Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Quote #314, My Thoughts and YOUR thoughts

Here goes blog quote #314

"Leadership is more than about more than just forcing people to do what you say. A prison guard does that. A good leader creates belief--in the leaders philosophy, in the organization, in the mission."
-John Wooden-

Just back from skiing in Colorado, where I had a chance to catch up on some reading. I'm on "How to be like Coach Wooden", by Pat Williams. I am SO JACKED UP on this book I am buying as many as $1000 will get me and distributing it to people that I think will benefit. Needless to say, Mr Wooden is one of my mentors of life. Just as solid as they come.

On the quote, how good is the prison guard comment? Forcing can only work for as long as you have the upper hand. As the saying goes, you get more bees with honey than vinegar. Leaders inspire people to follow by want, not by force. Wooden will go down in history as the greatest coach, EVER, not only because of his winning basketball record, but for how many kids he taught life to, OFF THE COURT.

By the way, if any of you readers want a copy of the book... just email me and I'll mail you a copy, courtesy of Smile-Therapy. It's THAT GOOD, that I want to share with whomever has an interest!

Thats my view, what say you?

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