Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quote #262, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #262...

"Let us toast the fools, but for them the rest of us could not succeed."
-Mark Twain-

I have always enjoyed Mark Twain's catchy humor. It makes us think.

When I read this quote I thought of when I have waited until halftime at a game to go to the bathroom(along with the massive crowds).DUHH! Also dunce awards for when all the cars are going on 1 path and I followed along with the herd.

Although I sometimes consider myself a fool, I try to think outside the box and not just follow along with the masses. Sometimes I screw up and get burned, but many times I outfox the pack. It's been stated we only use less than 10% of our brains. Perhaps we should start putting some of the other 90% in play?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Quote #261, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #261...

"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible."
-George Burns-

George Burns who lived to the ripe young age of 100 was known for his sarcastic and witty, blunt and to the point humor. Although his quote seems funny, it is frankly true as well. How many people like a long, boring speech or sermon? If we face the facts, it's tough to keep people's attention for any significant amount of time.

Say what you have to say, add a story or two. Mix in a bit of humor. Get your main points across. Answer any questions people may have, and chances are, you'll be invited another time to speak again.

As president Franklin D. Roosevelt once summed up very nicely on the subject of speechmaking... "Be sincere, be brief, be seated." I think he was onto something.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Quote #260, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #260...

"If a man has done his best, what else is there?"
-General George S Patton-

I like this quote because of the succintness of it. We have all been there. We tasted defeat. We put in a clunker performance. We didn't meet our desired expectations. The outcome was not what we were looking for. Given all that, you ask yourself.. did I try my hardest? Did I give it everything that I could have?

Maybe it wasn't my BEST that I could have ACHIEVED(sometimes even our top performance is bettered by another.. cap off to them.). If I can at least say that I gave my all, left it all on the field or on the table or wherever.. thats enough. With any luck, there will be another day to try again.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quote #259, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #259...

"The moment you DECIDE on a goal to work toward, you're immediately a successful person.You are then in that rare and successful category of people who know where they are going. Out of every 100 people, you belong to the top 5."
-Earl Nightingale-

Earl was a famous motivational speaker in the 40's-50's and 60's. He successfully wrote and recorded over 7000 radio programs includig his most famous, The Strangest Secret. That is worth your time to look it up, as it contains some great material for any and all of us.

Isn't that quote amazing ? Looked at 2 ways, isn't it sad that very few people ever DECIDE on a goal to work toward. On the other hand, isn't it pretty exciting that you could be in the top 5% of people who WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. All it takes is a decision to create a goal, and start working toward it.

Do you know what goal you are working toward?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Quote #258, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #258...

"Be yourself. Above all, let who you are,what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish."
-John Jakes-

We are totally unique human beings. The almighty creator made us that way.

So heres a question.. why are so many of us phony? If that's too harsh a word, why don't we say what we really think, why don't we act the way we really want to act? Why are we so busy trying to be someone else, and not ourselves?

If it's because we aren't happy with ourselves, I'd suggest getting to know the real you. Besides, whomever we are trying to copy, act like, or emulate, chances are high that they have many issues as well, and they are no better off than we are.

Be yourself. BE AUTHENTIC. It's very liberating, and, people will like you for it. YOU WILL TOO.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Quote #257, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #257...

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
-Albert Einstein-

Can we all agree that too many things in our lives are much too complicated? Including our lives.


Einstein is talking about concepts and information here. Things should be so simplified, that we can explain them quite easily. If not, perhaps we really don't understand what it is we are trying to explain.

Easy enough?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Quote #256, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #256...

"I drink to your health when I'm with you,
I drink to your health when alone,
I drink to your health so often,
I'm beginning to worry about my own."

-Sign in Irish Bar somewhere in America-

It's Friday, so I thought I'd share some party humor.

Enjoy your weekend and to quote a famous commercial.. Have a good time.Drink responsibly.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quote #255, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #255...

"The one who smiles rather than angers is always stronger."
-David Schary-

Why do people get angry. Are they insecure? Are they not confident that they are 100% correct in their view? Are they cocky,conceited or possesser's of a large ego?

Maybe it's much simpler than that. The people who can laugh at something, a mistake, others opinions, the fact they they were wrong or have been corrected, tells you something good about that person. Maybe it shows signs of humbleness? To be able to laugh at yourself, at circumstances, at life..... is a good characteristic, in my opinion. Seriousness and even anger, to me, are the wrong path.

