Friday, December 31, 2010

Quote #448, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here's Blog Quote #448...

"The only one who can tell you 'you can't'--- is you.
And you don't have to listen."

How's that for inspiration to finish off the fantastic year that 2010 has been?

For 2011..
Just Do it--- Nike
Get Er Dun---Larry the Cable Guy
Wirite your songs to make the whole world sing---Barry Manilow
Make it happen---Mariah Carey
Your off to great places. Today is your day.Your mountain is waiting--- so get on your way---Dr Seuss
Your on your own and you know what you know...and YOU are the one who'll DECIDE where to go---Dr Seuss

May you have health in 2011, and all your dreams and desires come to fruition!
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Quote #447, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #447...

"The time to relax, is when you don't have time for it."

What does this mean? Isn't it redundant or rhetorical?
Trick question?

Maybe the world and ourselves are just going too darn fast? And where are we going, by the way? What's the rush? Are our priorities in check? Is there really ANY reason why we are going so fast, that we are missing "life?"

On this second to last day of the year 2010... not a bad time to be asking this question. Perhaps a better "pace of life" in the next year may be something to add to the NY Resoultion list?

Your feedback certainly welcome here...

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Quote #446, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here's Blog Quote #446...

"Believe in what you do. Because, you may have to do it for a long time, before it catches on.
-Seth Godin-

For those of you unfamiliar with Mr Godin, he is a marketing guru/genius. I'm not certain who coined the phrase 'out of the box thinking,' but whenever I hear it, I think of Seth Godin.

The brilliance of this quote is that it is so SIMPLISTIC. Yet, it is SO TRUE.

How many people have a good concept or superb idea and, have the guts to go for it and come charging out of the gate, like a quarterhorse? First, lets note: good for them to GO FOR IT. There are many a worthy idea, thought up in the shower, that sadly, never leave the bathroom.

What these quarterhorses forgot or misjudged, is that it's a mile long race. This might be a shocker.. but not everyone else, at least initially, is as excited about your idea as you are.

That doesn't mean it's not going to be a great success. As Godin suggests---it just might take a long time. Give it some perseverance, some nurturing, and plenty of attention. Share it with as many as you can, until you get to where you want to be. That is normally the difference between making it a success and just another idea that didn't get enough time to germinate.

To borrow from the great Napoleon Hill.... Concieve, believe, and achieve , and(I add) you will not BEREAVE!

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Quote #445, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Quote #445...

"Don t let yesterday take up too much of today."
-Coach John Wooden-

Could have, should have, and would have's.

Why did that happen?
How come I did it that way, versus doing it this way?
What if...?

A subtle reminder from the Coach of all coaches to leave yesterday where it belongs... yesterday.
Live in the present. Yesterday is "in the books." It's not changing. It's not coming back.

Turn your attention to today... where you can still do something about, where you can still make a difference.

Not that it's a bad thing to relive and remember. Just don't spend a ton of time on it... as you have some LIVING to do. TODAY. Now, get at it.

That's my view... What say you?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Quote #444, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #444...

"If you are not using your smile,you are like a person with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook."
-Les Giblin-

Since my Mom's favorite number was 4, and this is quote # 444, thought this was appropriate. My mom was very pleasant, and generous with her smile.

This quote has some excellent meaning to it the more you think about it. We all are rich with smiles. Smiles that have TREMENDOUS power.
>> Smiles that can turn around a persons day.
>>Open up a conversation.
>>Welcome a stranger.
>> Comfort a nervous or shy person.

Let's all use our Smiles and give them out more. Share like you've never shared before. Heck, they don't even cost anything!

You may be surprised what you get in return. Some good feelings. Warmth. Even a few surprising smiles back at you. It's all good!!

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Quote #443, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #443...

"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes, this makes planning my day difficult."

Now that is one heck of a daily mission statement. That is living life, my friends!
I think changing the world (for the better) is a great daily goal. I also like the idea of having a boatload of FUN, while doing it.

The more I read this quote(daily missive), the more I love it.
In fact, I'm going to google this EB White, and find out more about him/her. Sounds like fun to me!

That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quote #442, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #442...

"Just make all the friends you can. You'll never know how badly you need them---until you do."
-Cy Frailey, 1947-

Taken from Cy's wonderful book "This Way Up."

Cy is discussing in his book, how important it is, to treat others nice and make connections and keep away from burning bridges. Sometimes having 2-3 true, solid friends is worth more than a pot of gold.

Friends, like gold, do not come easy. And when you do find a good one, it also takes work and effort to keep them.

Ask around and you'll find many a people saying how they used to have this great buddy, or they lost touch, or so in so kind of fell out of their life. It happens...if you let it.

