Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quote #7, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #7....

"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there."
-Josh Billings-

Isn't it amazing how many times we start things and give up before "it gets there" ( ie: you get it done). Did you ever think how much we would accomplish in this world if each of us just finished what we started? Maybe we shouldn't have started 89% of the things that we start(and never finish). Perhaps that would be a huge time saver? How much time do we waste initiating things that we never fully intend to finish, or think through what needs to be done in order to finish the task?

In the future , before beginning something, perhaps recall the postage stamp. It's ability to stick to its job through other boxes and letters, through 10-15 different handlings, over miles and miles of terrain, through rain and sunshine. The postage stamp. Sticking to the job, til complete. HMMM.

Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Quote #6, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #6....

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
-Phyllis Diller-

Ever heard of an oxymoron? Its defined as "a rhetorical device where two seemingly contradictory words are used together for effect". Example: She is just a poor little rich girl.

Phyllis Diller is known for her wacky humor.The underlying tone of her comment is a simple message I believe. When things are tough, or your having problems and issues, sometimes a smile can do a world of good.I have found that indeed sometimes all people need is a friendly face to turn their day around. Witness the infamous yellow Smiley Face icon.. isnt it hard to look at it and not feel a bit better?

Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?

In Case You Missed(11/24-11/27 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

Nice time of year with Thanksgiving. Best email was the Wednesday before thanksgiving email. Check it out. Here we go...

11-24.... Is Someone WATCHING over you?(Guardian angels, amazing 9/11 survivor stories).
11-24.... (Bonus) Absolutely FREE MONEY HERE ( heard of EBATES?). This is a MUST READ!
11-25.... Need your input/experiences on REFurbished products.
11-26....Best Way I Know to Celebrate Thanksgiving( some excellent appreciation quotes).
11-27.... No email. Happy Thanksgiving.

Full articles are availavble at to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Quote #5, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #5....

"Recipe for a happy life: loads of laughter,heaps of humor, and a general sprinkling of smiles. Excellent for two-somes or large gatherings."
-Gerry Hopman-

There is some crazy stat out there that kids smile about 200 times a day where adults about 16. What happened? Where did all the fun go? Why did we all get so serious? Since when does grown up mean unable to act silly, be funny, and have a good time?

I love how Hopman also basically says laughter, humor, and smiles are good for EVERYONE. One of my favorite sayings is "Don't take life so seriously, your not going to get out of it alive anyway!"

If you havent noticed , this is one of the main reasons I've started Smile Therapy( my life motto, printed somewhere on my website is this..Work Hard, Have Fun, Help Others, Make People Smile).

Here is some irony for you... I suggest we all take Mr Hopman's quote a bit more "serious", and add some more FUN in our lives :):)

Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quote #4, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #4....

"I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet."
- Denis Waitley-

Did you ever notice that however bad you think you have it, there are always others who have it much worse. Life has a strange way of kicking you in the pants when you need it. A "life adjuster". Just when you think you've figured something out.... BAM, a curve ball.

Such is life, no matter how good you are at something , there are better. No matter how bad you are there are people far worse off.

Anytime I'm having a tough time with "whatever", I try to keep things in perspective. A tip I've found to help when I'm really down.. find someone else who is also down, in trouble, perhaps worse off then myself.. reach down and pick them up. It provides a double winner. It helps them and it helps get the focus of my "not so terrible " problems.

Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Quote #3, My Thoughts and YOUR Thoughts

I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #3....

"Be verbal in acknowledging your appreciation."
- Catherine Pulsifer-

In this week of Thanksgiving... let us give thanks. How? By appreciating someone. How do we do that? By TELLING them so. Mental telepathy does not count.

I wish I had a quarter for the amount of times I've heard someone say.. oh, she knows I think shes doing a good job, or, he knows I care about him.

This one familiar to anyone? My kids KNOW I'm proud of them. My father just in the past few years is "getting it". He's starting to verbalize his feelings and his appreciation. It Matters.

Here is a tip: Don't tell the mailman or the dry cleaner or the cashier that someone is doing great and you appreciate their work. TELL THE PERSON DIRECTLY, so they know. You might just make their day?

Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Quote #2, My Thoughts, and YOUR Thoughts

I love Quotes.I love them because they make me think.What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Here goes blog quote #2....

"An infallable way to make your child miserable is to satisfy all his demands."

- Lord Kames-

The word that immediately came to my mind was SPOILED! How many bratty kids have you seen running around always getting what they want and are still very difficult to deal with?

Ever watch the classic movie, Willy Wonka? Remember Veruka? Daddy, I want this and I want it NOOWWW . She epidimises what this quote is all about. Give children( actually adults too) what they want, all the time, with out any regard for anything, and your asking for trouble.

Final point, I love the word DEMAND at the end of the quote. Isn't that really what kids are doing.. demanding? Who holds the purse strings anyway?

