Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Quote #404, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes Blog Quote #404...

"The one, absolute unselfish friend, that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him,the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog."
-Sen. George Graham Vest-

Anyone who has owned a dog totally 'gets' this comment. If you haven't owned a dog, you might understand it somewhat, but not fully, or not at all.

I could go on for 4 pages on the advantages of a dog. I could write about what an absolutely incredible, fantastic, amazing, wonderful, spactacular, superb specimen this creature is....

But for those who choose to, you'll find out some day. For those that have chosen a dog in their life, they already know. And for those who choose not to, my only condolence is that you'll never know what you are missing out on. One of life's absolute BEST treats.. is the DOG. Check out what it spells backwards...hmmm

That's my opinion...
Do you care to chime in here?


OP2MIST said...

I will NEVER live without a DOG. We ALWAYS have at least two. I like how you said my condolences.... people that don't understand the "Dog Mentality" are really missing out on something special. I wonder WHY they were chosen to be deprived... there must be some plan? We are the LUCKY ones to "get it". Thank DOG! i mean GOD!

T.A. Smith said...


That simply is a great comment.

Cannot improve on it much, so I'll leave it at that!
Grand Poobah of Smiles