Do what you can to be as nice and kind to people as you'd like to be treated. It feels good, it's courteous, and the best part... it may open up a whole new avenue of potential lifelong friends that may not otherwise surface.

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quote #441, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #441...

"One of the marks of superior people is that they are action oriented. One of the marks of average people is that they are talk oriented."
-Brian Tracy-

Which begs this simple question...

Talk or Action. Which are you?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quote #440, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog Quote #440..

"There are two reasons for drinking wine. When you are thirsty, to cure it. The other, when you are not thirsty, to prevent it...prevention is better than cure."
-Thomas Love Peacock-

This, for all the wine lovers of the universe.

I like the humor. I also enjoy the logic behind the wittiness.

Any medical professional will tell you that it's better to prevent than to start backpeddling and to attempt to cure the issue at hand.

Very sage wisdom here!

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quote #439, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #439...

"A bad habit never disappears miraculously; its an undo it yourself project."
-Ann Landers-

That Dear Abby was one smart cookie.

So true that bad habits do not die easily. It probably took a long time getting into and forming the bad habit. It would make sense that it will take some time and serious effort to eradicate the nasty critter.

It can be done though. Why not start now?

That's my view...what say you?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Quote #438, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #438...

"Don't pretend to be what you don't intend to be."
-Croft Pentz-

Does anyone really like a phony?
Stop pretending.

We've all heard "he/she had good intentions." Heck, even singer Lyle Lovett had a song called 'She wasnt good, but she had good intentions.'

How about stopping with the "intentions," and simply DO do what you intend to do.
Life. Let's stop making it so complicated.

That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quote #437, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #437...

"We secure our friends not by accepting favors, but by doing them."

Thucydides, a famous greek historian and educator, gives us some simple advice to chew on.

Sometimes we make things much more complicated that we have to. HMMM.

That's my view...what say you?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Quote #436, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #436...

"If you make every game a life and death thing, you are going to have problems. You will be dead a lot."
-Kevin Barry-

Some wise wisdom for all of us to remember.

Have you seen the crazed parents at the 11 year old's baseball game? The ones yelling at their kids, screaming at the coaches, argueing with other parents WHY their kid should be playing more.

Then of course there are the pro and college sports fans. I'm all for some face painting, crazy costumes, cheering on your team, and getting a little fired up. Nonetheless, some fans take it a bit too far, and get in name calling, fights and other silly, rude behavior.

Let's not leave out ourseleves from the discussion. I'm a golf goon. At times, admittedly, I'm a bit harsh on myself, cursing, slapping the head or leg, hitting the shoe and sometimes the foot(ouch) with the golf club.

At the end of the day, we need to remember, IT'S a GAME. Not life and death. Nothing overly serious that's really going to alter the earth's axis or how things play out.

So this quote is a good one to print off and put on the refrigerator, or post it note over the computer screen as a reminder.

We close with another dandy, from the eloquent Elbert Hubbard..
"Don't take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive."

That's my view... what say you?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Quote #435, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #435...

"You take people as far as they will go; not as far as you'd like them to go."
-Jeanette Rankin-

Wow, did this stir mixed thoughts!

>> My first thought was its not about YOU; it's about them.
>> Next is people will usually rise to level of expectation you give them
>> Another is that we all can usually go much further past what we originally believe(take olympic athletes for example).
>> A fourth is the ever popular 'lead to water but can't make them drink' theory.
>> A fifth is you can't do the work for the person. All the teaching and coaching in the world surely helps, but in the end, the person has to do" whatever" the task is. YOU cannot do it for them.

Enough of my thoughts on this fun little quote.. how about you?

That's my view...what say you?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Quote #434, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #434...

"When you are ready to learn, a teacher will appear."

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Well truth be told, it's really not all that coincidental. The teachers are all around you, but are usually being ignored, or just simply not 'tuned into.'

When the student is ready willing and able, more often than not, the teacher will be coming, right around the corner. And what blessings these teachers are.

Three cheers for all teachers out there!
That's my view...what say you?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Quote #433, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #433...

"Life can change in an instant. Sometimes, it just takes awhile for that instant to arrive."
-Jeanna Gabellini and Eva Gregory-

I love this quote because it says very powerfully; that LIFE can change very quickly. For the good or the bad.

From that, we can take many conclusions or ideas...
~ Appreciate life to its fullest, daily.
~ Live in the moment.
~ The fact that change can occur at any time is something to be cognizant of.

Perhaps the biggest thought that jumped out of my head was the 3 p's...Patience, Persistence and Perseverance. Hang in there, just keep plugging, working hard, doing good things, and when that INSTANT comes when the changing occurs... it should change in your favor, for the better.