Life itself, is not that serious. Next time you have a chance to laugh or get angry, choose the former. It's much more pleasant, and fun.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quote #254, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #254...

"Say what you want about the Ten Commandments, you must always come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of them."
-H.L. Mencken-

Funny, as I was reading this, my mind went in two totally different directions. I'm curious HOW you read this quote.

For me, first I thought of the simplicity of the 10 commandments. In a world of 1200 page stimulus packages, 34 page instruction manuals and other writings that seem to be unable to be simplified down to one page.. the ten commandments are pretty concise. There is something to be said for works of brevity, to the point, and written with an ease of understanding.

My second interpretation of this quote, was to be thankful there are only ten "rules" to follow . There could have been 29 or 64 of them. In addition to that, if you do a good job on the basic ten, you should be living a pretty clean and decent and respectable life.

Now.. how did you read Mencken's quote?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quote #253, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #253...

"Humor prevents hardening of the attitudes."
-Joel Goodman-

Try to have a few laughs today. Some of the best chuckles come at the expense of YOURSELF.

Don't take life so seriously, your not going to get out of it alive anyway. Finally, if you are in NEED of a laugh, email me at creator@smile-therapy.com. I' ll make sure you get that belly jiggling just a wee bit!

That's my view....... What Say You?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quote #252, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #252...

"Keep quiet and people will think you a philosopher."
-Latin proverb-

There is an old saying that speaks of the quiet person.. they remain silent and appear very smart for when opening their mouth, they risk unmasking their intelligence.

I know of a businessman who everyone thought to be very wise. His strategy was very simple. At meetings, he remained deadly quiet, yet listened intensly. After everyone was done having their say, he would simply just repeat and summarize what others had said. People thought he was a genius when in reality he just regurgitated what was already said by others. Not a bad strategy.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Quote #251, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #251...

"Peace is better than a fortune."
-St Francis of Sales-

Is peace better than a fortune? Usually a fortune, although something most seem to want to obtain, comes with its share of problems and challenges.

I think this is a great conversation "peace"( pardon the pun). Care to chime in your thoughts on this quote?

That's my view....... What Say You?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Quote #250, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #250...

"No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes."
-William Gladstone-

Mistakes are good? You betcha!

How would we ever learn if everything always went right or if we won everything we attempted?

And on the other side.. how many things do we not find out about because we are too scared to try, or too hesitant to get out of our comfort zone? The answer is plenty! Furthermore, since we didn't try something, we don't know WHAT WE MISSED.So the message here is.......
Try something. Go for it. Use more of the powerful brain that we have.. studies show we use only about 7% ( yes SEVEN percent).

Step out on a limb.. thats where the fruit is anyways.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quote #249, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #249...

"I have never been mad at myself for spending too much for an item, but I have often regretted spending too little. You get what you pay for."
-Peter Corning Sr.-

Can anyone relate here? This is a further example of the quote: Price,quality,service, pick any two you like.

I agree with Mr Corning wholeheartedly. That so called 'bargain' that you got at such a good price, may not be a bargain after all. Especially since you had to replace it and pay again for another one just 6 months down the road.What about that used car that seemed like such a great deal, even a STEAL? Turned out to be a clunker.

We all have a story or two about the deal that turned into a nightmare. Are there good bargains to be had? Of course. But as always, do your homework. Sometimes what seems like the deal of the century might even seem too good to be true. It probably is. If you go with great quality and excellent service, 99 times out of 100, its worth paying a little extra for.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In Case You Missed(8/31-9/6 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

Here was the week in review for 8-31-9/6

8-31.... Monday AM Giggler.. Remember , All is not as it may seem.. HMM

9-1.... HOW YOU Personally can start REVERSING the Recession.. every single person should read this and see what they can do to help out!

9-2.... Something Very Special is happening on Sept 5th......... find out here WHAT IT IS.

9-3.... NERVES and PRESSURE.. how to handle; by a very famous Sports figure.

9-4.... Back by popular Demand... SOLVE THIS MYSTERY. ( Fun)

Full articles are available at
http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

In Case You Missed(8/24-8/30 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

Here was the week in review for 8-24-8/30

8-24.... Send/share this with your BEST CLIENTS and CUSTOMERS.

