Thursday, October 31, 2019

A different meaning of HALLOWEEN...

Blog quote #1295... 
"Halloween is not just about putting on a costume, but it's about finding the imagination and costume, within ourselves." -Elvis Duran-
Not everyone is a fan of Halloween. We believe it's an innocent 'holiday'  for the kids to have fun, get creative, do something social with others,  get outside and play, and grab a bit of candy as well.  Who doesn't love a sweet treat occasionally?  
The quote above also reminds us of the play and creativity that can go into this famous pumpkin day as well.  Halloween parties have sprouted up for the adults to find some harmless entertainment as well. So, get out there, and have yourself a little fun. After all life shouldn't always be taken so seriously. 
That's my view...what say you?

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