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Quote #432, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #432...

"The vision must be followed by the venture. It's not enough to stare up the stairs---we must step up the stairs."
-Vance Havner-

First of all, it's a double shot Wednesday. Sorry for the absence of quotes as of late. A little 'catch up.'

I loved the same word, different spelling, mixed into this quote(stare/stair). It's creative, yet the message is crystal clear.

When they are producing a movie they don't say lights, camera, then nothing. We need ACTION.

If you want to get something done then DO IT. Yes it's true that most things if not all are thought up in the mind first, then put into action. So thoughts ARE required. Then, you have to complete the thought with some direct follow up. Get into motion, and get at whatever your trying to get at.

Now.. skedaddle and get up those stairs!

That's my view...what say you?

Quote #431, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #431...

"Mosquitos remind us that we are not as high up on the food chain as we think."
-Tom Wilson-

Is there anything better than a humbling comment that causes us to stop and think? Well maybe. How about a humbling 'head scratcher' with some humor added to it?

Kudo's to Mr. Wilson for his insight here.

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quote #430, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #430...

"When nothing is sure, everything is possible."
-Margaret Drabble, English Novelist-

What really IS sure? Who knows?

When someone says it will rain today, how do THEY know, for 100% sure? If someone tells you, you'll never make the baseball team, what makes them the final answer? An expert tells a young chemist student 'don't bother trying to become a scientist, no chance!' Again, do they hold a crystal ball?

Most of what people say are their opinions. Nothing more, nothing less. For who does really know WHAT'S to transpire in the next 24 hours, next week, the coming 7 years? No one really, is the answer, except the higher powers of the world.

Which leads us back to Ms. Drabble's quote... "When nothing is sure, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE."

I find that quote quite exciting. Rather exhilirating. How about you?

That's my view...what say you?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quote #429, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #429...

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men are so full of doubts."
-Bertrand Russell-

This is an interesting quote that seems to have some degree of truth to it.

I'm curious as to what you Think Tank readers have to say about this comment. Do you agree and, if so, WHY IS THAT true of this quote?

That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quote #428, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #428...

"We are in good shape for the shape we are in."
-My Aunt Norma -

Once again we here at the Think Tank love the play on words, the quotes that look the same front and backwards. The ones that seem to say identical things but at the same time, say two totally different points.

My Aunt Norma is one of the toughest, most positive people, that works with what she has to work with. You know...the type that plays the cards she has been dealt, as best she can, regardless if its ten and under.

Life is all about HOW we CHOOSE to look at things. Put 10 people in a room with the same exact circumstances and you'd have a mixed bag of reactions. Some would complain, some would feel cheated, some would just deal with it, some would make the best of it, and some would actually feel blessed. It's all about CHOICE of MIND.

When Norma is saying 'we are in good shape, for the shape we are in,' it tells me that she has some issues to contend with( like all of us), but she will attack them with THEE most positive of attitudes. Even to the point of giving thanks to have the chance to deal with the issues. CHOICE of MIND. It's a wonderful thing.

Thanks for the life lesson Aunt Norma; it's a good one!

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Quote #427, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #427...

"Dialogue takes time. Everything else takes longer."

Did you ever notice how things always take longer than you expect? Especially in business. Perhaps that's why the patient and the persevering people do well in life.

I believe things take time because all of us have plenty going on in our lives. And when we are ready to act, most likely the other person is not absolutely ready at the same time we are. They don't know as much as we know. They need time to do some homework. They have 12 other things going on. Quite frankly, our priority may not be theirs (in fact likely that it's not).

Thus as the quote above says, talking and conversing takes time. To get to the point where there is action, takes even longer. Be patient. Stay the course. And, allow for some time for people to get to where you are already at. If it's good for all.. it will happen. Maybe not the second you want it to happen, but it will get there.

That's my view... what say you?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quote #426, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #426...

"When you blame others, you give up your power to change."
-Helen Diehl-

Wow! That one stopped me in my tracks today. I'll leave you a few moments to ponder that one.

As always, comment if you like...

Thats my view...what say you?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quote #425, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #425...

Todays Quote is actually a sign seen in a bar, somewhere in Pennsylvania

Attention VIP's

If you appear to be a VISUALLY INTOXICATED PERSON, we cannot serve you.
It's the Law!

Thought this was a great sign, as it carries several messages...

First was the creativity of the bar for posting the sign, getting a statement to it's customers in a humorous, yet fair way.

Second, the bar can be liable if they overserve you... we as patrons sometimes forget that.
Finally, some elite people,(those who may think they are VVIP very, very important people) are not excluded from this rule .

