Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quote #197, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #197...

"Most of us know how to say nothing; few of us know when."

There are many good talkers. Good listeners are harder to come by.

Then, there are people with the good judgement of when to talk and when to remain quiet. This is a talent that few have.

Silence. Sometimes it's all that's required.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, June 29, 2009

In Case You Missed(6/22-6/28 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The week of 6/22-6/28 began with a salute to DAD's of the planet. Some great quotes related to Dear Ol' Dad. Next was the success story of the Judd sisters, Wynonna and Naomi.. Amazing what and HOW they accomplished it.Wednesday was the hilarious DIARY of a DOG. Don't miss this one.Thursday, we had lessons learned from the US Open Golf tourney.Good to read and share with sports enthusiasts all over. Last, we closed with a Smile-Therapy favorite>> Brain Teasers.. wanna try em?. Onward.....

6-22....Quotes....... in honor of ......DAD's Day
6-23.... The success story of Wynonna and Naomi Judd. Simple, yet amazing
6-24.... The Diary of a Dog.. Hilarious, and some hidden 'life instructions'. Share with animal lovers worldwide.
6-25 .... Lessons Learned from the 109th US Open.. Great tournament. Great wisdom to gain here. Share with sports fans everywhere.
6-26.... Classic Smile-Therapy Brain Teasers.. take your shot??

Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

Quote #196, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #196...

"Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own."
-Aesop, Greek philosopher, from the famed Aesop's Fables-

Experience. There is absolutely nothing like it, nor is there a substitute for it. There is no better trainer. Not a better teacher/educator.

You've heard it 879 times.... "He'll learn the hard way." "She'll find out when she tries for herself."

With that stated, the next best thing is to learn from other's mistakes. In reality, the lesson may not be learned as well, however, the price isn't as costly either, when you benefit from anothers woes.

The message to be delivered here is to always pay attention to what's going on around you. You might be surprised what you can pick up, from careful observation. Stay alert!

That's my view....... What Say You?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quote #195, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #195...

"Salesperson who cover chair instead of territory, always on bottom."

AAH, the famous, witty, ironic philosopher Confucious, strikes again.

It's a sunday, I'm writing up this week's SMILES, and I came across this quote. It made me giggle for two reasons. First, I always admire the brilliance of the 'double meanings' of some phrases. Second, it's blatently true.

Whenever I see Confucious on any page.. it catches my attention. A laugh, a smile and some wisdom usually follow.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quote #194, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #194...

"Half the failures of this world arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping."
-Augustus Hare-

A quote about a Horse.... from a Rabbit(Hare)? Right on Augustus!

Whatever you are working on currently--forge ahead.
Give it time. Let time work for you, not against.
Remember the old saying "The race goes not to the swift, but to the steady". Also, "Good things come to those who wait."

One final comment.. what is the rush to quit? Whatever idea you originally had and got up the gumption and energy to start, is probably a good one. What's your hurry? Overnight successes are few and far between, and mostly in fairytales.

Proceed on. Chances are, before you know it, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the smell of success.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Quote #193, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #193...

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember- the only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you."
-Zig Ziglar-

My regular readers will know I get a tremendous kick out of Zig. He is so common sensical, yet knows how to drive a point home well.Occasionally, his style will draw a giggle or two as well. If you've never checked his work out, do yourself a favor. Zig is GOOD STUFF.

I have found the critics of the world are usually the people not doing much themselves. So be careful who you listen to. Also consider the source when someone is critiquing you. How much do they really know on the subject? As a quick example, anyone that tells me I'm nuts with Smile-Therapy, I ask... 'on what basis do you say that?' The room goes quiet. Sadly, I feel some are just jealous of others getting ahead/doing something different. Perhaps they are angry at themselves for not changing their own suituation or for not taking more chances? Thus, the easiest thing to do, is find fault in others.

Don't be afraid to listen to the critic, as occasionally there may be something to learn. With that stated, don't be afraid to say "thanks for the input, but no thanks" and discard it.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quote #192, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #192...

"There is a wise man in the East whose constant prayer was that he might see today with tomorrows eyes."
-Alfred Mercier-

I would wholeheartedly agree, this WAS a wise man. Talk about having the best of both worlds? Getting your cake and eating it too? Killing two birds with one stone? Ok.. I'm out of cliche's for the moment.

