23....
"Sometimes the greatest encouragement one can receive is the discouragement of a nonbeliever."
-Michelle Ustaszeski-
Did you ever have someone tell you, "You can't do that. Are you Crazy?" What was your first response? Did you say to yourself "I'll show him/her?"
Perhaps it is human nature to try to prove people wrong. Who are they to tell you you can't accomplish something? I've found most that are telling you that you can't achieve something are just miserable or jealous that you had the courage to try something. And they didn't.
Here's my 100% , very strong, bottom line on this: If you have passion, perseverence, patience, persistence and a positive attitude, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Get your goals and plans lined up and go for it. Why listen to some 'Negative Nelly', who didnt have the guts to try whatever their dreams were, so they try to poo-poo yours? Ignore the naysayers, and, as Larry the Cable Guy says, "Get Err Dunnn" .
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
In Case You Missed(12/12-12/18 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
This week we had lessons from 7 year olds, we had lessons from mothers, we even had lessons from--- Pencils? Also introduced Divine Dee and added a hilarious Role Model question. Lets get at it....
12-12.... An Invaluable Lesson from a Little Boy(great stuff from Kenny Rogers, and a 7 yr old who proclaims to be "The GREATEST". What a fantastic ATTITUDE).
12-15.... How to find your Role Model( this is FUNNY, FUNNY!)
12-16.... Introducing Divine Dee( this woman is BURSTING with Energy, Positiveness, and Love.. a beautiful person to know).
12-17.... The best PENCIL in the world?..a parable..(What can we learn from an outstanding pencil? You may be surprised).
12-18.... Are you a Carrot, Egg, or Coffee Bean?( a good lesson from a mother to her daughter).
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.
This week we had lessons from 7 year olds, we had lessons from mothers, we even had lessons from--- Pencils? Also introduced Divine Dee and added a hilarious Role Model question. Lets get at it....
12-12.... An Invaluable Lesson from a Little Boy(great stuff from Kenny Rogers, and a 7 yr old who proclaims to be "The GREATEST". What a fantastic ATTITUDE).
12-15.... How to find your Role Model( this is FUNNY, FUNNY!)
12-16.... Introducing Divine Dee( this woman is BURSTING with Energy, Positiveness, and Love.. a beautiful person to know).
12-17.... The best PENCIL in the world?..a parable..(What can we learn from an outstanding pencil? You may be surprised).
12-18.... Are you a Carrot, Egg, or Coffee Bean?( a good lesson from a mother to her daughter).
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Quote #22, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #22....
"If you expect nothing, your apt to be surprised. You'll get it."
-Malcolm Forbes-
I love this quote because its an oxymoron.Here you are, expecting absolutely nothing, and what happens.... you get something. The something just happens to be ZERO. ZIPPO. NADA. NOTHIN'. GOOSE EGG.
For those that don t know, I'm a golfer. Last year, I contacted a golf hypnotist. What she told me was that I know that I can shoot par golf.. now, go out and EXPECT to do it. Guess what? Had one of the best golf seasons ever.
When I wake up.. I expect to have a good day. It usually happens. The mind is an amazing thing.... more often than not, what you expect is what you get. Right on Mr Forbes!
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #22....
"If you expect nothing, your apt to be surprised. You'll get it."
-Malcolm Forbes-
I love this quote because its an oxymoron.Here you are, expecting absolutely nothing, and what happens.... you get something. The something just happens to be ZERO. ZIPPO. NADA. NOTHIN'. GOOSE EGG.
For those that don t know, I'm a golfer. Last year, I contacted a golf hypnotist. What she told me was that I know that I can shoot par golf.. now, go out and EXPECT to do it. Guess what? Had one of the best golf seasons ever.
When I wake up.. I expect to have a good day. It usually happens. The mind is an amazing thing.... more often than not, what you expect is what you get. Right on Mr Forbes!
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Quote #21, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #21....
"Don't wait for it to be different. BE the difference."
-Francesca Mihan-
There is an old saying..Some people make things happen. Some watch what happens. Others sit and wonder what just happened. Do you know anyone who is "watching"?
When are we going to do this? Why isn't anything going on here? When are things going to get better? Blah,blah,blah.
How about the people that go to a party and complain that it's boring. Is it possible that they should be looking in the mirrior as they may be the boring ones? Dale Carnegie once said, "to be an interesting person, become interested in others".
Mihan is basically saying, don't wait for others. Do something. Get involved. Make something happen yourself. Be the difference you want to see. If more people took that advice, perhaps there would be much more happening around us?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #21....
"Don't wait for it to be different. BE the difference."
-Francesca Mihan-
There is an old saying..Some people make things happen. Some watch what happens. Others sit and wonder what just happened. Do you know anyone who is "watching"?
When are we going to do this? Why isn't anything going on here? When are things going to get better? Blah,blah,blah.
How about the people that go to a party and complain that it's boring. Is it possible that they should be looking in the mirrior as they may be the boring ones? Dale Carnegie once said, "to be an interesting person, become interested in others".
Mihan is basically saying, don't wait for others. Do something. Get involved. Make something happen yourself. Be the difference you want to see. If more people took that advice, perhaps there would be much more happening around us?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Quote #20, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #20....
"Things are only impossible until they are not."
-Jean Luc Picard-
So much packed in a little 8 word quote. This again, sounds a little obvious. Perhaps a bit Yogi Bera-ish? It appears what Picard is saying here is that we may think something appears impossible, until we get it, do it, or figure it out.
On the surface, many things seem extremely difficult. Impossible?.. NO. In fact, many people just give up long before their full capacities are tested. I would say that there really isn't much that IS impossible, given the proper drive, determination, preparation, skill and time.
When you see what our society has created, its truly amazing. How about the internet for one? Medical advances? Men flying to the moon and back? WOW. So.. next time you are trying to get something done that seems unconquerable, remember that.. things are only impossible until they are not.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #20....
"Things are only impossible until they are not."
-Jean Luc Picard-
So much packed in a little 8 word quote. This again, sounds a little obvious. Perhaps a bit Yogi Bera-ish? It appears what Picard is saying here is that we may think something appears impossible, until we get it, do it, or figure it out.
On the surface, many things seem extremely difficult. Impossible?.. NO. In fact, many people just give up long before their full capacities are tested. I would say that there really isn't much that IS impossible, given the proper drive, determination, preparation, skill and time.
When you see what our society has created, its truly amazing. How about the internet for one? Medical advances? Men flying to the moon and back? WOW. So.. next time you are trying to get something done that seems unconquerable, remember that.. things are only impossible until they are not.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Quote #19, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #19....
"He who never make a mistake, never made a discovery."
-Samuel Smiles-
This reminds me of the armchair quarterback, the Monday morning second guesser, the guy who is yelling from the stands, with all the answers. You have to get in the game and play, to understand whats going on. Things seem easier when observing rather than doing. Experience is the grand teacher of all.
I believe Smiles is saying that to learn, to discover, you have to attempt things, get involved. Anyone in life that has accomplished anything certainly made their share of mistakes.
To "fail" is not to fail. It's a learning experience. Mistakes and failure are usually lumped together. Im my opinion, it's a misplaced lumping. Mistakes and failures, when persisted upon, usually lead to great discoveries.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #19....
"He who never make a mistake, never made a discovery."
-Samuel Smiles-
This reminds me of the armchair quarterback, the Monday morning second guesser, the guy who is yelling from the stands, with all the answers. You have to get in the game and play, to understand whats going on. Things seem easier when observing rather than doing. Experience is the grand teacher of all.
I believe Smiles is saying that to learn, to discover, you have to attempt things, get involved. Anyone in life that has accomplished anything certainly made their share of mistakes.
To "fail" is not to fail. It's a learning experience. Mistakes and failure are usually lumped together. Im my opinion, it's a misplaced lumping. Mistakes and failures, when persisted upon, usually lead to great discoveries.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Quote #18, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #18....
"What is planted in the mind will infallibly be grown into the condition of life. The soil doesn't care whether the seeds are weeds or flowers. It will render what is planted."
-James Allen, author, As a Man Thinketh-
Allen is saying that Life is totally an extention of thought. What you feed your mind will ultimately be coming back out of you. Positive thoughts produce positive results. Negative thoughts return negative conclusions.
How about you...Do you listen to positive messages? What kind of literature are you reading( and FEEDING YOUR NOGGIN)? Is it good-spirited, motivational stuff, or negative junk? What TV and movies do you tend to watch. Here is a very important question.. What kind of people do you surround yourself with? Are they lifting you up or are they a strain and a drain on your brain?
Ever hears the saying "Garbage In, Garbage Out"? Kudos to whomever coined it as it's dead square on. Perhaps Mr Allen's classic "As a Man Thinketh"( published in 1902, millions sold) is worth a read?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #18....