Hats off to this bar and to creativity in any shape, form, or kind. We all could use a bit more of it.

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quote #424, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #424...

"The brave does not live forever, but the cautious does not live at all."

Sometimes the brief quotes pack the most power. I believe the message here is...

Live a little.
Go for it.
Get after life! It goes by pretty fast.

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Quote #423, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #423...

"The doors of opportunity are marked "PUSH" and "PULL."
-Seen on some motivational paper -

There are many doors out there. There are many opportunities out there. Looking at them will not do much for you. Thinking about them will not do much for you. Talking about them will not do much for you.

You have to go in, and come out. You have to jump in, and get out. You have to get into action, and stop pondering.

PULL. PUSH. Get started. That's how opportunities are taken advantage of. Get after them. Have a ball. Go for it.

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quote #422, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #422...

Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou knowest."
-William Shakespeare-

Admittedly, I've always had a tough time with Shakespeare. Apparently my mind is extremely simple.

This quote, I loved. I believe when he quoted this he was talking about posessions and finances. However, it could be taken in context for many things of life.

Braggers, loud mouths and show-offs are usually quite unpopular. On the other hand, humility and humbleness seem to be qualities that are looked upon favorably by most.

I guess it sort of falls into the under promise and over deliver category? Like the small ice cream that gets you 2 scoops, or the car mechanic that says it will be about a hundred bucks, and the bill comes in at $87.50.

Three cheers for the humble, the over deliverers, and the people with more in the tank than they boast about!

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Quote #421, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #421...

"You know it's time to diet when you push away from the table, and the table moves."
-The Cockle Burr, and Yvonne Conte site-

Just some quick humor for today.

Cheers, from the Grand Poobah of Smiles

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quote #420, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #420...

Today, another life comment from a wisdomatic soul...


"Relationships require some serious effort, but they shouldn't be work. If it becomes tiring, its too much work.
-Micki Baumgart-

I thought this comment was very good. With that stated let me clarify my interpretation of what I believe she meant.

I am fully aware that most worthwhile things in life that are achieved, come with much effort/work. What I think Ms. Baumgart was getting at was that relationships should "flow." Not that they will be easy. She clearly states that there will be effort put forth, and much of it. However if the effort becomes extremely taxing, constant, and all the time where it appears to be "forcing the issue" then it may be time to re-examine what's going on.

I totally agree with that in anything in life. In past ST Think Tank blogs, we've mentioned the issue of FORCING things. I believe life should FLOW relatively smooth. With some effort combined, some great things lie ahead. However if it's way too much of a grind... perhaps it's time to take another look.

That's my view...what say you?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Quote #419, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Quote Blog #419..

Today, more of a "life comment" from a good friend of mine's Dad


"You always can earn more money, but once you compromise your ethics, you lose something far more valuable."
-Larry O'Toole-

Anyone else out there think that we place way to much importance on MONEY?


Money is nice to have , but not worship, or be the end all game. There are so many more things in life more important than money. Love, friendship, trust to name a few.

As Mr O'Toole succintly, but properly says... you lose your ethics, and all the money in the world isn't going to help much. You lose your integrity, your word, and REALLY>>> what do you have left? Honestly?

I think, most likely, not much. Not much at all !

That's my view... what say you?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quote #418, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #418...

On turning 90 years old:

"You know your getting old when the candles cost more than the darn cake."
-Bob Hope-

God bless this man. If you never knew of him, he's worth a google. Good, clean humor. Fun entertainment. Did so much for the troops. Was always a joy to watch.


That's my view...what say you?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Quote #417, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #417...

"The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become."
-Jim Rohn-

Stepping outside that comfort zone.
Doing new things.
That's what it's all about baby.

The challenge of doing what you are CAPABLE of doing. It's almost 100% always much,much more than you can ever imagine.

That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quote #416, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #416...

"To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr-

Age is age. Some will say that it's all in the mind. I tend to agree with this line of thinking.

We all know of people that are 40 going on 71. We also all know people that are 70 going on 39.

As a kid when growing up, we often heard the line "GROW UP. Act your age." I think as we get older that reverses and, as adults and elder adults, we need less seriousness and more play. Have fun. Enjoy yourself.

If your breath fogs a mirror, you are alive. But the real question is... ARE YOU LIVING?

That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quote #415, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #415...

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people"
-Victor Borge-

They say a smile is universal in all languages. Laughter can probably be thrown in on that as well. Make a joke, make someone laugh, and it opens up the door for some warm, friendly discussions and communication.

Why the heck not. We are all humans. We all do silly stuff. A laugh is positive. It's fun. It's a good emotion. It's a nice feeling.

