Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Creed on Happiness...

Blog quote #1297... 
"My creed is this: Happiness is the only good.The place to be happy is HERE. The time to be happy is NOW. The way to be happy is to MAKE OTHERS SO." -Robert Ingersoll-
What a terrific life creed. Our guess is that Mr. Ingersoll would welcome anyone who would like to adopt his motto listed above. It's as good as any we've heard... 
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Teachers that CARE...

Blog quote #1296... 
"When you study great teachers, you will learn much more-from their CARING and HARD WORK, than from their style." -William Glassner-
In the end, it's all about CARING. People need to know that we care, we have sincere interest in them. More love, more focus away from us and toward others. That's how to get people involved in learning, and in just about everything else.
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A different meaning of HALLOWEEN...

Blog quote #1295... 
"Halloween is not just about putting on a costume, but it's about finding the imagination and costume, within ourselves." -Elvis Duran-
Not everyone is a fan of Halloween. We believe it's an innocent 'holiday'  for the kids to have fun, get creative, do something social with others,  get outside and play, and grab a bit of candy as well.  Who doesn't love a sweet treat occasionally?  
The quote above also reminds us of the play and creativity that can go into this famous pumpkin day as well.  Halloween parties have sprouted up for the adults to find some harmless entertainment as well. So, get out there, and have yourself a little fun. After all life shouldn't always be taken so seriously. 
That's my view...what say you?

Monday, September 30, 2019

Learning from others...

Blog quote #1294... 
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable, for their apparent disinclination to do so." -Douglas Adams-
To do: Be like a sponge, and soak it all in. Use the opportunity, to always learn from others experiences. 
Someone once stated that we don't have enough time on earth to make all the mistakes, but we certainly can observe and take heed, from others missteps. We'd be wise to do so...
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pain and problems are needed- in order to improve and grow

Blog quote #1293... 
"Life is a series of experiences, each of which make is bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built-to develop character, and we must learn-that the setbacks and grieves which we endure-help us in our marching onward." -Henry Ford-
A long articulate statement, that sums up the need for problems and defeats that come our way. It's natures way-of telling us to learn and grow, from the miscues and bad things that happen. To come back sharper and stronger. It's how we evolve and get better, as people. 
Well said, oh creator of the automobile!
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Just be YOU...

Blog quote #1292... 
"The easiest thing to be in the world- is you. The most difficult thing to be- is what other people want you to be. Don't allow them, to put you in that position." -Leo Buscaglia-
If you've never read any books from Leo, we suggest you do. He is all about one thing LOVE. It's thee most important thing that exists. 
In this statement, Leo is simply advising us to be who WE were born to be--US. Not an imitation of another. Not a copy or wanna be that our parents or friends would like us to be. Just be natural. Be YOU. And happiness and peace will come.
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Writing the story-- of OUR LIVES...

Blog quote #1291... 
"Remember, that people are only guests in your story, the same way that you are only guests in their story. So make the chapters worth reading." -Lauren Klarfeld-
Unlike book authors, in life, we only get one chance to write our book. Let's take full advantage, by making it not a' best seller,' but a 'best-liver.'  
We own the pen and pencils to our personal edition. Create something masterful, worth sharing and discussing...
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What the heck are we doing/ accomplishing,anyway?

Blog quote #1290... 
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life, that don't really matter." -Francis Chan-
What a superb quote to get the mind thinking. First, of what is truly getting  accomplished during the day. Second, is it significant, in the big picture of life? 
Let's take a look at the former-on activity versus production question. That's a scale that needs to be properly balanced, and often. Next, the latter, to say to self, 'OK  if I am getting things done- are they things that matter, stuff that is impactful to other humans, and to the world?'  
This, a good message to print off and ponder today, and going forward. Not one to peruse, and discard immediately. Thanks Francis! 
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

On Teaching Children...

Blog quote #1289... 
"If your plan is for 1 year- plant rice. if your plan is for 10 years- plant trees. If your plan is for 100 years- educate children." -Confucius-
Our society completely revolves around teaching children.  Let's all do the best we can in each situation we get the opportunity, to teach. And as most are aware--everyone at some point in life is a teacher to children--in an unlimited amount of categories.
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

On people being their true, authentic self...

