Monday, June 15, 2009

Quote #178, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #178...

"Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged."
-Thomas Edison-

There is an old saying that nothing worthwhile is easy. That can be argued, but I believe the most satisfying feelings come when serious effort is put out. When blood, sweat and tears are expended and persistence finally pays off to accomplishing a certain goal or task. Then, the words aaahhhhhhh come out.

This advice comes from Ol' Tommy E. The reason the advice has so much credibility is the fact that Edison probably has more temporary 'failures' than say 100 men collectively have in attempts at something.Tommy realized that good things come to those who wait (and persevere).

That's my view...... What Say You?

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