"What is planted in the mind will infallibly be grown into the condition of life. The soil doesn't care whether the seeds are weeds or flowers. It will render what is planted."
-James Allen, author, As a Man Thinketh-
Allen is saying that Life is totally an extention of thought. What you feed your mind will ultimately be coming back out of you. Positive thoughts produce positive results. Negative thoughts return negative conclusions.
How about you...Do you listen to positive messages? What kind of literature are you reading( and FEEDING YOUR NOGGIN)? Is it good-spirited, motivational stuff, or negative junk? What TV and movies do you tend to watch. Here is a very important question.. What kind of people do you surround yourself with? Are they lifting you up or are they a strain and a drain on your brain?
Ever hears the saying "Garbage In, Garbage Out"? Kudos to whomever coined it as it's dead square on. Perhaps Mr Allen's classic "As a Man Thinketh"( published in 1902, millions sold) is worth a read?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
In Case You Missed(12/5-12/11 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
This week was special. We have the STORY OF THE YEAR( an out of this world story of a dog saving another dog, on a busy highway). People in nsales must read "the CREED". Next, we have advice from the best in the world ring leader,and a story about what fun you can have in a party store. Don t miss these...
12-5..... The Sellers CREED( not just for salespeople, yet all sales people will BENEFIT from it).
12-8..... It's Monday, how about some Humor? (Is your man in the DOGHOUSE? Should he be?)
12-9..... The 65 minute VISIT to the Party Store( do you know what you are missing? :)
12-10... Stories like these are... WHY I LOVE MY JOB..( one of THEE Best Stories of the YEAR!)
12-11.... Why its Important to "BE THERE"( mentally.. from the worlds BEST circus ring leader).
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
This week was special. We have the STORY OF THE YEAR( an out of this world story of a dog saving another dog, on a busy highway). People in nsales must read "the CREED". Next, we have advice from the best in the world ring leader,and a story about what fun you can have in a party store. Don t miss these...
12-5..... The Sellers CREED( not just for salespeople, yet all sales people will BENEFIT from it).
12-8..... It's Monday, how about some Humor? (Is your man in the DOGHOUSE? Should he be?)
12-9..... The 65 minute VISIT to the Party Store( do you know what you are missing? :)
12-10... Stories like these are... WHY I LOVE MY JOB..( one of THEE Best Stories of the YEAR!)
12-11.... Why its Important to "BE THERE"( mentally.. from the worlds BEST circus ring leader).
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Quote #17, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #17....
"Never let the perfume of the premium outweigh the stench of the account."
-Chris George,Insurance Guru-
What a truly relevant quote that insurance people as well as many other businesses can relate to. Mr George is basically saying that sometimes its better to just walk away from some accounts. The short term money you make will look temptingly attractive. In the long run, a bad account is a bad account and you will end up wishing you didn't touch the "opportunity" with a 10 foot pole.
Perhaps the old adage may apply here. If a deal looks too good to be true, it may just be... FALSE. There are some deals you just can't possibly be priced high enough to account for the monumental risk.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #17....
"Never let the perfume of the premium outweigh the stench of the account."
-Chris George,Insurance Guru-
What a truly relevant quote that insurance people as well as many other businesses can relate to. Mr George is basically saying that sometimes its better to just walk away from some accounts. The short term money you make will look temptingly attractive. In the long run, a bad account is a bad account and you will end up wishing you didn't touch the "opportunity" with a 10 foot pole.
Perhaps the old adage may apply here. If a deal looks too good to be true, it may just be... FALSE. There are some deals you just can't possibly be priced high enough to account for the monumental risk.
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Quote #16, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #16....
"Your temper is one of your more valuable posessions. Don't lose it."
Aahhh the "Double Meaning" quotes. These are fantastic, because they play with your mind. Which way is the brain supposed to take it?
The first one is a literal meaning that a good temperment is a valuable posession or quality to have.The second points at what happens when we lose our temper. About 20 possible things can occur, and most if not all of them are not good . Time and time again, history shows many a person who wishes they could take back words and/or actions, when they lost control of their temper.
On the contrary, when things get heated, when pressure is added to a situation, it's the cool , level headed person who usually performs best. Perhaps we can learn something from keeping temperment "under wraps"?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #16....
"Your temper is one of your more valuable posessions. Don't lose it."
Aahhh the "Double Meaning" quotes. These are fantastic, because they play with your mind. Which way is the brain supposed to take it?
The first one is a literal meaning that a good temperment is a valuable posession or quality to have.The second points at what happens when we lose our temper. About 20 possible things can occur, and most if not all of them are not good . Time and time again, history shows many a person who wishes they could take back words and/or actions, when they lost control of their temper.
On the contrary, when things get heated, when pressure is added to a situation, it's the cool , level headed person who usually performs best. Perhaps we can learn something from keeping temperment "under wraps"?
Thats my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Quote #15, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #15....
"Nothing happens 'til something happens"
-E.C. Smith-
At first blush,this quote may seem to come from the famous Yogi Berra, yet it proudly comes from my witty father. When he used to say it, the first thing to go across my mind is DUHH, no Kidding. Of course nothing happens until something happens. Yet, the more I heard it the more it toyed with my mind.
This is a quote that can definitely be taken many ways. I now think that what my dad meant was that nothing happens until something happens, then something else will soon happen.
Did he imply we should be preplanning? Was he indicating not letting things go to the last minute, or risk having a big mess on our hands once "something happens"? Is it a case of looking the other way, and hoping something doesn't happen, under the "if it aint broke, don t fix it" theory? Regardless, it is a great quote that has left me pondering for years.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #15....
"Nothing happens 'til something happens"
-E.C. Smith-
At first blush,this quote may seem to come from the famous Yogi Berra, yet it proudly comes from my witty father. When he used to say it, the first thing to go across my mind is DUHH, no Kidding. Of course nothing happens until something happens. Yet, the more I heard it the more it toyed with my mind.
This is a quote that can definitely be taken many ways. I now think that what my dad meant was that nothing happens until something happens, then something else will soon happen.
Did he imply we should be preplanning? Was he indicating not letting things go to the last minute, or risk having a big mess on our hands once "something happens"? Is it a case of looking the other way, and hoping something doesn't happen, under the "if it aint broke, don t fix it" theory? Regardless, it is a great quote that has left me pondering for years.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Quote #14, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #14....
"It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit."
-Noel Coward-
The other day I was at a business function and after a nice conversation with someone, they concluded with, "I'll call you and we'll go do lunch soon". When I got a call from the person following through with their word, I almost dropped the phone in astonishment. WHY?
Sadly, I am so used to hot air and empty statements people say, all to often.On the flip side, in the buisiness world you come to expect people are trying to pull one over on you. I'm trying not to be that way. Im trying not to think that way Unfortunately, these themes continue to recur more than I'd like to admit. How about your world? Your business world?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #14....
"It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit."
-Noel Coward-
The other day I was at a business function and after a nice conversation with someone, they concluded with, "I'll call you and we'll go do lunch soon". When I got a call from the person following through with their word, I almost dropped the phone in astonishment. WHY?
Sadly, I am so used to hot air and empty statements people say, all to often.On the flip side, in the buisiness world you come to expect people are trying to pull one over on you. I'm trying not to be that way. Im trying not to think that way Unfortunately, these themes continue to recur more than I'd like to admit. How about your world? Your business world?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Quote #13, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #13....
"The difference between news and gossip lies in whether you can raise your voice or lower it."
-Franklin Jones-
There is an old saying.. "Be careful of a gossiper. If they will gossip TO you they will gossip ABOUT you." This quote made me think, and the more I read it, the truer it gets.
With NEWS, you can share it with anyone and say it as loud or as quiet as you like. GOSSIP is usually told in secrets and hush hush. The mere fact that it has to be told quietly, makes a loud statement that the discussion likely should not be taking place at all .
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #13....
"The difference between news and gossip lies in whether you can raise your voice or lower it."
-Franklin Jones-
There is an old saying.. "Be careful of a gossiper. If they will gossip TO you they will gossip ABOUT you." This quote made me think, and the more I read it, the truer it gets.
With NEWS, you can share it with anyone and say it as loud or as quiet as you like. GOSSIP is usually told in secrets and hush hush. The mere fact that it has to be told quietly, makes a loud statement that the discussion likely should not be taking place at all .
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Quote #12, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #12....
"You can always find prettier,handsomer,skinnier,wiser,richer,younger,or zippier. But more often than not, one might just.....learn the most,laugh the loudest and smile the widest with those they've already found. Especially when they stop looking elsewhere."