Nonetheless, many of us are prudently told, to stay in the present and not to get too caught up in worrying about the future. For it soon shall come. This wise man is trying to stay 'present' while having advanced eyes of the future to know what's going to be happening. Sounds like an interesting plot for a Hollywood movie. I'm certain there are both plusses and pitfalls of having advanced knowledge of the future. HMMMM.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quote #191, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #191...

"Do you wish men to speak well of you? Then never speak well of yourself."

Do you like the guy who is tooting his own horn?
What do you think of people who are outlandishly cocky?
How about the people on the I, me, my team, always sharing how well they did something?

I've always thought that if you do a good enough job, others will talk about you. If you perform well, the rest will take care of itself. You won't NEED to blah, blah, blah about yourself.

There is an old saying , 'less talk, more action'. Let the deeds, rather than the tongues, do the talking. Give me a humble person over a loud boisterous bragger, any day. Every day.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Quote #190, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #190...

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesnt work hard."

After reading this quote, I immediately thought of Legendary UMASS lacrosse coach, Dick Garber. When he heard the saying 'this guy's got alot of potential'.. Garber would respond.. " You know what it means when some one tells me a guy has "potential"; it means he hasn't done a damn thing yet."

Now that's not to say the potential won't go on to do great things, but more often than not the potential talents are wasted. Many times its largely do to a lack of work ethic.

John Wooden says that hustle, hard work, and perseverence beats talent all day long. I agree. Talent is like icing on the cake. Give me a person that busts their hump, gives it their all, day in and day out, and is willing to constantly learn and improve. If they have a little talent on top of that, its like hitting the lottery. Can you say BONUS?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Quotes #185-189, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quotes #185-189...

"Turn that racket down, I can't hear myself think."
"They just don't make 'em like that anymore."
"This'll put hair on your chest."
"We're not lost. I know EXACTLY where I am."
"You better not let your mom hear you saying that."

-various DAD's across the planet Earth-

Since it's Father's Day week, I thought I'd give you a quick stroll back in time. Almost as certain as death and taxes, you've heard most, if not all of these lines. Hopefully, they brought a memory and a smile to your face.

What is double funny is when YOU start using these lines on your kids. C'mon, you know you have........

That's my view....... What Say You?

In Case You Missed(6/15-6/21 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The week of 6/15-6/21 commenced with some funny wisdom from an old Indian Woman. Next, How Dr Seuss sold 6 million copies. Wednesday was about feeding your mind with GOOD STUFF. Thursday asks if we are 'Savoring the GOOD Moments', and we closed out the week with 40 motivational speeches, all in a few minutes.. Crank it up.......

6-15....The Bottle of Wine(Wisdom from an old Indian Woman).. very funny
6-16....How Dr Seuss sold 6 MILLION copies!( another lesson in persistence).
6-17....The Tale of 2 Wolves( are you feeding your mind good or bad stuff?).
6-18....Are we SAVORING the Good MOMENTS?......If not.. why not?
6-19....40 motivational Speeches in 2 minutes..... this should make anyone's highlight reel!

Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quote #184, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #184...

"My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and tell us we were 'tearing up the grass'. To that, dad would tell her that.. we are not raising grass, we are raising BOYS."
-Harmon Killebrew, famous pro baseball player-

Hats off to Mr Killebrew, and hats off to all DAD's on this father's day. I just wish there were more 'playing with dads'; like on the grass, outside, on a court, on a playground, in a gym. Anywhere.

The times with DAD are priceless. The memories are even worth more because that is something that cannot be taken away from us. Any 'boys ' out there reading this would certainly agree.There will always be time for work. Time with your kids is limited. Get it in while you can.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Quote #183, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #183...

"Enthusiasm is the highest paid quality on earth."
-Frank Bettger-

Anyone care to disagree?
Better question...is there another quality you'd rather have in an employee.
How about this one... Is there a quality you'd rather posess in yourself ?

That's my view, as a question today...... What Say You?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quote #182, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #182...

"Difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct."
-Brian Tracy-

Excellent Mr Tracy. What do we learn when things come easy for us? Not much. When everything goes as planned, we tend to enjoy it and not examine much. We don't sit there and think.. what did we do right? We usually just basque in the success.

When things are difficult we are forced to look at things under the microscope. That's where fine tuning occurs.That's where we learn how to improve, do it right, get better. That's also where we grow and improve on a personal level.

Therefore, next time something difficult comes along, welcome it. See what lessons can be extracted to you. What is the teacher called difficulty trying to "instruct"?

That's my view...... What Say You?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Quote #181, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #181...

