Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What the heck are we doing/ accomplishing,anyway?

Blog quote #1290... 
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life, that don't really matter." -Francis Chan-
What a superb quote to get the mind thinking. First, of what is truly getting  accomplished during the day. Second, is it significant, in the big picture of life? 
Let's take a look at the former-on activity versus production question. That's a scale that needs to be properly balanced, and often. Next, the latter, to say to self, 'OK  if I am getting things done- are they things that matter, stuff that is impactful to other humans, and to the world?'  
This, a good message to print off and ponder today, and going forward. Not one to peruse, and discard immediately. Thanks Francis! 
That's my view...what say you?

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