8-25.... A reminder too HAVE YOUR FACTS CORRECT before you speak; or else...........

8-26.... If you get the Chance to see the BEST at "whatever" perform LIVE.. go see them! here's why.....

8-27.... What do ALL of these products have in common? ( hint Red White and Blue).

8-28.... Short but FUN question.....you might want to answer this. Great Conversation Piece.

Full articles are available at
http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

In Case You Missed(8/17-8/23 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

Here was the week in review for 8-17-8/23

8-17.... Rev up your Monday with this Great SALESMAN Story.. bet you could use a few of these on your staff?

8-18.... Albert Einstein comments on CURIOSITY; never stop questioning.....

8-19.... Is this the MOST TALENTED Street Performer EVER??.. must watch here...
8-20.... Consumer Alert.. CREDIT CARD USERS. you might want to read this as it could impact you financially...

8-21.... The true LAST CALL for a LEGEND... some SUCCESS and some SADNESS.

Full articles are available at
http://www.Smile-Therapy.com/ to subscribers.

Quote #248, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #248...

"A great way to show gratitude for what I have in life is when I substitute the words 'I GET TO' for the words 'I HAVE TO' ."
-Rena Reese, founder, Soul Salon International-

Think about how many times we say I have to go pick up the kids or I have to visit Grandma or I have to order the pizza for the family tonight. What if your kids were sick and unable to go out of the house where you get to go pick them up. How about Grandma. Not everyone's Grandma is still with us and some people would love the opportunity to get to go see their Grandma again. The ability to get to order out a pizza and not have to eat leftovers for the 4th night in a row is pretty special as well.

If you think about it, any time you catch yourself saying I HAVE TO 'whatever' , you can almost always replace that comment with I GET TO. This allows you a chance to give thanks and gratitude for ALL that you are blessed with.

Just a thought, and a good one at that, by Ms. Reese. I don't have to tell her thank you but I want to and get to tell her thank you.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Quote #247, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #247...

"The great dividing line between success and failure can be stated in five words: I did not have time."
-Henry Davenport-

Bravo Mr Davenport. Anyone else think that "I did not have time" is extremely overused, trite, and more stale than 9 day old bread? Last I checked, we ALL have the same amount of time and we all know how much that is. 24 hours, or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds are in a day.

And when is the last time you didn't find the time to do the things you REALLY want to do? I could call Donald Trump up and tell him that I have 1 million dollars waiting for him, if he just makes the time to swing by personally and pick it up. He'd be there.

So I wish people would stop saying "I dont have time", or even better, I'm busy. Who isn't busy these days? Maybe they should tell the truth and say I'm not interested, or, I have other higher priority things I have to/like to do. Don't use time as an excuse. Excuses are lame.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Quote #246, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #246...

"PRICE. QUALITY. SERVICE. Pick any two out of three."
-from a Harvey McKay book-

I must state that this is GENIUS Quality. Think it through, and play out all the different combinations in your mind. Boy do I believe that quote is 1112% true. Also... what a lesson for all salespeople. All in 9 little, yet powerful words.

I' d really love to hear feedback on this one. Anyone care to disagree, add to, or just share what's going through your noggins? The stage is yours..........

That's my view....... What Say You?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quote #245, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #245...

"Blessed are they who have nothing to say, and cannot be persuaded to say it."

Other than I love the play on words here, I'm not going to say much.
For you to read, and P O N D E R.

That's my view....... What Say You?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quote #244, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #244...

"You never love anything that doesn't or can't love you back."
-Cruse Howe-

What a great little 11 word message there. Some real genuine POWER behind that. When I read this, I thought of all the trivial and material things that we seem to obsess over. HMMM....where do I start?

How many people get caught up in the love of money? The greed of money? How many problems has that caused in our society? How about material things like cars, jewelry,antiques, etc? Some of us are totally in love with celebrities and we put them on pedestals, almost worshiping them. How silly is that? What about vices such as drinking , smoking, gambling and other detrimental habits. Ok to enjoy them, but to LOVE them and get carried away with them? Come on! Moderation in everything.

Remember; love things that can love you back. Humans and animals are a pretty good start. Not a bad tip here, from Mr Howe.

That's my view....... What Say You?