-The Universe (TUT.com)-
We ve all heard the saying, "You dont know what you got 'til its gone". Isn't that how it is?
Why are we always looking for something bigger, better, more beautiful, more special, a bit different? Is there some thing that has conditioned us to wonder if there is always something/someone better than what we already have?
I've found that the happiest people are CONTENT people. They make do what what they have and ENJOY what they have. Just maybe, what we have, is SUPER EXCELLENT?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #12....
"You can always find prettier,handsomer,skinnier,wiser,richer,younger,or zippier. But more often than not, one might just.....learn the most,laugh the loudest and smile the widest with those they've already found. Especially when they stop looking elsewhere."
-The Universe (TUT.com)-
We ve all heard the saying, "You dont know what you got 'til its gone". Isn't that how it is?
Why are we always looking for something bigger, better, more beautiful, more special, a bit different? Is there some thing that has conditioned us to wonder if there is always something/someone better than what we already have?
I've found that the happiest people are CONTENT people. They make do what what they have and ENJOY what they have. Just maybe, what we have, is SUPER EXCELLENT?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Quote #11, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #11....
"Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be.It takes twenty years of hard work to become an overnight success."
-Diana Rankin-
Wait a minute! That doesn't make any sense. 20 years and overnight success don't actually mix together like peanut butter and jelly. I believe Rankin is stating that you need to plan ahead and have some vision of what you want to be, to do, to accomplish. Where you are now, is, what it is.The question is, where are you going? Only you can answer that. Do it in your mind first!
As to Rankin's point of 20 years to be an overnight success? This apparently is a spoof. You can bet that anyone you see successful, be it J Paul Getty, Richard Gere, Michael Jordan, Carrie Underwood, Michael Phelps, etc. etc has worked their tail off like there is no tomorrow to get where they are.
Where are you? Where do you want to go, and what do you want to accomplish?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #11....
"Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be.It takes twenty years of hard work to become an overnight success."
-Diana Rankin-
Wait a minute! That doesn't make any sense. 20 years and overnight success don't actually mix together like peanut butter and jelly. I believe Rankin is stating that you need to plan ahead and have some vision of what you want to be, to do, to accomplish. Where you are now, is, what it is.The question is, where are you going? Only you can answer that. Do it in your mind first!
As to Rankin's point of 20 years to be an overnight success? This apparently is a spoof. You can bet that anyone you see successful, be it J Paul Getty, Richard Gere, Michael Jordan, Carrie Underwood, Michael Phelps, etc. etc has worked their tail off like there is no tomorrow to get where they are.
Where are you? Where do you want to go, and what do you want to accomplish?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
In Case You Missed(11/28-12/4 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
This past week we were busy giving THANKS,we discussed the quality of Listening,we looked into Scams, and....the post of the week: if you have PARENTS, you must read/watch and listen to this. Let us recap.....
11-28.... Everything is Amazing, yet no one is Happy(how spoiled we all are, in the era we are growing up in).
12-1...... A Post Thanksgiving.. all workers read this.
12-2...... The Ability to LISTEN( what an important and talented quality to have).
12-3...... How to know when a website is a SCAM.( important for your holiday shopping).
12-4...... To ANYONE who has PARENTS.. (absolute MUST watch!)
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
This past week we were busy giving THANKS,we discussed the quality of Listening,we looked into Scams, and....the post of the week: if you have PARENTS, you must read/watch and listen to this. Let us recap.....
11-28.... Everything is Amazing, yet no one is Happy(how spoiled we all are, in the era we are growing up in).
12-1...... A Post Thanksgiving.. all workers read this.
12-2...... The Ability to LISTEN( what an important and talented quality to have).
12-3...... How to know when a website is a SCAM.( important for your holiday shopping).
12-4...... To ANYONE who has PARENTS.. (absolute MUST watch!)
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Quote #10, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #10....
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box."
-Italian Proverb-
I cannot wait to see what YOUR interpretion is. What a great proverb that can be taken many different ways.
Here's my take on it. We all get buried in the same way when we die. We can't take anything with us.It's not a game of who can collect the most toys. Regardless whether we are a king or a pauper.. we are all still humans. We all put our clothes on the same way.We all go to the bathroom the same way. Our blood is all the same color. We all look the same in a hospital gown no matter who we are or what our title is. Health and Death, the great equalizers.
Then it leads me to thinking...when I go into my "box", am I heading "North" or "South"? Did I live a good and honorable life? Did I add more and give back more than I took? I sure hope so.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #10....
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box."
-Italian Proverb-
I cannot wait to see what YOUR interpretion is. What a great proverb that can be taken many different ways.
Here's my take on it. We all get buried in the same way when we die. We can't take anything with us.It's not a game of who can collect the most toys. Regardless whether we are a king or a pauper.. we are all still humans. We all put our clothes on the same way.We all go to the bathroom the same way. Our blood is all the same color. We all look the same in a hospital gown no matter who we are or what our title is. Health and Death, the great equalizers.
Then it leads me to thinking...when I go into my "box", am I heading "North" or "South"? Did I live a good and honorable life? Did I add more and give back more than I took? I sure hope so.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Quote #9, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #9....
"I believe in my heart that most young boys would rather steal second base than steal a car."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes-
This morning at Smile-Therapy, I did an article on scams on the internet. Sometimes we wonder about all the crap out there and if we can really trust anyone. In the article I mention that the majority of people are hard working and trying to make an honest buck. With that stated, there are always a few of the proverbial "rotten apples" that end up making us all skeptical of the entire bunch. Sad, but reality.
I believe Holmes is saying that kids are born clean and honest.Playful and innocent. They come out of the womb smiling and trusting and totally reliant on their caretaker.What society does to them as they "age" remains to be seen. Based on his quote, I must assume Holmes, like myself, believes that most of us are good hearted and well intended.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #9....
"I believe in my heart that most young boys would rather steal second base than steal a car."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes-
This morning at Smile-Therapy, I did an article on scams on the internet. Sometimes we wonder about all the crap out there and if we can really trust anyone. In the article I mention that the majority of people are hard working and trying to make an honest buck. With that stated, there are always a few of the proverbial "rotten apples" that end up making us all skeptical of the entire bunch. Sad, but reality.
I believe Holmes is saying that kids are born clean and honest.Playful and innocent. They come out of the womb smiling and trusting and totally reliant on their caretaker.What society does to them as they "age" remains to be seen. Based on his quote, I must assume Holmes, like myself, believes that most of us are good hearted and well intended.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Quote #8, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #8....
"If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
-Ben Franklin-
There are many things you can invest in. There is gold, stocks, real estate, annuities, jewelry, art, antiques to name a few. Hard to say what's the best investment. To each his own. Ben Franklin is saying that by far the best investment you can make is... in yourself. Education. Reading. Self knowledge.
Unargueably, no matter whats going on with world currencies and other ecomonic functions, an investment in your mind can't be taken away and will never depreciate or be lost.
Personally, I am an avid reader. How about you? Do you invest in yourself? Reading, seminars and workshops, night classes, further education? Whatever it is, its sure to pay good, quality consistent dividends.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #8....
"If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
-Ben Franklin-
There are many things you can invest in. There is gold, stocks, real estate, annuities, jewelry, art, antiques to name a few. Hard to say what's the best investment. To each his own. Ben Franklin is saying that by far the best investment you can make is... in yourself. Education. Reading. Self knowledge.
Unargueably, no matter whats going on with world currencies and other ecomonic functions, an investment in your mind can't be taken away and will never depreciate or be lost.
Personally, I am an avid reader. How about you? Do you invest in yourself? Reading, seminars and workshops, night classes, further education? Whatever it is, its sure to pay good, quality consistent dividends.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Quote #7, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #7....
"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there."
-Josh Billings-
Isn't it amazing how many times we start things and give up before "it gets there" ( ie: you get it done). Did you ever think how much we would accomplish in this world if each of us just finished what we started? Maybe we shouldn't have started 89% of the things that we start(and never finish). Perhaps that would be a huge time saver? How much time do we waste initiating things that we never fully intend to finish, or think through what needs to be done in order to finish the task?
In the future , before beginning something, perhaps recall the postage stamp. It's ability to stick to its job through other boxes and letters, through 10-15 different handlings, over miles and miles of terrain, through rain and sunshine. The postage stamp. Sticking to the job, til complete. HMMM.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #7....
"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there."
-Josh Billings-
Isn't it amazing how many times we start things and give up before "it gets there" ( ie: you get it done). Did you ever think how much we would accomplish in this world if each of us just finished what we started? Maybe we shouldn't have started 89% of the things that we start(and never finish). Perhaps that would be a huge time saver? How much time do we waste initiating things that we never fully intend to finish, or think through what needs to be done in order to finish the task?
