Thursday, March 19, 2009

Quote #100, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes. I love them because they make me think. What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quotes #100....

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
-Wayne Gretzky-

Another DUHH quote right? Well of course you won't make any shot that you dont take. I believe the great one is telling us all to TAKE SOME SHOTS, and least take a few or at the very least.. one. TRY SOMETHING. Go out on a limb( that's where the fruit usualy is anyway!)

Well today marks the 100th post of the Smile-Therapy Think Tank. May not sound like much to you, but I'm pretty fired up.

We have added our 5th follower. The comments are starting to trickle in. The website is getting more and more hits daily. And, the best part is.. I am having an absolute riot doing this every day. Sometimes I even feel like posting on a Sunday( currently Mon-Sat now).

When I started this blog, my friend Jennifer told me it's a commitment. Just make sure you have something people will want to read, keep it fun and interesting, and stick to the posting.

I really didn't know what direction it would take but after 100 posts, I feel we have something good here. First, People like quotes. Second,I add a few comments. Reardless of my good/ bad/ silly/ intelligent statements, it opens the readers mind to yet another angle rather than rewading a bare quote. Third, and best of all is each of us, in theory, could interpret a quote differently. So we ENCOURAGE people to add their thoughts. From the minds of people.... come IDEAS that we can all benefit from. Thus it's a BIG GIANT Think -Tank.
Share comments. Become a follower. Give your ideas and thoughts. Learn from others minds.

Onward to the next 100 posts.

That's my view....... What say YOU?


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahapppy 100th YEahhhhh You!!!
Keep on writing! Keep on sharing!
Keep on Laughing!
Hugs, Maddie

T.A. Smith said...

Thanks Maddie
Having a blast. Hope you all enjoy the next 100 posts!
Lets keeop creating the good info and vibes!

Donna said...

Happy 100th! We love the quotes and always know when we see the big smile it's all good! Thanks for always making us smile and sharing the good stuff. :) Hundreds of smiles back at you, Donna