Friday, July 31, 2009

Quote #221, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #221...

"Playing make believe is always the start of believing. So.. whare shall we go today and who wants to start?"
-The Universe, at

This is marvelous as it's quick, it's to the point, and it's catchy.

It's also true. As I've stated before, everything is created twice. First in the mind, then, the actual creation.

Whatever you can think up, in theory, is a possibility. Lets get those noggin's working out like a fresh racehorse. Lets see some LATHER on those brains.

That's my view....... What Say You?

In Case You Missed(7/20-7/26 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

Another busy week at Smile-Therapy. This week we covered optimism and hope, winning versus success, a odd topic for Smile-Therapy dealing with what you chat with to a DYING MAN. We had a nice Fill in the Blank Quiz for a brain break, and closed the week with wisdom from a past president, Calvin Coolidge. And we're off....

7-20....2 doctors have different ways to prescribe medicine called HOPE( one has 20% cure rate and the other 75%. Why is this?)
7-21.... You may think Winning = Success.. think again and listen to hall of fame coach abnd legend.. John Wooden.

7-22.... What do you SAY to a DYING Man?....this was extremely well received. Why is this topic at Smile-Therapy? Read and find out.

7-23.... Another famous FILL IN THE BLANK.. get all answers correct and win a free month's Smile-Therapy
7-24....A word on PERSISTENCE.. from president Calvin Coolidge.

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quote #220, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #220...

" The absent are always in the wrong."
-English proverb-

This one has to make you smile. Isn't it amazing all the things that happen when you arent there? To you!

Ever attend a meeting and have to leave early? It's odd how things all of the sudden get assigned to you. And after you leave, your ears are ringing as they are talking about you.

Although this quote is meant to be humorous, sadly, it is easy to make a scapegoat of the person who isn't there. Your best defense is to be present! If not, rather than 'enter at your own risk', this time your leaving or not showing up at your own risk.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quote #219, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #219...

"The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, your off it."
-Barbara Johnson-

A little humor from Ms. Johnson this scrumptious Tuesday morning in July. I'm reading her book 'Humor Me' and there are plenty of one liners and zingers in there.

The funny thing is, there is some truth to the first part of her statement. I once wrote a book on dieting called
'It Only Makes Sense', and there is no question that things get easier on days 2, 3 and 4. First off, in any project you tackle, the hardest thing is to GET STARTED. So once your under way, and you've made the commitment, it does get easier.

Secondly, as the days go on, your body literally gets used to eating less food. Don't get me wrong.. losing weight is by no means easy. Nonetheless,
its a mind over matter game. It's a decision. It's also not as difficult to push away from the plate the longer you stay on the diet. Thoughts anyone?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Quote #218, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #218...

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

-Dr Adrian Rogers, 1931-

Well said by Dr Rogers. Seems like common sense to me. How about you?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quote #217, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #217...

"Even a fish would stay out of trouble if he could learn to keep his big mouth shut."
-sign in Barney Molldrem's kitchen-

A friendly reminder from our friends in the aquatic world. Sometimes it's better to grin and bear those lips and just say to yourself, hmmm. Some call it discretion, others, patience, still others, wise judgement.

When in doubt, listen and observe. At the very least, you won't get "hooked".

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quote #216, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #216...

"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men."

-Willy Wonka-

Another great Wonka -ism. Still say its one of thee all time best movies ever for kids and adults. So many life lessons hidden in a subtle ways, that require a 2nd or 3rd viewing.

This quote mirrors the popular saying 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. Everyone should aim to never lose their kid at heart. Do we ever really grow up? I say... fiddlesticks to that.

Stay young. At mind, and at heart. Wonka bars, everlasting gobstopppers and lollipops for all.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Quote #215, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #215...

"The problem with being punctual is there is no one there to appreciate it."
-Franklin P. Jones-

Isn't this truer than you want it to be?

For the "on-timer's".. your relating very strongly. Maybe half giggling? For the "always later's", you may not even understand the quote. The rest of the sometimes early/ sometimes late-er's can get a chuckle out of it.

The life long debate of why people can't be on time, is a discussion for another blog. One thing for sure.. the punctual people can always get there a bit early and not be stressed about rushing around trying to meet a deadline. On time or early, generally is a good sign of the person being prepared and organized.