In the future , before beginning something, perhaps recall the postage stamp. It's ability to stick to its job through other boxes and letters, through 10-15 different handlings, over miles and miles of terrain, through rain and sunshine. The postage stamp. Sticking to the job, til complete. HMMM.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Quote #6, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #6....
"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
-Phyllis Diller-
Ever heard of an oxymoron? Its defined as "a rhetorical device where two seemingly contradictory words are used together for effect". Example: She is just a poor little rich girl.
Phyllis Diller is known for her wacky humor.The underlying tone of her comment is a simple message I believe. When things are tough, or your having problems and issues, sometimes a smile can do a world of good.I have found that indeed sometimes all people need is a friendly face to turn their day around. Witness the infamous yellow Smiley Face icon.. isnt it hard to look at it and not feel a bit better?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #6....
"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
-Phyllis Diller-
Ever heard of an oxymoron? Its defined as "a rhetorical device where two seemingly contradictory words are used together for effect". Example: She is just a poor little rich girl.
Phyllis Diller is known for her wacky humor.The underlying tone of her comment is a simple message I believe. When things are tough, or your having problems and issues, sometimes a smile can do a world of good.I have found that indeed sometimes all people need is a friendly face to turn their day around. Witness the infamous yellow Smiley Face icon.. isnt it hard to look at it and not feel a bit better?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
In Case You Missed(11/24-11/27 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
Nice time of year with Thanksgiving. Best email was the Wednesday before thanksgiving email. Check it out. Here we go...
11-24.... Is Someone WATCHING over you?(Guardian angels, amazing 9/11 survivor stories).
11-24.... (Bonus) Absolutely FREE MONEY HERE ( heard of EBATES?). This is a MUST READ!
11-25.... Need your input/experiences on REFurbished products.
11-26....Best Way I Know to Celebrate Thanksgiving( some excellent appreciation quotes).
11-27.... No email. Happy Thanksgiving.
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
Nice time of year with Thanksgiving. Best email was the Wednesday before thanksgiving email. Check it out. Here we go...
11-24.... Is Someone WATCHING over you?(Guardian angels, amazing 9/11 survivor stories).
11-24.... (Bonus) Absolutely FREE MONEY HERE ( heard of EBATES?). This is a MUST READ!
11-25.... Need your input/experiences on REFurbished products.
11-26....Best Way I Know to Celebrate Thanksgiving( some excellent appreciation quotes).
11-27.... No email. Happy Thanksgiving.
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Quote #5, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #5....
"Recipe for a happy life: loads of laughter,heaps of humor, and a general sprinkling of smiles. Excellent for two-somes or large gatherings."
-Gerry Hopman-
There is some crazy stat out there that kids smile about 200 times a day where adults about 16. What happened? Where did all the fun go? Why did we all get so serious? Since when does grown up mean unable to act silly, be funny, and have a good time?
I love how Hopman also basically says laughter, humor, and smiles are good for EVERYONE. One of my favorite sayings is "Don't take life so seriously, your not going to get out of it alive anyway!"
If you havent noticed , this is one of the main reasons I've started Smile Therapy( my life motto, printed somewhere on my website is this..Work Hard, Have Fun, Help Others, Make People Smile).
Here is some irony for you... I suggest we all take Mr Hopman's quote a bit more "serious", and add some more FUN in our lives :):)
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #5....
"Recipe for a happy life: loads of laughter,heaps of humor, and a general sprinkling of smiles. Excellent for two-somes or large gatherings."
-Gerry Hopman-
There is some crazy stat out there that kids smile about 200 times a day where adults about 16. What happened? Where did all the fun go? Why did we all get so serious? Since when does grown up mean unable to act silly, be funny, and have a good time?
I love how Hopman also basically says laughter, humor, and smiles are good for EVERYONE. One of my favorite sayings is "Don't take life so seriously, your not going to get out of it alive anyway!"
If you havent noticed , this is one of the main reasons I've started Smile Therapy( my life motto, printed somewhere on my website is this..Work Hard, Have Fun, Help Others, Make People Smile).
Here is some irony for you... I suggest we all take Mr Hopman's quote a bit more "serious", and add some more FUN in our lives :):)
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Quote #4, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #4....
"I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet."
- Denis Waitley-
Did you ever notice that however bad you think you have it, there are always others who have it much worse. Life has a strange way of kicking you in the pants when you need it. A "life adjuster". Just when you think you've figured something out.... BAM, a curve ball.
Such is life, no matter how good you are at something , there are better. No matter how bad you are there are people far worse off.
Anytime I'm having a tough time with "whatever", I try to keep things in perspective. A tip I've found to help when I'm really down.. find someone else who is also down, in trouble, perhaps worse off then myself.. reach down and pick them up. It provides a double winner. It helps them and it helps get the focus of my "not so terrible " problems.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #4....
"I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet."
- Denis Waitley-
Did you ever notice that however bad you think you have it, there are always others who have it much worse. Life has a strange way of kicking you in the pants when you need it. A "life adjuster". Just when you think you've figured something out.... BAM, a curve ball.
Such is life, no matter how good you are at something , there are better. No matter how bad you are there are people far worse off.
Anytime I'm having a tough time with "whatever", I try to keep things in perspective. A tip I've found to help when I'm really down.. find someone else who is also down, in trouble, perhaps worse off then myself.. reach down and pick them up. It provides a double winner. It helps them and it helps get the focus of my "not so terrible " problems.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Quote #3, My Thoughts and YOUR Thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #3....
"Be verbal in acknowledging your appreciation."
- Catherine Pulsifer-
In this week of Thanksgiving... let us give thanks. How? By appreciating someone. How do we do that? By TELLING them so. Mental telepathy does not count.
I wish I had a quarter for the amount of times I've heard someone say.. oh, she knows I think shes doing a good job, or, he knows I care about him.
This one familiar to anyone? My kids KNOW I'm proud of them. My father just in the past few years is "getting it". He's starting to verbalize his feelings and his appreciation. It Matters.
Here is a tip: Don't tell the mailman or the dry cleaner or the cashier that someone is doing great and you appreciate their work. TELL THE PERSON DIRECTLY, so they know. You might just make their day?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #3....
"Be verbal in acknowledging your appreciation."
- Catherine Pulsifer-
In this week of Thanksgiving... let us give thanks. How? By appreciating someone. How do we do that? By TELLING them so. Mental telepathy does not count.
I wish I had a quarter for the amount of times I've heard someone say.. oh, she knows I think shes doing a good job, or, he knows I care about him.
This one familiar to anyone? My kids KNOW I'm proud of them. My father just in the past few years is "getting it". He's starting to verbalize his feelings and his appreciation. It Matters.
Here is a tip: Don't tell the mailman or the dry cleaner or the cashier that someone is doing great and you appreciate their work. TELL THE PERSON DIRECTLY, so they know. You might just make their day?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Quote #2, My Thoughts, and YOUR Thoughts
I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Here goes blog quote #2....
"An infallable way to make your child miserable is to satisfy all his demands."
- Lord Kames-
The word that immediately came to my mind was SPOILED! How many bratty kids have you seen running around always getting what they want and are still very difficult to deal with?
Ever watch the classic movie, Willy Wonka? Remember Veruka? Daddy, I want this and I want it NOOWWW . She epidimises what this quote is all about. Give children( actually adults too) what they want, all the time, with out any regard for anything, and your asking for trouble.
Final point, I love the word DEMAND at the end of the quote. Isn't that really what kids are doing.. demanding? Who holds the purse strings anyway?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Here goes blog quote #2....
"An infallable way to make your child miserable is to satisfy all his demands."
- Lord Kames-
The word that immediately came to my mind was SPOILED! How many bratty kids have you seen running around always getting what they want and are still very difficult to deal with?
Ever watch the classic movie, Willy Wonka? Remember Veruka? Daddy, I want this and I want it NOOWWW . She epidimises what this quote is all about. Give children( actually adults too) what they want, all the time, with out any regard for anything, and your asking for trouble.
Final point, I love the word DEMAND at the end of the quote. Isn't that really what kids are doing.. demanding? Who holds the purse strings anyway?
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Great Quote, my thoughts, and YOUR thoughts?
I love Quotes.
I love them because they make me think.
What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/ the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Thats the basis of this blog. Here goes......
"Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want."
- Geoffery Abert-
I believe the message here is you are very prosperous and fortunate if you can enjoy and appreciate what you have, regardless of how much or little the quantity. There are many who have a ton, yet remain unsatisfied, desireous of more, and miserable. They don't GET IT. On the flip side there are people who have little, yet are always bright, cheery, and showing gratitude for what HAS come their way.