Thats my view

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Great Quote, my thoughts, and YOUR thoughts?

I love Quotes.
I love them because they make me think.
What does the quoter mean? Why did he/she write this? Is there a message to get through to the reader/ the world? What did YOU initially think when you read it?

Thats the basis of this blog. Here goes......

"Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want."
- Geoffery Abert-

I believe the message here is you are very prosperous and fortunate if you can enjoy and appreciate what you have, regardless of how much or little the quantity. There are many who have a ton, yet remain unsatisfied, desireous of more, and miserable. They don't GET IT. On the flip side there are people who have little, yet are always bright, cheery, and showing gratitude for what HAS come their way.

As Abert's message says..... its the ones that embrace what they have that are content. Perhaps he is gently reminding us all of that little fact and giving us a small yet invaluable secret towards a more enjoyable life.

Thats my view..... WHAT SAY YOU?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In Case You Missed(11/14-11/20 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

All over the board info this past week. A hilarious spoof video,thoughts on what you leave behind when passing on,excellent video bringing the world together,a fun "Family Fued" type quiz, updates on what else S-T has to offer, and some good info on Gift cards. Lets have at it........

11-14.... Hilarious Friday Video(72 changes made when people stick their nose in a project that they should leave to the experts).

11-17.... What legacy will you leave?(when you go, what will they say about YOU?).

11-18.... Tuesday Jumpstarter( Stand By Me Video. sung by musicians ALL over the world.. Brings people TOGETHER).

11-19.... What is the TOP ANSWER? ( a "family feud" type quiz.. loads of fun).

11-20.... Smile-Therapy has THAT Too?( 3 other must check outs as a S-T subscriber. Can you say VALUE ADDED?).

11-20 (bonus).... Wise to use up your Gift Cards NOW?? (important info on some Store Closings. Use it or lose it??).

Full articles are availavble at to subscribers and free 30 day trial-ers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

In Case You Missed(11/6-11/13 Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive Emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

Good stuff this week. From finding NICE employees, to a wonderful dog / sick owner story, to some funny bumper stickers. Some classic quotes, a "golden rule" LESSON, and valuable info on Computer Viruses. Here goes..........

11-13....Important Note Regarding Computer Viruses( Real or fake?).

11-12.... Classic "Do Unto Others" Lesson.. The Found Bracelet( Could you have made this mistake? Be sure to read this one).

11-11.... 5 Superb Time Mgt. quotes from Jim Rohn( and my 3 cents added).

11-10.... Monday AM Tickler( Hilarious signs and stickers out there).

11-7 .... Wish I had 100 of these "LUCKY" Stories( Read about a cancer ridden owner and her wonderful dog, Lucky.. truly heartwarming).

11-6 .... How much does it COST.. To Be NICE?(people will pay extra for "nice", as its so RARE these days).

Full articles are available at to Subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In Case You Missed( this past weeks Posts on Smile-Therapy)

The following is a briefing of this past weeks Daily Positive Emails sent out to Smile-Therapy subscribers.

We had everything from Girl Scouts Sales Champs, to Delicious Organic Beef, to Wisdom for Teens, to Checklists, and finally a starfish and a little girl. Have a Look......

11-5.... "How am I Doing" Checklist? ( good check up on self).

11/4.... 7 Pieces of WISDOM to Share with Youth. (Parents raved about this one!!)

11/3.... Mouth Watering Beef( if you ve never taster ORGANIC Beef... it is a MUST. You have no idea what taste you are depriving yourself of).

10/31....Girl ScoutSells 42,000 Cookies ( H O W ?? Great Story for all, including Salespeople).

10/30....The Power of 1 Person's Act ( don't underestimate the difference You, and only You can make).

Full articles are available at to Subscribers and Free 30 day trial-ers

See if you are On The MONEY today

Once in a while The Think Tank will make sure your "on your game".

Thus we present small brain teaser this day for you to test tha 'ol NOGGIN.

Joey decided to "cash in" on his sisters piggy bank. He gets a total of $8.20. Somehow he manages to take out the exaxct same number of quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies.

Question: How many of each did he take?

What Say You??

Monday, November 3, 2008

How GOOD is this Quote?

This quote just slapped me in the face this morning. I think it ia 1050% Right On!

The great at Jim Rohn commented on people complaining.....

"If you spend five minutes complaining, you've just wasted five minutes."

He further explains..........

"If you continue complaining, it won't be long before they haul you off to a financial desert and leave you to choke on the dust of your own regret."

As I age, I am getting less tolerant of people complaining. We all have our own issues to deal with, our own crosses to bear. Occasionally, its ok to DISCUSS and get a bit of empathy from others. But get it out, get it out quickly and move on. Don't get stuck on complaints.

Thats my view... WHAT SAY YOU??