So.. who can you share a laugh with today? What can you do to brighten another's life in the next 24 hours?

That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Quote #414, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #414...

"What we do speaks so loud, that what we say, other people cannot even hear."
-Kevin Knebl-

As my friend Kevin and I were talking about life yesterday, the subject came up of people following through on what they say. Or lack there of. He then began to recite the above quote, which I thought was brilliant.

We've all heard 'Do as I say, not as I do.' Then there is the old famous "Actions speak louder than words." Lets not forget the classic "Talk is cheap." There are probably 27 other phrases that resonate with the topic here.

We agreed that both of us LISTEN to people, but more importantly, we also WATCH if their deeds match up with, and follow their word. Or, is it just fluff.

I've often told people the best characteristic I own is... my word. If I tell someone I will do something, it will be done. Period. Once you lose your word( ie your credibility), in my opinion, there isn't much left).

Kids are also very in tune with this. They may be listening to you. But don't think for a second thay aren't WATCHING you with every move you make. They are excellent little learners. And they learn from our ACTIONS more than our words.

Any doers, sayers out there?
That's my view...
what say you?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Quote #413, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here's Blog Quote #413...

"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one heck of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."
-EB White-

What a fun quote. Anyone else relate? As many of us multitask, this is a comment that should resonate with more than a few of us. I get a kick out of it because it's exactly what I try to do each day.

Help others. Change the world for one, some, or many, in some small way. And let's not forget the part about having a ball doing it. Both are equally important and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
How about you?

Thats my view...what say you?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Quote #412, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #412...

"If you only care enough for a result, you will most certainly achieve it."
-William James-

How badly do you want it? We ve been asked the question ourselves before. We've seen it asked of athletes and other competitors in various arenas.

The experts say that if you think about it enough, and think more, and keep thinking about it, sooner or later, it will become yours. Most likely the reason is, you become laser focused on whatever you desire... and you'll think of a way HOW TO GET IT.

A word of caution which I'm certain you ve also heard before: Be careful what you wish for...because, well, you know the rest...

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quote #411, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #411...

"You'll see it when you believe it."
-Dr Wayne Dyer-

Wait a minute. Isn't it the other way around? Don't we have to see it before we believe it?

What comes first, the chicken or the egg? HMM. Good quote here.

Perhaps Dyer suggests it's easier to see WHEN you believe...Might this be faith?

Since this is quote #411, I need some 'information' from YOU. You make the call.

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Quote #410, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #410...

"A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty."
-Author unknown-

It's not about toys or gifts or treats. It's all about the love baby. L- O- V- E.

Put another way, your presence is much more important than any presents that accompany you. Some good food for thought there.

Thats my view...what say you?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quote #409, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #409...

"Why can't somebody give us a list of things that everybody things and nobody says, and another list of things that everybody says and nobody thinks?"
-Oliver Wendell Holmes-

HMM. There is somethig to ponder.

I always thought the world would flow a bit smoother if people really said what they thought. This , of course, in a polite and respectful manner.

So many less guessing games and so much time saved trying to figure out what the other is thinking. Truly thinking.

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quote #408, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #408...

"Do just once what others say you cannot do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again."
-James R Cook-

Excellent thought for anyone who has the 'rabbit ears' and are constantly letting others tell them what they can and cannot do. My questions are only two:
Who are they?
Why are we letting them set our limitations?

Never forget that your mind is probably 1000 times more powerful than anything you can think of that exists on this planet.

So... re think WHO, you are letting, set your limitations.

As Nike says, just do it. Go and do what your set to do and watch the others comment, in amazement, after the fact.

That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Quote #407, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #407...

"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."
-William Arthur Ward-

How true is this? When the going gets tough..the tough get going. Well, some do and some don't.

Often we find out what we are truly made of... when difficulties arise. It's easy being a good sport when things are going your way. When the wind is at your back. When your coasting downhill.

When you really find out what's inside... is usually when there is some adversity thrown on your plate.

We often don't have a clue just how good we can be. What amazing things we can accomplish. Until we get tested. time some adversity comes your way, embrace it and give it all you have to give. You just may be pleasently surprised at the results?

What is YOUR TAKE on this quote and commentary?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Quote #406, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #406...

"Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love the truth."
-Joseph Joubert-

There is a morsel of wisdom for you to chew on this weekend. Remember opinions are just that...something you think.

Your feedback on this quote?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quote #405, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #405...

"He who is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else."
-Ben Franklin-

This way he needs the excuses.
Which raises the question.. which comes first? Does laziness come first, thus NEEDING the excuse?

