Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In Case You Missed(8/10-8/16 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The week of 8/10-8/16 lead off with a SECRET to SUCCESS, followed by how to get results 90 percent of the time. Next, the amazing story of Colonel Sanders, of Chicken fame,then lessons KIDS teach adults and finally the 85 year old woman DOING WHAT? You won't believe it. Giddy up...........

8-10.... A Success Secret .. and a reminder not to forget to ACT on the Secret
8-11....How to get RESULTS you want, 90% of the time.
8-12... Here is 5 more reasons to NEVER GIVE UP.. the story of the famous Colonel Sanders.Talk about a man on a mission. Hard to COMPREHEND just WHAT THIS MAN WENT THROUGH!
8-13.... 6 wonderful things KIDS teach Adults.. do read!
8-14.... 85 year old SHOWGIRL in Vegas? Are you kidding?

Full articles are available at to subscribers.

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