Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quote #55, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #55....

"I've seen a lot of statues of famous people, but I've never seen one of a critic."
-Simon Wood-

In other words its easy to be a critic, but its not a very popular or rewarding thing to be and/or do. The do-er's are often subject to all sorts of tough stuff like failure, risk, belief in one's self, and yes...criticism from the naysayers and onlookers. Remember that failure is only failure if you quit or give up. Most "failures" are actually LEARNING EXPERIENCES, which help you grow and, learn, and eventually capture the goals you are targeting.

Critics are in the bleachers. Do-er's are on the courts, ballfields and rinks. Get in the game; its a whole bunch more fun. And who knows, maybe someday, there will be a statue of YOU somewhere on this planet?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

In Case You Missed(1/24-1/30 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

The week of 1/24-1/30 was the letter "F" week. We had funny stuff, food, forecasted news, football talk, and ended with Friday Fribbles. Follow along....

1-26.... Monday Am Jumpstarter.. a Funny one especially for the Females.
1-27.... Let's talk Chocolate.. Food and the Fun , Tasty Type.. Chocolate!
1-28.... A POSITIVE look at Challenging News... A Friendlier view than the media promotes.
1-29.... Wonderful Super Bowl Story.. Kurt Warner.. a FABULOUS Football tale.
1-30.... Friday Fribbles...things to make you go HMM.

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Quote #54, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #54....

"The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk."

-Jacqueline Schiff-

I can tell you from personal experience that this works. What Schiff is getting at here is to basically "cool down". Many things happen when people are angry, and I don't know of a single one that are for the positive. Ever notice a loud arguement? You think either of the parties is listening to the other? They are too busy shouting out what their point of view is.

There is another tip that was given to me from a wise old man. When angry, before spouting off at a moments notice, write down what you wanted to say, hold it over night, and re-read it in the morning. If you still like your message either mail your note, or share the message, that following day. Many times what you wrote, will not be what you want to communicate back to the other party. Cool Down. A nice, brisk walk may just be the remedy.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quote #53, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #53....

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
-Napoleon Hill- ( author of Think and Grow Rich)

Pretty solid advice from a man who argueably has the #1 selling book of all time. I'd like to piggyback that quote with my Tim Smith 'guarantee for success formula'...

I adhere to the 'keep it simple theory'

First, 5 P's( Persistence, Perseverence, Patience, Passion and Positivity).
Next add 2 things....Some hard work( Perspiration as Hill calls it), and some Planning. You now have the ingredients for something special.

So, anyone taking on a new venture, I would tell them this: If you have these 7 ingredients you are off to a great start. Of the seven, the most important, in my opinion, is that you have a PASSION for what it is you are trying to create. With these,you are on your way to succeeding at whatever it is your heart desires. Go For It!!

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quote #52, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #52....

"He who is waiting for something to turn up might start with his own shirt sleeves."


I read this and immediately heard my fathers old wisdom... "you want something done/ done right, do it yourself". If I heard that once growing up, I heard it 94 times. However, Dad's advice was pretty sound.

In life, I've worked on many things, but 2 apply here. Try to be self sufficient where possible and try to keep complaints to a minimum. Rather than sit around and whine about why this isn't working, or waiting for someone else to do something for me, I usually get up and do it myself. The energy used in complaining could be used much more productively DOING the work.

Another saying comes to mind.. 'opportunity is all around us, but is usually disguised as challanges and problems'.One man's CHALLENGE is another man's TREASURE( with some vision and hard work). It's the people who go after these "problems" and convert them, that reap the most rewards and improve their lives. Time to get those sleeves rolled up!

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quote #51, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #51....

"Never begin the day until it is finished on paper."

-Jim Rohn-

Do you know what you are going to accomplish today? Do you have a plan to hit the ground running? Any "to do" lists? Do you visualize HOW your day will go before you actually start your day, or are you just 'winging it'? Proactive or Reactive? Most successful people actively PLAN what they are trying to accomplish, before their day is underway.

Now, with all that stated, some of life's best treasures come spontaneously. We don't have to be total plan freaks. Nonetheless the general thoughts here are to see it happen before it takes place. Everything will not go perfect as drawn up, however you'll have a good start on most of the days activities.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Quote #49 and #50, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #49 and #50....

"The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing."