Or, is the person that's not good at anything, thus his best answer or 'defense' is an excuse or a reason WHY he isn't good? My bet is in the former with laziness first and the ability to fall back on the crutch of an excuse.

What do you think?
How did you read this quote?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Quote #404, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #404...

"The one, absolute unselfish friend, that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him,the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog."
-Sen. George Graham Vest-

Anyone who has owned a dog totally 'gets' this comment. If you haven't owned a dog, you might understand it somewhat, but not fully, or not at all.

I could go on for 4 pages on the advantages of a dog. I could write about what an absolutely incredible, fantastic, amazing, wonderful, spactacular, superb specimen this creature is....

But for those who choose to, you'll find out some day. For those that have chosen a dog in their life, they already know. And for those who choose not to, my only condolence is that you'll never know what you are missing out on. One of life's absolute BEST treats.. is the DOG. Check out what it spells backwards...hmmm

That's my opinion...
Do you care to chime in here?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Quote #403, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #403...

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."
-Doug Larson-

Quick shout out to my friend Helen D who has her enjoyable blog "Picture of the Day." She has some awesome quotes that I borrow from time to time. Thanks HD

Back to Larson's quote... How funny this is. How true this is.

If the REALLY HEALTHY stuff smelled THAT good... wouldn't it be like cheating though? It's almost like making Pepto Bismal taste like a strawberry milkshake. Whats wrong with that picture?

In all fairness, some of the fruits and vegetables are pretty tasty. Some of them. And while they can't hold a candle to an orange Hostess cupcake or a Fluffernutter, some taste pretty refreshing

Come to think of it...Apple pie ala mode is somewhat delicious. Does that count? Apples... oh well, I tried :)

Thats my view... what say you?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Quote #402, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #402...

"Ideas won't keep. Something must be done about them."
-Alfred Whitefield-

Timing is everything. I was having dinner with a friend and business associate, and he was sharing this idea he had with me. He was very excited about this idea. Was VERY confident that he was onto something B I G.

After all that, he then tells me how he's not ready for it yet. Perhaps not enough time to put into it. Maybe money might be an issue. He even thought he had two smaller, and less fired up ideas to do... before getting to his passionate one.

I say... Hogwash! Fiddlesticks! If that's what your psyched about, then get to it gosh darn it! You'll figure out the "how to finance it", the "where the time will come from" and all the rest of the obstacles you'll face.

Besides, if you wait, someone else might discover your 'idea' and bring it out first. Or you'll grow less excited about it. Or, conditions might change health wise or monetary wise or 44 other distractions could occur.

I say... follow your passion. The world awaits your awesome IDEA. Bring it on.

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quote #401, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #401...

"The more I study the world, the more I am convinced of the inability of brute force to create anything durable."
-Napoleon I-

Note the last word... DURABLE. Can brute force make things happen? Of course. We see it every day in war, in dictatorships, in relationships, in parenting, at the workplace.

Things do happen out of force. But don't think for a second that there aren't ill feelings or anger or resentment that go right along with the required activity. And the minute there is a chance for bailout, reversal or escape, theres a good probability it will happen.

Force is usually a bad thing. Anytime someone is made to do somethig against their will, there might well be some consequences later on. A little kindness and understanding of the others views and some warmth may go a much longer way in relations with others.

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Quote #400, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #400...

"A retentive memory may be a good thing, but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness."
-Elbert Hubbard-

Hubbard was an American writer back in the late 1800's early 1900's. While I have never read any of his writings, I have seen many a quote from this man, and each one has been thoughtful and wise.

The quote on the ability to forget is a winner. It might deal with the power of forgiveness. It could be remembering the good times and letting go of past bad occurrences. It could even be a retaining of the positive and and a blocking out of the negative. However you take this quote, it has substantial substance. While a good memory has power, use, and value, the ability to forget is a priceless quality to strive for and attain

That's my view...
what say you?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Quote #399, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #399...

"When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers."
-Colleen C Barret-

This follows the line of less talking, more producing. Less yappin' and more action.

We have enough people telling us how to do things. What we need is more people jumping in to help and get to work, so more things actually get completed.

This could also relate to the complainers and booers and naysayers telling and talking about why things aren't getting done or what's wrong. Again,
less of the explanation and more of the action to get in and fix the problem!

Well stated, Ms Barret!

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Quote #398, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #398...

"There is no ceiling on honesty."
-Janet Brighton-

This quote from the lovely Ms Brighton really got my attention. We were having a conversation via the world wide web/internet, and I told her that my handshake meant everything. Without that I have nothing. My words mean zippo. Zilch. Squat. My integrity... gone.