For those of you wondering, I'm kind of a last minute Leon.. not to be rude to others or disrespect people's time. I just like to cram into a day as much as I can. I also work better under deadlines. How about you?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Quote #214, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #214...

"No one really knows enough to be a pessimist."
-Norman Cousins-

Stress the words 'really knows enough' and re- read it.

Isn't this ingenious?
Why?..... If you think about it... who really knows the future, other than the deity? Why do people go around saying negative stuff about what is going to happen later on today, this week, this year?

"It's gonna rain later". "Business is going to be bad this week". "I'll never win the jackpot."Team "x will never make it".

Excuse me, but where is the crystal ball? Why always take the pessimistic side?
Remember this.. in the world of optimism vs pessimism.. its a CHOICE in your MIND. Why the heck would you choose the latter?

If you have the option.. always, always, always take the optimistic view. Remember.. many a wizard has spoken that Thoughts Become Things. Even if you don't believe that (pessimism,by the way), what does it hurt to at least think positive?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quote #213, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #213...

"Entertain great hopes."
-Robert Frost-

Leave it to a famous poet to have a 3 word quote that packs so much punch. Go ahead and try to come up with your own 3 word-er that has such meaning.

I took this to mean when anyone comes to you with hope or excitement about an idea or 'whatever'.. welcome them with open arms. Don't shoot them down. Do 4 things::

Help if you can. (this may be in the form of sharing what info you know of the subject, where to go to find out more, a person to see, who may have experience in the subject, or countless other ways to help.)

Thats all. Embrace the excitement, the hope.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quote #212, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #212...

"Life is full of obstacle illusions."
-Grant Frazier-

Love the play on words here. Great stuff because life does have its share of obstacles. Life also has plenty of illusions as well.

What I thought was ingenious here is that many so called 'obstacles', are created in our minds.... thus truly ARE illusions. In addition, many obstacles, also referred to as 'problems', are really opportunities in disguise. It all depends on the attitude of the observer.

There's an old saying.... "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Similarly, problems/opportunities are also in the eye of the optimist/pessimist. Beware of those obstacle illusions out there. They may be as real as a counterfeit 5 dollar bill.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Quote #211, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #211...

"If it was necessary to tolerate in other people everything one permits in oneself, life would be unbearable."
-George Courteline-

Read that one twice. Boy is Mr Courteline 103% on point, with this one.

Imagine if we were as tough on ourselves as we are on others. Sometimes we can be so judgemental, so critical of our comrades, yet we often are doing the same type of stuff that we are speaking ill of others.

It reminds me of a couple of popular sayings you may have heard. Be careful of when you point at others; there are 3 fingers pointing back at you. Also, people who live in glass houses shall not throw stones.

Finally, I remember some great advice passed on by someone. If you want to improve the world.. start with yourself. If everyone tried to work on themselves rather than telling others what and how they should be doing things.. we'd see a great improvement in society. Let's all be more tolerable on others and hold ourselves more accountable.

That's my view....... What Say You?

In Case You Missed(7/13-7/19 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

Middle of July and things were cooking at Smile-Therapy. We started the week with a joke about a man wanting to switch places with a woman for a day; boy was he in for a surprise. Next up was a story on WHY Giving is Superb. Mid week brought us the WAKE UP CALL.. wait til you read how one person put their foot in their mouth.. badly. I felt for the uninformed person, after the fact. Thursday was avoiding 10 business mistakes that your customers won't tell you about, but we will. Finally the week closed with 100 things to do on a weekend without spending much money.. a goodie. Here goes....

7-13....Monday AM Giggler. the man who wanted to be a woman for a day.. (boy was he surprised how HARD it was)
7-14.... Wonderful story of Why GIVING is SUPERB.
7-15.... WOW, what a WAKE UP CALL( An embarrassing story of a person who writes a letter to the military, and puts his foot in mouth.. bigtime). Do READ THIS ONE!
7-16.... Avoid like the Plague These 10 Business Practices( good business tips here, from the CUSTOMERS MOUTH's).
7-17.... A weekend without spending any MONEY.. CAN YOU DO??( great article with 100 things to do, with out spending much $$).
7-17.... Bonus::: Attention Halloween Fans.. some great deals on costumes.. up to 60% off and a 2 for 1 sale. If you love Halloween, be sure to have a look here for some early shopping deals.

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quote #210, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #210...

"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever."
-Lance Armstrong-

Wow, if this doesn't make you want to forge ahead, I don't know what will.