As Abert's message says..... its the ones that embrace what they have that are content. Perhaps he is gently reminding us all of that little fact and giving us a small yet invaluable secret towards a more enjoyable life.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
I love them because they make me think.
What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/ the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?
Thats the basis of this blog. Here goes......
"Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want."
- Geoffery Abert-
I believe the message here is you are very prosperous and fortunate if you can enjoy and appreciate what you have, regardless of how much or little the quantity. There are many who have a ton, yet remain unsatisfied, desireous of more, and miserable. They don't GET IT. On the flip side there are people who have little, yet are always bright, cheery, and showing gratitude for what HAS come their way.
As Abert's message says..... its the ones that embrace what they have that are content. Perhaps he is gently reminding us all of that little fact and giving us a small yet invaluable secret towards a more enjoyable life.
Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
In Case You Missed(11/14-11/20 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
All over the board info this past week. A hilarious spoof video,thoughts on what you leave behind when passing on,excellent video bringing the world together,a fun "Family Fued" type quiz, updates on what else S-T has to offer, and some good info on Gift cards. Lets have at it........
11-14.... Hilarious Friday Video(72 changes made when people stick their nose in a project that they should leave to the experts).
11-17.... What legacy will you leave?(when you go, what will they say about YOU?).
11-18.... Tuesday Jumpstarter( Stand By Me Video. sung by musicians ALL over the world.. Brings people TOGETHER).
11-19.... What is the TOP ANSWER? ( a "family feud" type quiz.. loads of fun).
11-20.... Smile-Therapy has THAT Too?( 3 other must check outs as a S-T subscriber. Can you say VALUE ADDED?).
11-20 (bonus).... Wise to use up your Gift Cards NOW?? (important info on some Store Closings. Use it or lose it??).
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
All over the board info this past week. A hilarious spoof video,thoughts on what you leave behind when passing on,excellent video bringing the world together,a fun "Family Fued" type quiz, updates on what else S-T has to offer, and some good info on Gift cards. Lets have at it........
11-14.... Hilarious Friday Video(72 changes made when people stick their nose in a project that they should leave to the experts).
11-17.... What legacy will you leave?(when you go, what will they say about YOU?).
11-18.... Tuesday Jumpstarter( Stand By Me Video. sung by musicians ALL over the world.. Brings people TOGETHER).
11-19.... What is the TOP ANSWER? ( a "family feud" type quiz.. loads of fun).
11-20.... Smile-Therapy has THAT Too?( 3 other must check outs as a S-T subscriber. Can you say VALUE ADDED?).
11-20 (bonus).... Wise to use up your Gift Cards NOW?? (important info on some Store Closings. Use it or lose it??).
Full articles are availavble at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers
Thursday, November 13, 2008
In Case You Missed(11/6-11/13 Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive Emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
Good stuff this week. From finding NICE employees, to a wonderful dog / sick owner story, to some funny bumper stickers. Some classic quotes, a "golden rule" LESSON, and valuable info on Computer Viruses. Here goes..........
11-13....Important Note Regarding Computer Viruses( Real or fake?).
11-12.... Classic "Do Unto Others" Lesson.. The Found Bracelet( Could you have made this mistake? Be sure to read this one).
11-11.... 5 Superb Time Mgt. quotes from Jim Rohn( and my 3 cents added).
11-10.... Monday AM Tickler( Hilarious signs and stickers out there).
11-7 .... Wish I had 100 of these "LUCKY" Stories( Read about a cancer ridden owner and her wonderful dog, Lucky.. truly heartwarming).
11-6 .... How much does it COST.. To Be NICE?(people will pay extra for "nice", as its so RARE these days).
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to Subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers
Good stuff this week. From finding NICE employees, to a wonderful dog / sick owner story, to some funny bumper stickers. Some classic quotes, a "golden rule" LESSON, and valuable info on Computer Viruses. Here goes..........
11-13....Important Note Regarding Computer Viruses( Real or fake?).
11-12.... Classic "Do Unto Others" Lesson.. The Found Bracelet( Could you have made this mistake? Be sure to read this one).
11-11.... 5 Superb Time Mgt. quotes from Jim Rohn( and my 3 cents added).
11-10.... Monday AM Tickler( Hilarious signs and stickers out there).
11-7 .... Wish I had 100 of these "LUCKY" Stories( Read about a cancer ridden owner and her wonderful dog, Lucky.. truly heartwarming).
11-6 .... How much does it COST.. To Be NICE?(people will pay extra for "nice", as its so RARE these days).
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to Subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers
Thursday, November 6, 2008
In Case You Missed( this past weeks Posts on Smile-Therapy)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive Emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.
We had everything from Girl Scouts Sales Champs, to Delicious Organic Beef, to Wisdom for Teens, to Checklists, and finally a starfish and a little girl. Have a Look......
11-5.... "How am I Doing" Checklist? ( good check up on self).
11/4.... 7 Pieces of WISDOM to Share with Youth. (Parents raved about this one!!)
11/3.... Mouth Watering Beef( if you ve never taster ORGANIC Beef... it is a MUST. You have no idea what taste you are depriving yourself of).
10/31....Girl ScoutSells 42,000 Cookies ( H O W ?? Great Story for all, including Salespeople).
10/30....The Power of 1 Person's Act ( don't underestimate the difference You, and only You can make).
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to Subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers
We had everything from Girl Scouts Sales Champs, to Delicious Organic Beef, to Wisdom for Teens, to Checklists, and finally a starfish and a little girl. Have a Look......
11-5.... "How am I Doing" Checklist? ( good check up on self).
11/4.... 7 Pieces of WISDOM to Share with Youth. (Parents raved about this one!!)
11/3.... Mouth Watering Beef( if you ve never taster ORGANIC Beef... it is a MUST. You have no idea what taste you are depriving yourself of).
10/31....Girl ScoutSells 42,000 Cookies ( H O W ?? Great Story for all, including Salespeople).
10/30....The Power of 1 Person's Act ( don't underestimate the difference You, and only You can make).
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to Subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers
See if you are On The MONEY today
Once in a while The Think Tank will make sure your "on your game".
Thus we present small brain teaser this day for you to test tha 'ol NOGGIN.
Joey decided to "cash in" on his sisters piggy bank. He gets a total of $8.20. Somehow he manages to take out the exaxct same number of quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies.
Question: How many of each did he take?
What Say You??
Thus we present small brain teaser this day for you to test tha 'ol NOGGIN.
Joey decided to "cash in" on his sisters piggy bank. He gets a total of $8.20. Somehow he manages to take out the exaxct same number of quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies.
Question: How many of each did he take?
What Say You??
Monday, November 3, 2008
How GOOD is this Quote?
This quote just slapped me in the face this morning. I think it ia 1050% Right On!
The great at Jim Rohn commented on people complaining.....
"If you spend five minutes complaining, you've just wasted five minutes."
He further explains..........
"If you continue complaining, it won't be long before they haul you off to a financial desert and leave you to choke on the dust of your own regret."
As I age, I am getting less tolerant of people complaining. We all have our own issues to deal with, our own crosses to bear. Occasionally, its ok to DISCUSS and get a bit of empathy from others. But get it out, get it out quickly and move on. Don't get stuck on complaints.
Thats my view... WHAT SAY YOU??
The great at Jim Rohn commented on people complaining.....
"If you spend five minutes complaining, you've just wasted five minutes."
He further explains..........
"If you continue complaining, it won't be long before they haul you off to a financial desert and leave you to choke on the dust of your own regret."
As I age, I am getting less tolerant of people complaining. We all have our own issues to deal with, our own crosses to bear. Occasionally, its ok to DISCUSS and get a bit of empathy from others. But get it out, get it out quickly and move on. Don't get stuck on complaints.
Thats my view... WHAT SAY YOU??
Friday, October 31, 2008
Newly Added TIPS this week at Smile-Therapy
Its Friday, its Halloween, and its a great day to share some tricks, some treats, and some TIPS.. from Smile-Therapy.com
Here you go:
Just HOW IMPORTANT are we?....( "P" Category)
The RULES of the World...................( Life Lessons)
Great article on INFIDELITY( will surprise you , in a good way.................( Relationships)
Have you heard of SUMMARIES.com?..........(Cool Websites)
How to get FANTASTIC KIDS PICTURES..... ( Family Stuff/ Kids)
To all::: have fun, spread some cheer, make a kids day, and have a bit of adult fun yourself.
Remember, growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.