She agreed. Then she comes back at me with this quote which is saying similar stuff, yet in a whole new way. I took 'having no ceiling' to mean that you always have to be honest, regardless of how little or how much is at stake. Irrespective of who is looking and who isn't. No matter if it costs you some benefit in the short term.

Be HONEST. With yourself. With others. That's a good solid way to live. We want others to be honest with us, don't we? Then shouldn't we try to have 'no ceiling' on honesty ourselves? I love the quote, I've always lived it, and this thought from Brighton is more reinforcement to staying on the honesty train for the future. How about you?

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quote #397, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #397...

"It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits."
-Charles Jaffe-

I thought this quote makes a lot of cents... errr sense. If you haven't read 'The Millionaire Next Door' (Thomas Stanley/William Danko), it's a great read and I'd suggest it highly.

Therre are many stories of the people who make a decent buck but are too busy lettting others know that they do, via the huge house that's 2000 square foot larger than their actual needs. The brand new expensive car with the close to 4 figure payment on it is another giveaway. Kohl's, K mart , and JC Penney's are off limits to them. You know the type.

The book also talks about the silent type that look like they are just living paycheck to paycheck. Normal 501 Levi's, and the seven year old, but well kept Buick or Ford F 150 is in their driveway. What these people ARE DOING is saving a little on each paycheck. They live comfortable, sleep well, have little to no debt, donate a decent amount to charity, and will have enough money to retire on at some point.

As Jaffe points out, it's not what we make. It's what we do with it. Excellent point!

That's my view...what say you?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Quote #396, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #396...

"Nobody rises to low expectations."
-Erin Rideout-

Another one that doesn't need a heck of an explanation. If you have very low expectations, there really isn't much to rise to, now is there?

Better idea is to set some higher goals. Bet you a dollar to a dime, that you surprise yourself. And when I say surprise, I'm talking pleasantly SHOCKED... in a grand way. Like, "Wow, I cannot believe I just achieved that."

The mind is a powerful thing... if you set up the 'monitors and controls' properly. Dial them in, baby!

That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quote #395, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #395...

"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt."
-Henry Kaiser-

I believe Kaiser is telling us... less blah,blah,blah, and more show. If your work is that good, you don't need to "hard sell" it to people. They will notice and figure it out on their own. That doesn't mean you can't tell people about it or get it out there for others to see it. You can be certain, if you do exceptional work, the word will eventually get around.

Which brings up another point. Shouldn't we spend less time selling our products and more time on PERFECTING whatever our offering is? Build the best 'whatever', and make sure that it over exceeds expectations on it's intended job. Make it the BEST 'problem solving item' , and you will have more sales than you know what to do with.

Less rah, rah, and more performance. It's what all of us really want, isn't it?

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quote #394, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #394...

"Worrying is using your imagination for something you do NOT want."

There is an interesting way to describe the word worry. Guarantee you won't find that explanation in the Webster's dictionary.

Ponder that one for a moment or two.

That's my brief view...what say you?

Quote #393, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #393...

"Do what you can, with what you have, where your at."
-Teddy Roosevelt-

Reminds me of my dad when he used to say "Just do something". It doesn't have to set a world record, or be a new invention, or solve a gigantic problem. The message is just to get in motion. The longest journey starts with a single step.

Another thought is motion begets motion. As simple as this may sound, the hardest thing about finishing a project is... just starting it. Once you get moving on something, it's very easy to keep it going.

Finally I believe Teddy was saying that you don't have to be the best or have the most talent. Just do as best you can with the talents you have. Who can ever have a problem with that?

And usually if you do your best as whatever the task, it's pretty good.

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Quote #392, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #392...

"A negative attitude is like a flat tire. You can't go anywhere until you change it."
-Wendy Marshall-

Now, being the Grand Poobah of Smiles, and doused in the positive industry, I do my fair share of reading good, quality, uplifting stuff. Here is a quote that I've never, ever stumbled upon, until now.

The dictionary defines the word ANALOGY as follows... "a likeness in one or more ways between things otherwise unlike." Now this quote is a super-duper, Class A rated analogy.

Take some time to absorb it, After that, it looks like one to hang on the refrigerator?

That's my view... what say you?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quote #391, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #391...

"He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals."
-Ben Franklin-

I had to think about that one for a moment. Then BF's message kicked in. He is quite the common sense man.

Franklin notes that a man who is so into himself, will find that its a turn off to others and they will not quite as fond. Therefore he will be without a whole lot of friends, if any. So... be careful of conceit, arrogance and cockiness. In other words, don't be so full of yourself.

Good advice. Thanks Ben

That's my view...what say you?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Quote #390, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #390...