Blunt, to the point, and in your face. If your willing to put up with some temporary pain, chances are, you'll have much more lasting pleasure from your ability to keep on and finish off your goal/ task.

Stay after it.Lance did. Not only in cycling, but his bout with cancer as well. His life!

That's my view....... What Say You?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quote #209, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #209...

"The past should be a springboard, not a hammock."
-Ivern Ball-

This one's up for interpretation. I think what Mr Ball is saying is to not rest on your laurels. Some people seem to live in the past. They accomplished some great things but seemed to have pulled up a chair, in the form of a hammock. In other words, they are living in the past and, not getting much done currently. Live it, and learn from it.

I once heard a line.. Here is a test to see if your work is done here on earth; if your still breathing , it's not. There's plenty to do, much to accomplish. Get to it.

This doesn't by any means suggest we shouldn't stop to enjoy our triumphs. Certainly, take them in, enjoy them, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Eventualy, its time to get back on the horse and get going again for the next accomplishment. GIDDY UP!

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Quote #208, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #208...

"Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can."
-Elsa Maxwell-

I have always had the ability to laugh at myself. It baffles me why some others can't do this. Is it ego? Are we that full of ourselves that we can't poke fun at #1 ? Yet it's funny how it's no problem for some to poke fun at others.

Is it because we are so serious that there's nothing "funny" about a silly screw-up? I'm sorry but most things in life really aren't as serious as we all make them up to be.

Is it because we think we are better then we really are? Don't know about you, but I've found life pretty humbling. Whenever you think you got something down pat.....WHAMMO..smacked in the face with something to cause some re-thinking.

Finally I've always found there is always someone better and always someone worse.That also helps from getting too 'full of self'.

How about you.. do you crack up and your silly blunders, screwups and mistakes?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quote #207, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #207...

"A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition."
-William Arthur Ward-

Pretty bright statement by Mr Ward, wouldn't you agree?

A robust, cheery, positive attitude seems to warm even the coldest of winter days. We've all met those ultra- upbeat people who just light up the room with energy when they walk in. Makes you want to catch a bit of "whatever" they got going on, huh?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Quote #206, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #206...

"Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself the most comforting words of all: This, too, shall pass."
-Ann Landers-

Many, if not most of you have heard this at least once in your lifetime. It's, as they say.. an oldie but a goodie!

This is a quote that can be heard over and over and over, without losing its effect. May be worth copying , printing and posting above your phone or wherever you hang your 'reminders'?

Perhaps you even know of someone who could use this thought, today? Share away!

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

In Case You Missed(7/6-7/12 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

One of the best weeks in a long long time. 7-6 started with a hilarious, catch you off guard, joke. Next Dr Jonas Salk explains how he found a cure for a deadly disease Next, 1 Trillion Cells in your body.. all working for you? The best of this week was Thursday. The 5 P's to SUCCESS.. One of my ALL TIME BEST TIPS. Finally we closed the week with Just how far the USA has come in 100 short years.. lets go...

7-6....Negative people, the pope and a hairdresser( funny funny!).
7-7.... How Dr Salk found a Cure for the Deadly disease ...Polio.
7-8.... Did you know.. you have 1 Trillion Cells in your body/.. fighting for you? That's 1,000,000,000,000.
7-9.... The 5 P's to SUCCESS.. all time best tip here.... Read,Copy, Print, and Save.
7-10.... Imagine a Country with the following( then and now a look at the USA just 100 Short Years ago!).

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

In Case You Missed(6/29-7/5 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

What a great week coming into Our Nations Birthday. 6/29 started with another reason why you can't listen to the naysayers. Next was a reminder sales tip on persistance. Wednesday the 1st was the 3/50 PROJECT.. Read this one. It's about supporting your own local economy. Thursday was a 29 second lesson to remember forever, courtesy of the Special Olympics Friday was a proud to be a Red White and Blue Neck in the USA.. another must read!Have at it.....

6-29....Why you Can't listen to the NAYSAYERS.
6-30.... Again and Again and Again....... Reminder to be PERSISTENT( good sales tip here).
7-1.... The 3/ 50 PROJECT.. support your local businesses....Must READ for all.
7-2.... 29 Second lesson you' ll rememeber forever( from the Special Olympics).
7-3.... Are you a RED WHITE and BLUE NECK?( its a good thing).
7-4.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA... great song by Martina Mc Bride

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

Quote #205, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #205...