Here you go:
Just HOW IMPORTANT are we?....( "P" Category)
The RULES of the World...................( Life Lessons)
Great article on INFIDELITY( will surprise you , in a good way.................( Relationships)
Have you heard of SUMMARIES.com?..........(Cool Websites)
How to get FANTASTIC KIDS PICTURES..... ( Family Stuff/ Kids)
To all::: have fun, spread some cheer, make a kids day, and have a bit of adult fun yourself.
Remember, growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
In Case You Missed(10/24-10/30 S-T Topics)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Smile-Therapy Daily Positive Emails:
10/30...The POWER of just 1 Person's Acts (moving video and a fantastic Margaret Mead quote)
10/29... 5 Consumer Updates to be aware of (dangerous halloween candy, Nutro pet food, and a Tax Refund Finder to name a few).
10/28... Hard Times are Coming....or are THEY? (valuable lesson to learn here).
10/27... Please share with Appropriate People( beautiful for Handicapped Children).
10/24...3 Great sites(attn:: Recipe lovers, Car owners, Giggle seekers).
Reminder: Full articles are available at http://www.smile-therapy.com/ to subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers
10/30...The POWER of just 1 Person's Acts (moving video and a fantastic Margaret Mead quote)
10/29... 5 Consumer Updates to be aware of (dangerous halloween candy, Nutro pet food, and a Tax Refund Finder to name a few).
10/28... Hard Times are Coming....or are THEY? (valuable lesson to learn here).
10/27... Please share with Appropriate People( beautiful for Handicapped Children).
10/24...3 Great sites(attn:: Recipe lovers, Car owners, Giggle seekers).
Reminder: Full articles are available at http://www.smile-therapy.com/ to subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
$25 For $2 ? SUPERB DEAL on the 'net
I am all for deals, steals and bargain hunting. Occasionally, there comes along a deal that I have to tell EVERYONE about.
Would you buy a restaurant gift certificate for $2 that has a value of $25? This is not a trick question.
Even better question: Do you have any business associates that you'd like to get them a great gift, and a small cost to yourself?
Heres what to do
1.) Go to www.Restaurant.com
2.) Look up the city where you want to find the available restaurants that participate.
3.) On surface,$25 Gift certs are going for $10. $10 dollar gift certs are going for $3 . pretty good deal. But Wait... THERE'S MORE..........
4.) Be sure to use the coupon code "TREATS". This will give you an additional 80% off. Yes, that's correct. 80 PERCENT OFF.
Be sure to read the conditions of the restaurant. Nothing major, but may be a minimum order, or only useful on a weekday night. At these prices, who cares?
I will mention that the restaurants are all types of cuisines, and there are inexpensive diners as well as pricey trattoria's.
Now thats what I call a TASTY deal!
Would you buy a restaurant gift certificate for $2 that has a value of $25? This is not a trick question.
Even better question: Do you have any business associates that you'd like to get them a great gift, and a small cost to yourself?
Heres what to do
1.) Go to www.Restaurant.com
2.) Look up the city where you want to find the available restaurants that participate.
3.) On surface,$25 Gift certs are going for $10. $10 dollar gift certs are going for $3 . pretty good deal. But Wait... THERE'S MORE..........
4.) Be sure to use the coupon code "TREATS". This will give you an additional 80% off. Yes, that's correct. 80 PERCENT OFF.
Be sure to read the conditions of the restaurant. Nothing major, but may be a minimum order, or only useful on a weekday night. At these prices, who cares?
I will mention that the restaurants are all types of cuisines, and there are inexpensive diners as well as pricey trattoria's.
Now thats what I call a TASTY deal!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Expecting 100% Readership of This ( IMPT)
I ask you to read this link with an open mind and share your thoughts.
Could this be true?
What if it is true?
Click below for the link.
I also ask that you DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK to get what you determine is the truth (there are plenty of places on the internet to find truth).
>> Ask questions.
>> Dig.
>> Do your own research.
That’s what I’m doing; and I’m not “telling you/influencing you” with my final decisions.
>> Just EDUCATE YOURSELF, and draw your own conclusions.
You can find for yourself the real truth, rather than what someone with an agenda wants to “feed you”.
>> Then share with others what you find, and ask them to do the same.
Last I knew, no one likes to be duped, tricked, or conned.
One final thought, I ask you:
Is an uneducated vote worse than no vote at all??
Thank you for your time and your open mind.
T.A Smith,
Proud citizen of the United States of America.
Could this be true?
What if it is true?
Click below for the link.

>> Ask questions.
>> Dig.
>> Do your own research.
That’s what I’m doing; and I’m not “telling you/influencing you” with my final decisions.
>> Just EDUCATE YOURSELF, and draw your own conclusions.
You can find for yourself the real truth, rather than what someone with an agenda wants to “feed you”.
>> Then share with others what you find, and ask them to do the same.
Last I knew, no one likes to be duped, tricked, or conned.
One final thought, I ask you:
Is an uneducated vote worse than no vote at all??
Thank you for your time and your open mind.
T.A Smith,
Proud citizen of the United States of America.
Friday, October 24, 2008
This Weeks New Tips at Smile-Therapy
Another fun filled week with people sharing all sorts of ideas and tipsin various categories. As always, we invite you to share anything that floats your boat or revs your engines. Share at http://www.smile-therapy.com/share-ideas/
New tips added This Week at Smile-Therapy::
Second Best, a Darn Good Spot to Be...........................................( Business, Sales)
Great idea, in LIEU of Wedding Favors.......................................( Womens Interests)
Are You a BLAME BUSTER?.........................................................(Pers. Improv.)
Challanges with PMS/ Menstrual Discomfort.We have help.... ( Health)
Golf tip. More Birdies on Short Par 5's ..........................................(Hobbies/Sports)
30 second joke #8(a shot of humor to catch you off guard...............( Fun)
Its another Friday, my 2236th Friday here on earth. Here's to enjoying it.
New tips added This Week at Smile-Therapy::
Second Best, a Darn Good Spot to Be...........................................( Business, Sales)
Great idea, in LIEU of Wedding Favors.......................................( Womens Interests)
Are You a BLAME BUSTER?.........................................................(Pers. Improv.)
Challanges with PMS/ Menstrual Discomfort.We have help.... ( Health)
Golf tip. More Birdies on Short Par 5's ..........................................(Hobbies/Sports)
30 second joke #8(a shot of humor to catch you off guard...............( Fun)
Its another Friday, my 2236th Friday here on earth. Here's to enjoying it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
In Case You Missed....(past weeks S-T TOPICS)
The following is a briefing of this past weeks Smile-Therapy Daily Positive Emails.
10/23.... 1 Tip to Improve Relationships GREATLY
10/22.... 89 Years ago, Women couldnt do this_______( women this is a MUST READ).
10/21.... Your Business Slumping?..Read this and watch your sales go BONKERS.
10/20.... Should we Be BULLISH on America ?( addresses confidence, investing, opportunuity).
10/17.... Are you STUCK? How to actually "Get Started" doing what you need to do.
Full articles are available at http://www.smiletherapy.com/ to Subscribers and 30 Free trial-ers
10/23.... 1 Tip to Improve Relationships GREATLY
10/22.... 89 Years ago, Women couldnt do this_______( women this is a MUST READ).
10/21.... Your Business Slumping?..Read this and watch your sales go BONKERS.
10/20.... Should we Be BULLISH on America ?( addresses confidence, investing, opportunuity).
10/17.... Are you STUCK? How to actually "Get Started" doing what you need to do.
Full articles are available at http://www.smiletherapy.com/ to Subscribers and 30 Free trial-ers
Monday, October 20, 2008
QUOTES with Double or Triple meanings?
I always get a kick out of reading quotes that can be interpreted in several different ways. One of the fascinating things about the human being is how 4 people could look at the exact same thing and see 4 different scenerios.
At the S-T Think Tank, I will periodically find a quote that is both interesting AND has the versatility of being interpreted different from several people.
Without further adieu... here's one for the noggin:
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." -Woodrow Wilson-
I read that as; always carry treats with you. Kidding.I read it as dogs are incredibly loving creatures, yet have a sixth, seventh and even eighth sense at times. A dog that turns you away must sense a good reason not to come to you.
Thats my view.
WHAT SAY YOU on the interpretation of the quote?
At the S-T Think Tank, I will periodically find a quote that is both interesting AND has the versatility of being interpreted different from several people.
Without further adieu... here's one for the noggin:
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." -Woodrow Wilson-
I read that as; always carry treats with you. Kidding.I read it as dogs are incredibly loving creatures, yet have a sixth, seventh and even eighth sense at times. A dog that turns you away must sense a good reason not to come to you.
Thats my view.
WHAT SAY YOU on the interpretation of the quote?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Why Worry??
Here is a sign I saw in some store that made some sense. Comical, yet made me think.
Why Worry
There are only two things to worry about:
Either you are well or you are sick.
