Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Do you SEE what others are MISSING?

Blog quote #1268... 
"The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen, but to THINK what no one has YET THOUGHT, about THAT which everyone sees." -Erwin Schroedinger-
Wow, good depth here. We think Erwin is saying that most of what the world has, is not new. Most of what's here, has been here for a long long time(sans new inventions, and even several of those are improvements on previous creations). 
However to LOOK AT what everyone is looking at, yet to THINK with the MIND and SEE things that others miss. To look or think deeper, to visit an angle most don't take the time or energy to consider, to go against the grain and ponder what's there, that others are overlooking--THAT is the challenge.
Cool quote. What say you? 
That's my view...what say you?

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