"The best way to win an arguement is to start off by being right."
-Quentin Hogg-

On the surface, this seems a bit cocky or conceited. Looking into it further, I believe what Hogg is suggesting is to get your facts straight before you start blabbing your mouth.

How many times do people, start spouting off stuff before they have even done their homework? You know the characters. There's 'Loud mouth Leon'. There is 'Always right Alex'. Let us not forget about 'Disagreeing Danny'.

Don't get me wrong; you could be totally in the know and be talking passionately about something and the other may be disagreeing. That's ok and it will happen. The point is that more than a few arguements could be avoided if people researched and knew what they were talking about with facts before the discussion elevated into an arguement.

Knowledge and information is a good thing. Correct information is even better.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Quote #180, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #180...

"When you go into a restaurant, always ask for a table near a waiter."
-A hungry patron-

Did I get you on this? Made me chuckle when I read it.

Growing up, my dad was a bit impatient when eating out. He expected good service. He was willing to pay for it, but couldn't stand when things were not up to par.

I kind of agree. I'm more patient than my dad, however I appreciate it when waiters and restaurants are on their game. Just like any other business. I enjoy friendly people.To this day, I never understood a miserable waiter/waitress; hello...your pay is based on tips. If you don't enjoy "waiting" on people, go do something else.)

In my opinion,the restaurant business should be kept simple. Good food, friendly people, prompt, attentive service, all at a reasonable price. Not dirt cheap. Not excessive. A good, fair price. And don't forget to ask for a table by the waiter.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Quote #179, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #179...

"A life that can be saved, is a life worth saving."
-Mike Wereszynski, prominent businessman-

When I read this, the first thing that came to mind is a three letter word.. TRY. Remember the story of the little engine that could? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Here is a T. Smith quote..... "Much of what happens is already decided in the mind, before it happens". Usually, if we want to make something happen, we can figure out a way with brains, and brawn.

So, if a life CAN be saved, do what you can to help out. Give an outstretched hand. Lend support. TRY. Chances are you'll be successful in saving that person whether its physically, mentally or emotionally. Both of you will be glad you did.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Monday, June 15, 2009

In Case You Missed(6/8-6/14 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The week of 6/8-6/14 started with a kid who some say was dumb, others a Genius. Next a question, Why do people CHEAT? Next it was Smorgasborg #2.. a little something for everyone(6-8 cool places, websites, things to check out,etc). Thursday, question #2 GOSSIP.. Does it pass the test? See what YOU think? Finally, Friday closed with a nice short video asking of you THINK B- I- G? Do You? Here we go.......

6-8.....Is this the Dumbest, SMARTEST kid ever?( funny, and a lesson here)
6-9.....Why Do People CHEAT? What say you?
6-10... Smorgasborg #2.. a little something for all( cool websites, consumer warnings, money savers, etc). Take a peek.
6-11....GOSSIP.. Does it pass the TEST? 2nd one of the week... What say you?
6-12....Do You Think BIG? ( enjoyable quick video. Nice to share with a small entrepreneur or anyone with a BIG IDEA.
Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

Quote #178, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #178...

"Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged."
-Thomas Edison-

There is an old saying that nothing worthwhile is easy. That can be argued, but I believe the most satisfying feelings come when serious effort is put out. When blood, sweat and tears are expended and persistence finally pays off to accomplishing a certain goal or task. Then, the words aaahhhhhhh come out.

This advice comes from Ol' Tommy E. The reason the advice has so much credibility is the fact that Edison probably has more temporary 'failures' than say 100 men collectively have in attempts at something.Tommy realized that good things come to those who wait (and persevere).

That's my view...... What Say You?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Quote #177, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #177....

"The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others."
-St. Chrysostom-

Interesting. Is it all about us, or, is it about serving others? Helping others?

We've all met the people that it's "all about them". How do those people make you feel? Perhaps those people should consider the bee and it's habits of working for others?
One of America's top motivationalists of all time, Zig Ziglar says.. "If you help enough other people get what they want in life, you'll end up getting what you want in life." I think good Ol' Zig is onto something.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quote #176, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #176....

"If you run after two hares, you will catch neither."
-African Proverb-

This one is touchy for me as I always have several things going at once. It's my nature. I'm a spaz. I like action. I'd get bored with not much cooking around me.

With that stated, I meet people all the time, who are trying to do 3-4 jobs, which is noble and respectful with the hard work and diligence required. However, when people want to make a go of a career.. sometimes one has to choose one and put all efforts toward it. You've certainly heard the line 'Jack of all trades, master of none'. It's good to have experience in many different things. Life has plenty to explore. But when trying to choose a career and make it the best that you can.. this is where you have to apply the 'pick a card and play it' method.