-Phyllis Diller-

"Bad sausage and five bogies will give you a stomach ache every time."

-Miller Barber-

Anyone who is a golfer or who has attempted to take lessons, can relate here. Thought I'd throw in a few humorous golf quotes to get the Monday cranked up.

Us golfers are a strange breed. In a good way though :). Care to chime in?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quote #48, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #48....

"One of the virtues of being young is that you don't let the facts get in the way of your imagination."
-Sam Levenson-

When I first read this, I thought, Wow.. this is truer than most would like to admit. I then questioned.. At what age does this start to happen? And why? What is it about 'growing up' that we get so serious, so business- like, and our imaginations give way to the supposed, "realities of life"?

What realities? We are only as young as we feel, and think, and IMAGINE.

"Come with me, and you' ll be, in a world of pure imagination. Take a look, and you'll see, into your imagination. We'll begin, with a spin, traveling in, the world of my creation. What we'll see, will defy, explanation."

"If you want to view Paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Wanna change the world? There's nothing to it."

Words from the great song 'Pure Imagination' by Willy Wonka. Two tips for you.
1. Don t lose your imagination.
2. Rent the movie.. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory( original with Gene Wilder).

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

In Case You Missed(1/19-1/23 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

The week of 1-19-1-23 was a blast. We started with some tips from the Pope, had a FOOL-PROOF method to remove you from a Bad Mood, We brought back the Famous 'Fill in The Blanks' as a brain breather. Finished off with a suggestion to take your mom on a date, 8 Gifts to give that are Free, and a bonus email>>> 40% off coupon for the famous UGG Boots. Here we go...

1-19.... 10 Tips From the Pope( Pretty solid Life advice).
1-20.... Foolproof method to rid you of a BAD MOOD( this does work 100%).
1-21.... Fill In The Blank #11( Back by popular demand. People love these brain quizzes.)
1-22.... A date with your MOM?( Take your mom to lunch/ dinner. It's later than you think)
1-23.... 8 Super GIFTS that don t cost a DIME( Will be well received, as well)
1-23.... Bonus... UGG Boots.. a 40% off Coupon. Yes, these are the real UGG's!

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Quote #47, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #47....

"Decide to be your best. In the long run, the world is going to want and have the best....and it might as well be you."

-Booker T Washington-

How good is this quote? First, isn't it kind of motivating? Challenging? It begs us to want to do our best, doesn't it?

Second, who likes crappy quality? Does anyone want garbage or junk? Of course not. We all want good, solid, products and services and treatment. So, if we want it, on the flip side, why not do our best to provide as good a thing as we can to others?

I've read some statement out there that goes like this... If your signature is on something, back it with pride and care and concern. I couldn't agree more with that statement, and, with Booker T's quote.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Quote #46, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #46....

"Smile. The sun is good for your teeth."

-Laura Schwarz-

I heard this quote from a wonderful young lady in Montana yesterday. It caught me off guard, as , being in the "smile" business, I've seen, heard, and read many quotes regarding smiles... but never this one.

I like this quote because if you follow directions, 2 good outcomes will happen. Smiling in general makes you feel better. Even on the days when you aren't in the best of moods, a fake smile can sometimes get the emotional ball rolling in the right direction. The old adage 'fake it til you make it' may apply here?

Next stated is, the sun is good for your teeth. As long as the sun is not over abused, it is good for about 112 things. It helps the body with vitamin D, is used as a warming agent, and is known as a mental spirit lifter, just to name a few. I will assume that somehow, its also good for your teeth as well.

So.... next time your out in the fresh air and the sun is shining.. try SMILING.. its good for you, and, your teeth.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quote #45, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #45....

"He who buries his talent is making a grave mistake."


Of course, I love the double meaning in this quote.It doesn't matter who you are, we all have something to contribute. We all know something that the next guy doesn't have a clue how or what to do. That is the great thing about this planet. Every single person is of value and has information to share.

I happen to be good at helping others. I'm also well read, so I usually know a bit about little topics here and there. I chime in where I think I can add to the conversation/situation.

How about you? What are you good at? Are you using your talents that were gifted to you?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Quote #44, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #44....

"Rather than sitting and worrying, do something. Anything. Worrying is a waste of time."