"The creed of the true saint is to make the best of life, and the most of it."

This reminded me of the old cliche.. when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

So, not only make the most of life, but make the best of what you are dealt as well. Good thought for the weekend.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Quote #204, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #204...

"There is a direct proportion to how fast you speak and how little people understand."
-Fran Loeber, my awesome godfather-

Does anyone have the challenge that I have.. in that I talk too fast? Let me clarify; I'm not a fast talker( as in slick), I'm just a spaz and whatever I'm trying to say seems to rush out of my mouth.
Perhaps it's just that my mind is racing at 123 miles per hour. Maybe, I'm thinking, if I don't get it out in a hurry, I'll forget what I wanted to say?

Well, when Uncle Fran told me the above quote, it really made sense. The faster I speak, the less people will comprehend. Clear communication begins with S-l-o-w-i-n-g D-o-w-n.

Much work to do for me, but let's just say I'm a 'work in progress'. Who isn't?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quote #203, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #203...

"Hang in there! In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday."
-Sign in a therapist's office-

Don't you just love these statements that go round and round? Reminds me of the classic sign I once saw in a drinking establishment...

"Free Beer Tomorrow"

Tempting to go back tomorrow. The problem is, when you go back tomorrow, you are 'tempted' to go back again the next day for your free beer :)

If you know of any of these type, full circle statements, please share. We love them here at the Smile-Therapy Think Tank.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quote #202, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #202...

"Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It's our goal in life to find it, and keep it lit."
-Mary Lou Retton-

Per the former olympic medalist champ, MLR, two things. Find the fire. Keep it lit. Such succintness, yet with power and meaning.

Have you found YOUR FIRE ?
If so, are you keeping it lit ?

If not, what better thing to look for, in the immediate future, than your FIRE? Get those emotions cookin' !

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quote #201, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #201...

"No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched."
-George Jean Nathan-

Any problems ever get solved satisfactorily when you are angry? Key word here 'satisfactorily'.

Many a times issues have been resolved, but not necessarily in a good manner. Anger has had many a person wishing they had a 'do-over'. Remember this the next time a decision needs to be made, and you are a bit perterbed or red in the face. Pause, delay, take a break. Best to make the decision when you are of sound mind.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Quote #200, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #200...

It's a special day in that it's the birthday of our country America. It just so happens that it is also my 200th post :)

To celebrate the 4th of JULY.. I thought today, rather than a quote , what better thing that the LYRICS to PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, by Lee Greenwood. God bless the Land of the FREE and the Home of the BRAVE.


Title: Proud To Be An American

If tomorrow all the things were gone,I’d worked for all my life.And I had to start again,with just my children and my wife.
I’d thank my lucky stars,to be livin here today.‘ Cause the flag still stands for freedom,and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.
From the lakes of Minnesota,to the hills of Tennessee.Across the plains of Texas,From sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston,and New York to L.A.Well there's pride in every American heart,and its time we stand and say.
That I’m proud to be an American,where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.
And I’m proud to be and American,where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.

Video and Music seen and heard here:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quote #199, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #199...

"Call on a business man at business times only, and on business, transact your business, and go about your business, in order to give him time to finish his business."

I read this 3 times in a row. Its almost tongue- twister-ish.
Whew!! I can t wait to see YOUR INTERPRETATION on this one.

Here's mine:: For people to get things done, don't waste their time, respect it. Go, keep it to the task at hand, complete the task, and move on out, so the business man can keep doing and providing his services as best he can.

That's my view....... W-H-A-T S-A-Y Y-O-U ?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Quote #198, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #198...

"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I do what I am about to do today?' Whenever the answer has been NO, for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."
-Steve Jobs-

Perhaps a better analogy is if you only had 5 years left, rather than a day, as you would most likely be saying your goodbyes and not working. 5 years left. Are you enjoying what you are doing?

If the answer is NO, why not look at something else to do? Ever sit and ponder just how many different occupations there are in the world to choose from? On top of that, how many people start their own creation? We are fortunate enough to live in a great world and time when the possibilities are endless.

Determine what 'moves you'. Consider finding an occupation that has to do with your passion. There is enough "tough stuff" to deal with in the world. Your job shouldn't be one of them. Reconsider Mr Job's quote above.

That's my view....... What Say You?