Blog quote #1288... 
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those you mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss-
A wonderful statement from the good doctor, about accepting people as they are. And also, about people truly  marching to their own drum rather than following the  party line, to just 'fit in.' 
More authentic people like that, please! 
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

6 Important Guidelines for Life...

Blog quote #1287... 
Seen somewhere on a poster...
" 6 Important guidelines in life: (1) When you are alone- mind your thoughts. (2) When you are with friends- mind your tongue. (3)When you are angry- mind your temper. (4)When you are with a group- mind your behavior. (5)When you are in trouble- mind your emotions. (6) Finally, when creator God starts blessing you, mind your EGO."
Whew! A  boatload of good advice and wisdom in the above short paragraph. Perhaps... worth a re-read? 
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, July 19, 2019

The meaning, and the PURPOSE of life...

Blog quote #1286... 
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of to give it away." -Pablo Picasso, painter, sculptor,poet  1881-1973--
Have you found your gift? 
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

on Blazing NEW Trails...

Blog quote #1285... 
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
It seems we humans far too often follow the trails that others take, and we are scared  or at minimum, apprehensive, to cut out some new paths. But many times, that is where adventure, blessings, and rewards can be found. 

By taking a small risk and daring to be different or explorative, perhaps we can be the next Christopher Columbus? Or something like him. At a minimum, let's not be afraid to go out on a limb, for that is where some of the tastiest fruit lies.
That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Facing headwinds?

Blog quote #1284... 
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." -Henry Ford- 
Usually the best is yet to come, right around the corner from the worst. So a little headwind is nothing for the persevering soul. 
Hang in there, for eventually, even the darkest night turns to day. Some adversity is good for the character and the soul. Onward, march!
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Blog quote #1283... 
"The only real mistake,  is the one from which we learn nothing." -John Powell-
Contrary to popular belief, mistakes are GOOD. Look how much they teach us-- if we are willing to learn...
That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Choosing our decisions PRUDENTLY

Blog quote #1282... 
"Just as an oak tree grows from a little acorn--so does great character grow--from a great many decisions that may at the time seem very minor." -Ben Herbster-
We can't emphasize the importance of character, morals, and ethics in humans. And those don't just 'appear' out of thin air, as an adult. It all starts as children when each human has to make tiny, seemingly inconsequential decisions, and it grows as we get older. 
More and more choices and responsibilities get thrown at us and EACH DECISION we make is important. In each choice, lies a seed that can start to grow. May all of us choose to fertilize with seeds of good character, good morals, and solid, honorable ethical choices. 
That's my view...what say you?

Monday, April 22, 2019

A great post Easter quote

Blog quote #1281... 
"We you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." -Marcus Aurelius-
Thought this was a good after Easter quote to share, coming off Holy week. Happy post Easter week all--some great things to come!
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, April 12, 2019

Stuck in the Past?

Blog quote #1280... 
"The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence." -Roy T. Bennett-
For those of you who know of people stuck in 'memory lane' or can't get themselves  from replaying the past over and over, this message is for them. Anytime wasted in the past is thievery on today, and not overly helpful in moving with progress, toward the future. 
Learn lessons? Yes. Recall fond memories? Of course.  Anything else, might be time to move on. Feel free to share this with others. Forward, we march!
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, March 29, 2019

Monkey bars and moving forward...

Blog quote #1279... 
"Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point, in order to move forward." -C.S. Lewis-
Outstanding analogy. Class dismissed.
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, March 28, 2019

On waking up late...

Blog quote #1278... 
"Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it." -Whately-
Ever notice there is always more to do than we think in a day? And once the day is underway, we wish we got up 15 minutes earlier!
Anyone else feel this way?
That's my view...what say you?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Keeping it SIMPLE...

Blog quote #1277... 
"Simplicity,simplicity,simplicity! I say let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand." -Henry David Thoreau-
There is certainly something to be said for simplicity. Less problems, less drama, less noise, clutter, and chaos. More peace, less stress. 
Whoever said...'The person who dies with the most toys, wins.'-- we respectfully disagree. The one who coined 'Less is more.'-- we agree with. How about you?
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

On TRUE Friends...

Blog quote #1276... 
"One friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smile." -Anonymous-
Only one question: Who is there for you, when you need it most? 
Be on the lookout for the ones who will help lift the furniture, on moving day, or help out  during a break up. Take note the ones who just want to join the party, or jump in the limo for the wine tour. (FYI the best,  can do both...)
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, March 8, 2019

Thee most useful gift is...?