-Catherine Pulsifer-

Anyone ever worry about "stuff"? My wife does... all the time. My sister does as well. About crazy stuff. Nutsy stuff. Things that won't happen in 912 years. Yet they do.

There is a famous study done by the National Institute of Mental Health. For the worriers in the world, give these results some serious thought:

Most worry is unnecessary. The study went on to show that on average, 40 percent of the stuff people worry about never happen; 30 percent are in the past and cannot be changed; 12 percent are needless worries; and 10 percent are trivial and unimportant. The study concluded that on average only 4 percent of the things people worry about are worth the worry.

Perhaps Mad Magazine's famous character, Alfred E Neuman had it all correct with his patented "what me worry" attitude? So, what's worrying you? Should you release it off your mind?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Monday, January 19, 2009

In Case You Missed(1/9-1/16 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

The week of 1-9-1-16 had some GREAT content. How FUN in the workplace can help productivity, inspiration from legends John Wooden and Tiger Woods, a 73 word, 17 statement you can't disagree with( or can you)? Do you know the 10 commandments of Attitude? Finally some humor to wrap up a great week. Here goes....

1-09....Can FUN at work improve Productivity? (It SURE CAN! Read on).
1-12.... If this CHAMPION can try to improve, can you and I? (inspiration from the best...Tiger).
1-13.... We challenge you to Disagree.( 17 statements. 73 words. We bet you'll agree to all).
1-14....The Ten Commandments{ of Attitude}. (Worth your time).
1-15....The secret behind every "STAR". ( you may be surprised at John Wooden's answer).
1-16....Have you heard of the HUSBAND STORE? ( a promise you will GIGGLE).

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Quote #43, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #43....

"To know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they say."

-Rene Descartes-

We have all experienced the jabbers. The talkers. The people that go blah, blah blah. There is a song by the famous country singer Toby Keith that sums it up nicely... " A little less talk , and a lot more action".

Perhaps the most blatent place this advice pays off is with kids. It's amazing how much they follow your actions, rather than your words. Ever heard the line from your parents " Do as I say, not as I do"? One of many lessons I learned in the game of life is to lead by example, not by chatter.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quote #42, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #42....

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

-Oscar Wilde-

Had about 4 or 5 different smiles from this quote. The best part is, many minds could come up with different conversation pieces after reading this one.

What or whom came to your mind?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

In Case You Missed(1/2-1/8 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

The new year brought in some very fresh material including some education on kitchen fires. Also, does honesty pay? A bit of humor on the word "UP", a great tribute to the 9/11 victims, and a S U P E R B year end checkup on.. YOURSELF! S-T all time Favorite!! Lets get to it....

1-2....The many uses of the word "UP"( who knew?. Funny)
1-5.... Does it PAY to be Honest?.. ( YOU BET it does.. be sure to read this one).
1-6.... 2008 OVERALL Year End Checkup on.. Y -O -U ( an effective and valuable alternative to the NY Resoolutions).. An all time S-T favorite here!
1-7....Ex. of Amazingly Cool Things People Do( post 9/11 tribute..this picture is worth more than 3000 words, and 3000 GIANT FLAGS).
1-8.... 30 second Kitchen Fire Lesson ( Do you know how to properly put one out?)

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Quote #41, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #41....

"No one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone. A dollar mark would not look well there."

-Corra May Harris-

This is a face-slapping quote. Kind of snaps you back to reality of life, like a huge rubberband.

This made me think of all the importance society puts on money, "building wealth" and achieveing "success".. whatever that definition might be . It also made me think for a good 10 minutes or so... what is it that I want said on my tombstone(epitaph)? It sums up your life, what you stood for, what you believed in, extremely pithily.

In the end, money is just paper. Income creation/wealth is one piece of many that makes up a human being. I'll never forget the line that I heard from some doctor of nutrition... Look at the wealthiest man you know and a janitor. Both of them look exactly the same, when in the hospital with tubes coming out their mouths. The point is money isn't the end all. It isn't the answer. It's importance is small compared to other things such as what kind of person you were. How compassionate were you to others? Did you spend as much time as you could with your kids? Are you leaving the earth better than when you arrived? You get the point.

So... what will be your epitaph?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quote #40, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #40....

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live, so that his place will be proud of him."