If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about;
But if you are sick, there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you will get well, or whether you will die.
If you get well, there is nothing to worry about;
But if you die, there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you will go to heaven or hell.
If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about;
And if you go to hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with old friends,you won't have time to worry.
So stop WORRYING and enjoy life!
Why Worry
There are only two things to worry about:
Either you are well or you are sick.
If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about;
But if you are sick, there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you will get well, or whether you will die.
If you get well, there is nothing to worry about;
But if you die, there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you will go to heaven or hell.
If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about;
And if you go to hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with old friends,you won't have time to worry.
So stop WORRYING and enjoy life!
Does Friendly Service at Fast Food joints REALLY MATTER?
The question is: Do you think that friendly service at fast food places matter to getting your business?
The other day I stopped at a local Subway. Upon entering, I was greeted with a "welcome to Subway" from a smiling employee behind the counter. She promptly came up to me to immediately take my order.
A bit of friendly small talk and my sandwich was made. This employee clearly had a warm,positive attitude as she cashed me out and said "have a pleasant day."
Sounds simple, yet, how many times are these simple basics missing from a consumer transaction? Needless to say, I'll be back there again, to spend my 5 bucks.
I say QUICK, FRIENDLY, APPRECIATIVE customer service does matter in winning my business.
That's my view. WHAT SAY YOU?
The other day I stopped at a local Subway. Upon entering, I was greeted with a "welcome to Subway" from a smiling employee behind the counter. She promptly came up to me to immediately take my order.
A bit of friendly small talk and my sandwich was made. This employee clearly had a warm,positive attitude as she cashed me out and said "have a pleasant day."
Sounds simple, yet, how many times are these simple basics missing from a consumer transaction? Needless to say, I'll be back there again, to spend my 5 bucks.
I say QUICK, FRIENDLY, APPRECIATIVE customer service does matter in winning my business.
That's my view. WHAT SAY YOU?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Its Friday and Time for some NEW TIPS
Another busy week at the tip center of Smile-Therapy.com.Some of the categories that were getting fresh material included Home/Home improvement, Cool websites,Parenting/ Kids, Health, and Personal Improvement.
As always , anything that you are FIRED UP about, do feel free to share. Thats's how we all learn, improve and become aware of GREAT STUFF. Go to http://www.smile-therapy.com/share-ideas
Onward to the tips:
Car Mats Cleaned QUICKLY..............................(H/H Improvenment)
For an IMMEDIATE Energy Boost.........................(Health)
Fabulous 'Net resource for Parents of young kids......(Parenting/Kids)
How to Get People to DO WHAT they SAY.................(Personal Improvement)
Have you heard of SKY GUY? What a site for kids......(Cool websites)
As always,enjoy your weekend. Do something nice for someone else. Both will benefit :)
As always , anything that you are FIRED UP about, do feel free to share. Thats's how we all learn, improve and become aware of GREAT STUFF. Go to http://www.smile-therapy.com/share-ideas
Onward to the tips:
Car Mats Cleaned QUICKLY..............................(H/H Improvenment)
For an IMMEDIATE Energy Boost.........................(Health)
Fabulous 'Net resource for Parents of young kids......(Parenting/Kids)
How to Get People to DO WHAT they SAY.................(Personal Improvement)
Have you heard of SKY GUY? What a site for kids......(Cool websites)
As always,enjoy your weekend. Do something nice for someone else. Both will benefit :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
BIG Day for Smile-Therapy
After about 5 weeks of tweaking and twisting,adding and deleting, we have a new front page to Smile-Therapy(S-T). The new look includes a BLUNT description of...
What IS S-T?
What are the BENEFITS of S-T?
What is the cost?
Also added were some COUPONS on the upper left. Additionally, you'll find a few KINDERGARDEN pictures of yours truly(guaranteed to get a GRIN out of the ladies). Click on: who's behind the Wizard of Zz curtain of "Mr. Smile-Therapy".
Finally, "A Dogs Letter to God" is hilarious for pet owners/lovers, and the Average Cost To Raise A Child at $160,000" will be a favorite of any parent.
Don't forget.. Add a tip or two to the Library of Wisdom. We all benefit from each others collective wisdom!
Heres the site:
Make it an enjoyable Tuesday
What IS S-T?
What are the BENEFITS of S-T?
What is the cost?
Also added were some COUPONS on the upper left. Additionally, you'll find a few KINDERGARDEN pictures of yours truly(guaranteed to get a GRIN out of the ladies). Click on: who's behind the Wizard of Zz curtain of "Mr. Smile-Therapy".
Finally, "A Dogs Letter to God" is hilarious for pet owners/lovers, and the Average Cost To Raise A Child at $160,000" will be a favorite of any parent.
Don't forget.. Add a tip or two to the Library of Wisdom. We all benefit from each others collective wisdom!
Heres the site:
Make it an enjoyable Tuesday
Monday, October 13, 2008
A FUN post for Columbus Day
If it wasn't for a gentleman named Christopher Columbus,discovering America some 500+ years back,perhaps I would'nt even be able to write this silly blog today. Thanks to CC :)
Here we've stumbled across some creative signs posted out there in the Working World.
In a podiatrists office: "Time wounds all heels."
On a maternity room door: "Push,push,push."
On an electricians truck: "Let us remove your shorts."
Outside a muffler shop: "No appointment necessary. We hear you coming."
At an electric company: We'd be delighted if you send in your payment. However,if you don't,you will be."
At a propane fillign station: "Thank heaven for little grills."
Back of a septic truck: "Caution,this truck is full of political promises."
Finally at a tire shop: Be sure to invite us to your next blowout."
Have you seen any funny and creative signs?
Please, Do SHARE..........
Here we've stumbled across some creative signs posted out there in the Working World.
In a podiatrists office: "Time wounds all heels."
On a maternity room door: "Push,push,push."
On an electricians truck: "Let us remove your shorts."
Outside a muffler shop: "No appointment necessary. We hear you coming."
At an electric company: We'd be delighted if you send in your payment. However,if you don't,you will be."
At a propane fillign station: "Thank heaven for little grills."
Back of a septic truck: "Caution,this truck is full of political promises."
Finally at a tire shop: Be sure to invite us to your next blowout."
Have you seen any funny and creative signs?
Please, Do SHARE..........
Friday, October 10, 2008
Week of 10-10-08 Newly Added Tips at Smile-Therapy
We had a big week of new and exciting tips at Smile-Therapy. As always,if you have anything you want to SHARE,anything that WORKS FOR YOU,anything that you just want to RAVE ABOUT,share away at http://www.smile-therapy.com/share-ideas
Here's a few of the Newly added TIPS this week at Smile-Therapy:
Cut your CAFFINE consumption in HALF?..........(Health section)
How to get 8 MEALS out of a $5 purchase........(Food)
Good way to get rid of Bad Car ODORS...........(Home/Home Improv.)
DISNEY Travelers, a MUST restaurant to visit...(Entertainment)
How OLD will you Live To Be?....................(Fun/Games)
3 day weekend. Go hard. Have a Blast. Why not? Life's short!
Here's a few of the Newly added TIPS this week at Smile-Therapy:
Cut your CAFFINE consumption in HALF?..........(Health section)
How to get 8 MEALS out of a $5 purchase........(Food)
Good way to get rid of Bad Car ODORS...........(Home/Home Improv.)
DISNEY Travelers, a MUST restaurant to visit...(Entertainment)
How OLD will you Live To Be?....................(Fun/Games)
3 day weekend. Go hard. Have a Blast. Why not? Life's short!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A Refreshing Business Lunch
I had lunch with a business colleague and former high school classmate yesterday. She was one of those that I knew, but not in depth.
Over the past few years, I've had about 15-20 business dealings with her. Interestingly, the more I find out about her and her character, the more impressive she becomes.I like those rare finds.
A few things I've discovered is that she's a single mom with good core values installed into her kids. Always have to respect that. Hard, hard worker of 50-60 hours a week. Loyal employee with a very pleasant attitude. Professional as they come; one that doesnt speak ill or gossip of others(this trait in itself,hard to find).Finally, she is a woman of her word. The type that returns all calls, and emails, and if she tells you something, you can bank on it happening.
In sum, she's a stand up gal. I found both the lunch, and her to be very REFRESHING.
What about you? Do you come across many stand up people in your business world/regular world, or is it a RARE find?
What say YOU?
Over the past few years, I've had about 15-20 business dealings with her. Interestingly, the more I find out about her and her character, the more impressive she becomes.I like those rare finds.