Blog quote #1275... 
"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with thee most useful gift, that gift could be curiosity." -Eleanor Roosevelt-
Aaah...the critical importance, of curiosity.  What other attributes do you find to be very important in a person's treasury chest of talents?
That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Making lots of small but impactful differences

Blog quote #1274... 
"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make, which over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." -Marion Wright Edelman-
An astutely written statement that to us says: While everyone would like to make a GIANT impact, most stuff in life gets done with the smaller acts. 
Rather than swinging for the fences all the time, try to hit as many singles and doubles as we can. Rather than going for the big monetary score,  many pennies, nickels, and dimes can eventually snowball to big payouts.  
Let's go for the good solid results and not all the glitter and glamour.
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cars and Manners-what they have in common...

Blog quote #1273... 
"A car is useless in New York, essential everywhere else. The same with good manners." -Mignon McLaughlin-
Found this humorous for a Thursday afternoon. 
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Blog quote #1272... 
"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." -Alan Simpson-
At first look this statement appears to contradict itself. In actuality, it's brilliantly  worded and fully speaks for itself. 
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, February 15, 2019

Some commentary, about the Silent Man...

Blog quote #1271... 
"Too often, the strong, silent man is silent--because he does not know what to say." -Winston Churchill-
Possible truth to this? Could be. Do we overthink things on occasion? Of course. Too much credit for others at times? Quite likely.  

Hats off to Churchill's wit and his wisdom; always refreshing, a good read, and warrants a chuckle or two, more often than not.
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Good food for thought-- on Changing People's Mind

Blog quotes #1269 & 1270... 
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." -John Morley, English statesman-
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary, for those who don't, no proof is possible." -Stuart Chase-
Two very solid quotes above, that explain how difficult is it to change a man's mind. And the first is basically stating if one has power or the upper hand over another, the lesser person may stay silent, yet it didn't sway their opinion. Good food for thought. 
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Do you SEE what others are MISSING?

Blog quote #1268... 
"The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen, but to THINK what no one has YET THOUGHT, about THAT which everyone sees." -Erwin Schroedinger-
Wow, good depth here. We think Erwin is saying that most of what the world has, is not new. Most of what's here, has been here for a long long time(sans new inventions, and even several of those are improvements on previous creations). 
However to LOOK AT what everyone is looking at, yet to THINK with the MIND and SEE things that others miss. To look or think deeper, to visit an angle most don't take the time or energy to consider, to go against the grain and ponder what's there, that others are overlooking--THAT is the challenge.
Cool quote. What say you? 
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Could it be a GOOD thing, to lose our Mind?

Blog quote #1267.. 
"And into the forest I lose my mind, and find my soul." -John Muir-
As good as any reason, to lose one's mind! This brilliant quote here touches on the importance of nature, and its ability to have a wonderful impact on us, in countless ways. 
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Be careful, of the Energy Drainers...

Blog quote #1266.. 
"The wrong one will find you in peace, and leave you IN pieces, but the right one will find you in pieces, and lead you TO peace." -Anonymous-
In life, some people are helpers and givers. And others are energy suckers, drainers, and takers. Try to find those who help you along your journey, with support, optimism, and  genuine help and care for your well being.  Avoid those who are all about themselves and are looking for constant withdrawals of your time, effort, and resources.
Be on the lookout,because  they can sneak up on you. Especially when your general make up, is to try to help others. 
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

On doing the RIGHT thing...

Blog quote #1265.. 
"The time is ALWAYS right, to do what IS right." -Martin Luther King-
What a good man he was. He changed our world forever, for the better. May we remember his astute advice he gives here above.
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Wonderful idea- to start the New Year...

Blog quote #1264... 
"Each New Year, we have before us a brand new book containing 365 blank pages. Let us fill them with all the forgotten things from last year. The words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer." -Peggy Toney Horton-
Ms. Horton has creatively come up with a heck of a good idea to start out the new year. Sounds like a winner to us. How about you?
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, January 4, 2019

How to wake up...

Blog quote #1263... 
"Wake up determined, to go to bed satisfied." -Dwayne Johnson, American actor'-
This, yet another quote that deals with having a positive attitude, and thinking our way into goodness. Excellent thoughts for heading  into the weekend...
That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Stronger families in 2019!

Blog quote #1262... 
"We're going to keep trying to strengthen the American make them more like the Waltons, and less like the Simpsons." -George H.W. Bush '41'-
Some quotes stand alone and are better left without comment. This is one of those quotes!
That's my view...what say you?