I left a full time family business to bring Smile-Therapy to the world. Someday, this will be large and wildly successful, probably beyond what I can even imagine. Not withstanding, the hours have to be put in, the seeds planted, the sod layed.

I chose my card, and I'm playing it. ROYAL FLUSH on the way. Have you chosen yours?

That's my view...... What Say You?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quote #175, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #175....

"Decide what your priorities are and how much time you'll spend on them. If you don't someone else will."
-Harvey Mackay-

The Shark himself has spoken. The envelope king has a great point. Mackay is most famously known for his book, Swim With The Sharks, Without Being Eaten Alive. He is also head of Mackay Envelopes, one of Americas largest producers of envelopes. He knows a thing or two about time and priorities.

Someone once explained life to me in this fashion. The world is a big bunch of movies being produced. You either play part in directing, or you are part of the directors wishes, plans, and ideas.Ultimately, you are an actor in that directors movie! Sadly,the role you play( and how big or small a part) is chosen by the director, and not you.

I believe what Mackay is saying, is to produce your own movie. Make up your priorities and what time you want to commit to it. Control your own destiny, rather than being a chess piece of another's dreams and goals.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quote #174, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #174....

"The archer that shoots badly has a lie ready."
-Portuguese Proverb-

When I read this, the first thing that came to my mind is EXCUSES. Usually, there are either results or excuses. Sometimes there are vaild explanations for when things don't pan out as planned, however, more often than not, an excuse is being exploited. Wow, Lots of "E's" in this Quote.

I'd prefer to see this: Rather than spending time thinking up whatever excuses and why it didnt work, who's to blame etc etc, use the time to improve yourself. Tell us about your bullseyes and not your bull $#%@.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Quote #173, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #173....

"The miracles of nature do not seem miracles because they are so common. If no one had ever seen a flower, even a dandelion would be the most startling event in the world"
-Author unknown-

The sun rises every single day. We miraculously go to sleep at night, and God willing, somehow, we awake again the next day. How about the incredible sight of a baby being born? Were you aware that the average heart is beating about 700,000 times this week? What about the statistic that the human eye blinks about 15,000 times a day?

What a wonderful world we live in, isn't it? How many miracles happen... every day ...that we take for granted? Don't BLINK, you might miss one.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

In Case You Missed(6/1-6/7 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The week of 6-1-6/7 started with doing Whatever It Takes..42 seconds of profound wisdom. Next some very cool pay it forward, angel like, deeds. Wednesday we ask you; was Harvey Haddix a winner or a loser? Read the story and you be the judge. Thursday read the benefits of being 15 minutes early. Friday, we recommended a great and useful website and book.. From the TOP SITE, Wisebread. Andddddd, their off.........

6-1....Why do 51 push-ups.. everyone else doing 50?( Whatever it Takes)
6-2.... Some very cool Pay it Forward Deeds( Whats your Best Story?)
6-3.... Can You lose and win at the same time?( the story of Harvey Haddix.. winner or loser? You be the judge)
6-4.... 15 Minutes Early( see the Benefits of arriving 15 minutes early).
6-5.... A Rare Recommendation ( Be sure to check out this award winning site. Wisebread.com. Also, for only $10, the book, 10,001 Ways to live LARGE on a Small Budget.. that's 10 ways per penny.

Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

Quote #172, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #172....

"For Wendy's, square isn't so much a shape, as a promise not to cut corners"
-seen on the side of a Wendy's Fountain Cup-

The Wendy's hamburger. Ever notice that it's the only hamburger out there that's square? Mc Donald's, Burger King, Carl's Jr, Sonic, even White Castle are all circular in shape.

Don't know what your thoughts are, but I always found Wendy's a step up above the others in the fast food world. The burgers are a bit less greasy, the fries a smidgeon longer,the lettuce a little crispier. Wait a minute; Mickey D's and BK don't even have lettuce on their standard burger. Then there was the invention of the Frosty; what a great treat after the standard burger, fries and a coke.

A subtle statement. Perhaps even subliminal, the restaurant chain has said something about its QUALITY. I happen to agree. While it's still just a fast food joint, Wendy's in my eyes, rises a notch above the others in quality and taste.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Quote #171, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #171....

"Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."
-Ambrose Bierce-

Ever say something you wish you could take back? Ever wish you chomped on your cheek, rather than giving someone a biting tonguelashing ?

If your human, most likely you have. It happens. The key is to learn and let it happen less and less as we grow older, and wiser.

Perhaps some of the best advice you'll ever get comes from the great Roman philosopher Seneca( 65 A.D). Its simply this.. "The greatest remedy for anger is delay." Such simple, yet sound wisdom from 2000 years ago.

That's my view...... What Say You?

Friday, June 5, 2009

In Case You Missed(5/25-5/31 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The week of 5/25-5/31 began with a tribute to the military and those who serve for Memorial Day. Don't miss the Trace Adkins; ARLINGTON, words and music. Tuesday talked of a 4 and 6 year olds story of when to start cussing( f-u-n-n-y). Next ,what happens when we ASSUME, and next was one close to my heart.. READ THIS>>>> SHOULD WE BUY AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS? Finally a very, very cool golf shot, guaranteed to surprise you. FORE!!!

5-25.... Tribute to the military and those who serve... ARLINGTON>> music and words. Trace Adkins.... worth the watch. Happy Memorial Day!
5-26....When should we start CUSSING? ( joke.. very funny)
5-27.... What happens when we ASSUME... may catch you off guard.
5-28.... Should we Buy AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS.. M U S T R E A D!!!!!!
5-29.... Fuzzy Zoeller most unique golf shot.. the ending will surprise ( just 38 seconds)

Full articles are available at http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

Quote #170, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #170....

"First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up, and finally, you forget to pull it down."
-George Burns, comedian who lived to be 100-

Mr Burns was a funny, funny man. A few other zingers he had.."At my age, flowers scare me." Also.."Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that's down can come up." He also shares this "I smoke cigars because at my age if I don't have something to hang onto, I might fall down."

George shows us a few things here. First, growing old can be enjoyable. Second, you have to have a sense of humor up to the day you die. Finally, you can never be too old to smoke a good cigar.

Actually he subliminally shares a tip with us as well. Don't forget to properly zip up(or down).

That's my view...... What Say You?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quote #169, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #169....

"Expect people to be better than they are; it helps them to become better. But don't be disappointed when they are not; it helps them to keep trying."
-Merry Browne-

Very sound advice Merry, who sounds like a merry ol' chap doesn't he? Ever hear the line... Praise in public, criticize in private? Similar thoughts here.

I believe this advice is extremely relevant with kids. If you give them high expectations.. they'll live up to them many more times than not. High. Not rediculously unrealistic. On the other side, when people are underachieving, a pat on the back and a whisper of encouragement go 15 times further than a negative response.

Ask any racehorse. Carrots and pettings any day over kicks and whipping!

That's my view...... What Say You?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quote #168, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #168....

"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
-Jonas Salk, MD-

Sound familiar? Can anyone relate?

I have to laugh at this as a friend of mine was asked to be on the committee of 10 for a high school class reunion. Every day she sees herself getting more and more assignments. Why? She attends all the meetings(many have stiffed), she has come up with several ideas( most are silent), and most recently, people are mailing her their admission checks. Apparently, she has unofficially become the treasurer. Sad, but nontheless comical at the same time.

Certainly you've seen this at work as well. I guess it makes sense that people will go back to and gravitate towards the people who do a good job and do it quick and efficiently. Salk's quote is humorous, yet truer than we'd like to admit. Hey.. we're only human. Get the ball to the guy/gal who will get er dun!

That's my view...... What Say You?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quote #167, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #167....

"Every thought is a seed. if you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting golden delicious."
-Bill Meyer-

Anyone ever heard the line you reap what you sow? I thought that meant food.
How about you get what you give? Then there's the classic, garbage in, garbage out? We can't forget our old favorite, Zig Ziglars.. "We all need a daily check up from the neck up to avoid stinkin' thinkin' which ultimately leads to hardening of the attitudes."

Anyone care to tally up the amount of POSITIVE thoughts they had today versus how many NEGATIVE ones? Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

Plant good thoughts!

That's my view...... What Say You?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Quote #166, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #166....

"Remember that a kick in the ass is a step forward."
-German Saying-

You may be stuck. You may be out of line. You may not be making any progress.

Sometimes, you need a kick in the 'ol seat of the pants. And many times it deserves a thank you, as the kickee may not have realized he/she NEEDED it.

And, if you think about it, that swat on the butt, will get you a movin'.... a bit in the forward direction. Hmmmm.

That's my view...... What Say You?