-Abraham Lincoln-

I can tell you that I live in Central NY and I'm certainly proud of where I live. I love having 4 seasons.. winter is special and I enjoy the snowfall. Spring and fall are both unique with spring coming alive and fall bringing a 'Rockwell type' changing of the leaves. Both are very picturesque. Summer is icing on the cake for me; others probably like it as their best season. CNY is also within 5 hours drive to about 9 Hall of Fames and more than its share of major cities. Boston, skiing in Vermont, NY City, Philadelphia just to name a few. CNY rocks!

CNY loving me? Well I try to do good things for as many people as possible as well as putting Smile-Therapy on the world map for little old Central NY. Someday in the near future, S-T will be known worldwide. For that, as well as other things I do in a positive manner, I hope my community has good use for me.

How about you? Are you enjoying where you live, and does it enjoy you?

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Quote #39, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #39....

"I would rather be able to appreciate things that I cannot have , then to have things that I am not able to appreciate."

-Elbert Hubbard-

The great Elbert Hubbard makes a valid point here. What is the sense of having something if you can't appreciate it? There arent many worse things that I can think of than being spoiled rotten having many "things" yet being unappreciative, and, ultimately, unhappy.

Further if you have things and are unappreciative and unhappy.. what do you really have? Do you have anything?

I'd be willing to bet that there are far more unhappy wealthy people, than content, appreciative, unwealthy people. The wealthy, who can buy anything.. except their own contentment and joy is indeed a sad thing to witness. To be able to appreciate is priceless.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Quote #38, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #38....

"To get the full value of a joy, you must have someone to divide it with."

-Mark Twain-

Yet another great oxymoron. To get the full value of something( in this case joy), Twain is suggesting you have to split it up and cut it in half to SHARE with someone?

I agree 100%. Did you ever notice whenever you do something good, or experience something fun or exciting or whatever it is that gets your blood pumping? Whats the first thing you want to do? Go tell someone. Go share it with someone.

How boring life would be if there were no one to share stories, events, happenings, and "stuff" with.You have to love the irony of this quote.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Quote #37, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #37....

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse."


When you think about it, isn't this pretty true? When you want something, somehow, some way, you get it. All other times we have a nice little companion at our disposal. Its called an excuse.

It reminds me of the famous YODA who says "Try to pick up a pencil" There is NO such thing as "try" . Either you do, or you do not. Sometimes the best logic is the rediculously simplistic.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Quote #36, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #36....

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own."

-Benjamin Disraeli-

Here is a quote that we all may interpret differently. I believe Disraeli is not saying don't share your riches. In addition to sharing yours, sometimes its a gift to point out to others what they have and how fortunate they are?

Picture the person who is always complaining for no reason at all. They have their health,. They have wealth and a nice family. Yet, they are always looking at others, jealously. Always trying to find the "next best thing". By opening these peoples eyes to all the blessings they do have.. is as good as a thing you can do for them.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?

In Case You Missed(12/26-1/1 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

Post X- mas, everyone was in a festive, fun mood. We tried our hand at another language(German), and found a worthy cause site, for PEACE.We also found 2008 reasons to be thankful and finally..thanked YOU for all that we accomplished in 2008 at Smile-Therapy. Without you.. it isn't possible! Check it out....

12-26.... Post X mas "Smooootthh message". Some nice John Denver to some inspiring thoughts.
What a cool idea.. 10 million Clicks for Peace ( Click to see whats happening! )
12-30.... Lebensweishweiten( German for "nuggets of wisdom").
Recapping the year.. 2008 things to be THANKFUL For.
A HUGE Thank You to all of you( we recapped the progress made at S-T in our first 9 months of creation.

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Quote #35, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #35....

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

-John Wooden-

Unknown to Mr Wooden, he is a hero of mine. A legend. If you haven't read any of his books, you might want to consider getting one.

In my opinion.. he is SO fundamentally sound with his principles and his teachings. I wish he'd live forever. The man is now pushing 98. I also wish each would take advantage of his presence while here, to soak up some of his wisdom. The planet would be that much better off.

This quote, is this a chicken or egg situation? It reminds me of the old saying... it's not what happens to you in life, it's how you react to it. It's the old deal.. when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Stuff happens to ALL of US. The reaction and attitude with which we "deal with our stuff" is what defines each of us.

That's my view.....WHAT SAY YOU?