"Every day you are stirring the pot of life, and the most important ingredient you can put into your soup, is you."
-Jon Gordon, Author of 'Soup'-

Gordon goes on to say that your love, optimism, trust, vision, communication, authenticity, appreciation and passion make life DELICIOUS. In other words, you have a heck of alot of input to put into this game we call life.

We've all heard the lines 'You only have one live to live', 'Life is short, play hard', 'Go big or go home', 'Your dead a long time', etc etc. In other words, as Chuck Mangione once named a song...GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT. On that song, Mangione blew his lungs as hard as he could.

Anyhow, I've only read 3 pages of this book, and I can already tell its simmering hot and full of flavor. Back to the book. In the meantime, what 'ingredients' are you putting into your soup?

Thats my view... what say you?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Quote #389, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #389...

"Any role performed at excellence is genuinely respected in our agency."
-Sign in a local State Farm insurance office-

What a motivating sign and display of respect for other co-workers. The great Earl Nightengale once said, "regardless of who you are or your position or title, do whatever you do to the best of your ability." It will stick out like a sore thumb, in a good way.

If your in charge of pencil stocking, make sure all are sharpened and you have a nice variety of high quality pencils. If you clean the bathroom floors, make them the most sparkling darn floors in the county. If your a salesperson, do your absolute best to find out about your customer, ask questions, and see if they have any NEED for whatever your selling. And if your a popular music star, sing to the best of your ability, give your fans a show for their money and act as best you can, something your momma could be proud of.

You get the point. Excellence at anything, will always be a.) noticed and b.) appreciated. Why give it anything less? If your signiture is attached to it, do it and do it well.

Thats my view...what say you?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Quote #388, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #388...

In a free country there is much clamor, with little suffering. In a despotic state there is little complaint, with much grievance."

Thanks to all,that have worked so hard for our freedoms. Happy Memorial Day, and peace throughout the world to all people.

That's my view...what say you?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quote #387, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #387...

"It has always been my belief that a man should do his best, regardless of how much he receives for his services, or the number of people he may be serving, or the class of people served."
-Dr. Napoleon Hill-

Funny when Hill wrote this, I don't think he had our armed forces in mind. Most likely the business folk.

Looking at this quote though, it applies to our brave military in the largest sense. They certainly are doing their best, given the difficult task, conditions, and orders thay have to follow and work with. You certainly couldn't pay these people enough... for how much is risking your life every day worth? Finally, the people, they are serving is you and I. And it's quite a large number to serve. Can you say an entire population?

So on this Memorial Day weekend, and every day, let us bow our heads and salute our bravest citizens. Without them, who knows where we would be. I'm certain of this:: not as safe and fortunate as we are with them. Thank you to all who have served.

That's my view...what say you?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Quote #386, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #386...

"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on the earth. So what the hell, leap."
-Cynthia Heimel-

Sounds to me like the rewards far out weigh the risk here. Chance to be brilliant, versus someone thinking you are a goofball. It's likely that you won't truly look that goofy or idiotic. It's kind of sad when you think of the possibility of someone truly making a difference in peoples lives, by going out on a limb, and how many times it gets snuffed out, do to fear of making a fool of themselves.

I say go for it. Much to gain, and very little to lose. So what if someone laughs at you. It's not the end of the world. But bringing something incredible to the table.. could be life altering!

That's my view... what say you?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Quote #385, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #385...

"A yawn is nature's way of giving the person listening to a bore, an opportunity to open his mouth."
-Bob Phillips-

This mornings quote on BORING people is pretty self explanatory. Quite witty as well.

Got to love those double meaning quotes!

That's my view...what say you?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Quote #384, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Heres goes blog quote #384...

"When you feel dog tired at night, maybe it's because you did a bit too much growling all day long."
-Author unknown-

How about a bit of humor heading into the weekend. Who can't use more of that?

Also, as funny as this quote is, it's something to think about. Sometimes the truth is a bit on the hurtful side, yet we all need an 'about face', kick in the pants, every now and then.

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quote #383, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog quote #383...

"Happiness is when what you think,what you say and what you do are in harmony."
-Mahatma Gandhi-

The infamous Gandhi always has such wisdom to share. Are you in harmony or are you on disconnect mode?

Are your thoughts, your words, and your actions all on the same page? Are they matching up, or are they all going in different directions?

Similar to a texas twister storm, disconnect and disarray can lead to a messy outcome. Best to get all three things flowing on the same path. Ahh, and when they are... can you feel the peace? The comfort? The body, mind, and spirit, all in sync.

Sync. Cohesion. Harmony. Three things that are very good for all of us.

That's my view...what say you?