A few things I've discovered is that she's a single mom with good core values installed into her kids. Always have to respect that. Hard, hard worker of 50-60 hours a week. Loyal employee with a very pleasant attitude. Professional as they come; one that doesnt speak ill or gossip of others(this trait in itself,hard to find).Finally, she is a woman of her word. The type that returns all calls, and emails, and if she tells you something, you can bank on it happening.
In sum, she's a stand up gal. I found both the lunch, and her to be very REFRESHING.
What about you? Do you come across many stand up people in your business world/regular world, or is it a RARE find?
What say YOU?
Monday, October 6, 2008
6 New Ways To Say HELLO
Did you ever notice the way we greet one another? It seems to me the better the questions we ask, the better the information we' ll get in return. Personally, I've realized that I want to make an effort to say hello in new ways. This will in turn generate better information, more interesting responses, and ultimately, better conversations.
What are some examples of the ways we commonly say hello?
How are you? ( common responses..... good/ ok/ not bad).
Hey, whats up? ( not much/ nothing).
Whats going on? ( aah, not much/ just chilling).
What you been up to?(nothing/not much).
Hows work/school? ( ok/ not bad).
How about these:
John, whats the most exciting thing to happen to YOU this week?
Joe, whats new this week in YOUR world?
Jill, how about giving me a 2 minute update in JILLWORLD?
Jerry, whats interesting in your life these days?
Jake, whats the MOST FUN thing that happened to you in the past week? Any vacations planned?
Jim, on a 1-10 scale, who are things in your life?
Those are just a few. It's actually amazing that aboutl 912 things happen in a day, and I just cannot remember them. When someone says whats up, the brain just goes to the auto responder .. not much. Actually I've borrowed a line from my brother in law and now answer the whats up question with EVERYTHING.
Do you have any creative greetings to open up the conversation doors?
Thats my view...... what say YOU?
What are some examples of the ways we commonly say hello?
How are you? ( common responses..... good/ ok/ not bad).
Hey, whats up? ( not much/ nothing).
Whats going on? ( aah, not much/ just chilling).
What you been up to?(nothing/not much).
Hows work/school? ( ok/ not bad).
How about these:
John, whats the most exciting thing to happen to YOU this week?
Joe, whats new this week in YOUR world?
Jill, how about giving me a 2 minute update in JILLWORLD?
Jerry, whats interesting in your life these days?
Jake, whats the MOST FUN thing that happened to you in the past week? Any vacations planned?
Jim, on a 1-10 scale, who are things in your life?
Those are just a few. It's actually amazing that aboutl 912 things happen in a day, and I just cannot remember them. When someone says whats up, the brain just goes to the auto responder .. not much. Actually I've borrowed a line from my brother in law and now answer the whats up question with EVERYTHING.
Do you have any creative greetings to open up the conversation doors?
Thats my view...... what say YOU?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Newly added TIPS this week at Smile-Therapy
Each week,I will attempt to share with you some of the new tips that roll in at my website.... Smile-Therapy.com. I encourage anyone to SHARE anything they feel may be of value to others. Could be a tip, a cool idea, a tasty recipe, a must do when visiting a certain destination, a book that you feel everyone should read and why, etc etc. If it works, its cool, it saves time or money, or just EXCITES YOU IN GENERAL.............share away!
The Smile Therapy "Library of Wisdom" has 20 different categories to share a tip( from pets, to financial issues, to womans interests , to cool websites, to entertainment). to share a tip go to http://www.smile-therapy.com/share-ideas
Newly added TIPS this week at Smile-Therapy:
How to WEAN Babies off their PACIFIER?.......................................... ( Parenting/Kids)
Another Las Vegas Tip worth a look....................................................... (Entertainment)
Great Site For PRICE COMPARISONS and consumer comments.... (Woman's Interests/Shop.
SPEEDERS...where are the speed traps?.............................................. ( Wow,Cool Ideas)
This weeks Music MOJO..Green Flower St/Steely Dan.......................(Entertainment)
The under 30 Second Joke #6 (clean ,quick, giggly)............................ (Fun,Jokes)
Enjoy your weekend, its the only October 3rd ,2008 weekend YOU'LL EVER GET!
The Smile Therapy "Library of Wisdom" has 20 different categories to share a tip( from pets, to financial issues, to womans interests , to cool websites, to entertainment). to share a tip go to http://www.smile-therapy.com/share-ideas
Newly added TIPS this week at Smile-Therapy:
How to WEAN Babies off their PACIFIER?.......................................... ( Parenting/Kids)
Another Las Vegas Tip worth a look....................................................... (Entertainment)
Great Site For PRICE COMPARISONS and consumer comments.... (Woman's Interests/Shop.
SPEEDERS...where are the speed traps?.............................................. ( Wow,Cool Ideas)
This weeks Music MOJO..Green Flower St/Steely Dan.......................(Entertainment)
The under 30 Second Joke #6 (clean ,quick, giggly)............................ (Fun,Jokes)
Enjoy your weekend, its the only October 3rd ,2008 weekend YOU'LL EVER GET!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thats My View, What Say YOU??
Today, let's discuss the value of getting YOUR views, and the power of sharing information.
Two main points.
First, there is an old adage that scientists and researchers say we humans only use about 10% of our brains. We are incredibly smart creatures, yet don't use nearly our potential.
Look at what computers can accomplish. How about the world wide web and what can be done there. Travel from continent to continent in a single day. Converse with someone 15,000 miles away instantaneously, via email. Put someone on the moon. And yes, lets not forget the creation of the Fluffernutter. All of the above were created by human BRAINS!
I'll attempt to get using my brain a tad more than that 10% figure. More importantly, I want to reach into yours as well.
Second, perhaps you are aware of Dale Carnegie, one of the all time great motivators, and specialists in human relations. Dale once said ,"People love to talk about themselves. If you want to make a friend, ask questions and listen. Let others tell you what they think and feel."
I've found in life that people can't LEARN much when their mouth is open.
Thus, the Smile-Therapy Think Tank will be Bloggin' to YOUR noggin. I will use my brain on some subject and with some luck, I'll start the engines of your mind to draw a response or two from you.
How much can we learn when we all share our wisdom, personal experiences and knowledge with each other? I find that question quite exciting
Thats my view. What Say YOU?
Two main points.
First, there is an old adage that scientists and researchers say we humans only use about 10% of our brains. We are incredibly smart creatures, yet don't use nearly our potential.
Look at what computers can accomplish. How about the world wide web and what can be done there. Travel from continent to continent in a single day. Converse with someone 15,000 miles away instantaneously, via email. Put someone on the moon. And yes, lets not forget the creation of the Fluffernutter. All of the above were created by human BRAINS!
I'll attempt to get using my brain a tad more than that 10% figure. More importantly, I want to reach into yours as well.
Second, perhaps you are aware of Dale Carnegie, one of the all time great motivators, and specialists in human relations. Dale once said ,"People love to talk about themselves. If you want to make a friend, ask questions and listen. Let others tell you what they think and feel."
I've found in life that people can't LEARN much when their mouth is open.
Thus, the Smile-Therapy Think Tank will be Bloggin' to YOUR noggin. I will use my brain on some subject and with some luck, I'll start the engines of your mind to draw a response or two from you.
How much can we learn when we all share our wisdom, personal experiences and knowledge with each other? I find that question quite exciting
Thats my view. What Say YOU?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Welcome to the Smile-Therapy Think Tank (S-T TT)
This is blog #1 of many more to come, and is probably being read by the whopping audience of 1 (myself). The good news is, as soon as someone else reads it , my audience will have doubled. Four people and I’ve quadrupled my readership. Off we go, like a herd of turtles!
The theme of the S-T TT will always be my thoughts on something random, with an attempt to get you, the reader, to go HMM, then convey YOUR Thoughts. You’ ll frequently see the ending line “That’s my view, what say you?”
I try to have some variety, as I love to keep my readers guessing and thinking , I wonder what the “Think Tank” has in store today?
A few things you can look forward to are as follows
On Blog #1, that’s my view. What say you?
The theme of the S-T TT will always be my thoughts on something random, with an attempt to get you, the reader, to go HMM, then convey YOUR Thoughts. You’ ll frequently see the ending line “That’s my view, what say you?”
I try to have some variety, as I love to keep my readers guessing and thinking , I wonder what the “Think Tank” has in store today?
A few things you can look forward to are as follows
- Quotes and how I interpreted it and how YOU interpret it
- Questions to ponder, such as.. Are cell phones necessary in the bathroom?
- A fill in the blank, mystery, or trivia mind bender
- New tips for the week, that were shared at Smile-Therapy.com
- Eye catching T shirts, signs and stickers seen out there on planet earth
- Basically anything that happens in life that I find worth a write and looking for your opinions, views, and perspectives.
On Blog #1, that’s my view. What say you?
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