Monday, October 31, 2016

The power...of a Teacher's Influence

Blog quote #1057...  
"A teacher affects eternity. S(he) can never know where her/his influence stops."- Henry Brooks Adams-
So true and just like a ripple in the pond one truly never knows when, where, and how much of a teacher's influence will rub off on a child. Teaching-- an incredibly important profession that doesn't seem to get the respect or appreciation it so deserves. 
Good news is the teachers usually are in it for the kids, and not themselves. With that stated,  a bit of thanks and praise the teachers way, would still be ok. Thank you all educators out there- for doing the heavy lifting of helping out future generations be all that they can be!
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gifts that we all possess...

Blog quote #1056...  
"Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend."- Marian Anderson-
Sometimes, amidst the negativity of the world, we forget just how many positive things we have in our arsenal of potential goodness. Almost like we seem to take for granted how many treasures and blessings we possess.
Go out and be a good friend to someone, or create a bit of positive energy for another today. The world will know it. And so will you. And it will feel terrific
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to be happy, happier, and happiest...

Blog quote #1055...  
"Judge nothing,you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest."- Sri Chinmoy-
Simplistic for a Saturday, yet, in it's own way a tad deep in meaning. Gives you something to chew on over the weekend...
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Friday, October 28, 2016

Do you like nonsense on occasion?

Blog quote #1054...  
"I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of  a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."- Theodore(Dr Seuss) Geisel-
How about you? Do you take life too serious or are you able to laugh at the silly absurdities and not so pleasant tricks and treats that life often throws our way?
When's the last time you looked at life through the other side of the telescope?  Perhaps you'll like what you see or, if nothing else, provide a stress relieving chuckle at a much needed time?
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Absurdities, Atrocities, and Voting...

Blog quote #1053...  
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."- Voltaire, French writer  1694-1778-
This quote made me think for some reason of this year's U.S. presidential election. Appears to be an important time on life for not only the US, but the entire world, safety and otherwise.
I recently read an article that discussed the two things people, immediately assess when they initially meet you.  First was 'Can I trust you?'  and second was 'Can I respect you?'(competence and other).  
The article went on to say trust was likely the most important of the two. It made the quality point going back to initial times that the cavemen were probably more interested in trusting that their new acquaintance was not going to kill them,  rather than could they make good coffee. We'll concur that trust is most important.
Be sure to vote this year and when in doubt, listen to that primal instinct gut. It's usually correct. 
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Monday, October 24, 2016

Importance of Knowing What You Want...

Blog quote #1052...  
"I can teach anybody to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody...who can tell me what it is that they want"- Mark Twain-
Let's take a page or two right out of one of the best selling books of all time 'Think and Grow Rich' (Napoleon Hill). First you have to determine what your purpose is, then you have to have a burning desire to go after that purpose.  
Without knowing what it is that you want, very difficult to go after and get it. Kind of like jumping in a taxi and the driver says  "Where would you like to go?" and you answer "I'm not sure." The driver can't even leave the parking lot. 
Nor can you--until you decide and determine what it is, that you want.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Incredibly good piece of advice...

Blog quote #1051...  
"Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once."- The Good
Just an excellent piece of  tutelage there. Because  a.) it's so true and b.) it's so  overlooked and c.) so taken for granted. 
Life and tomorrow, that is. As trite as it may sound, there just aren't any guarantees of either.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Saturday, October 22, 2016

What makes us "different?"

Blog quote #1050...  
"Men's natures are alike; it is their habits that carry them far apart." -Confucius-
Truer than we humans may like to admit. 
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Friday, October 21, 2016

2 quotes today-- on Accomplishment

Blog quote #1048 & quote #1049...  
"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." -Anatole France-
"Who begins too much, accomplishes little."  -German proverb-
Today's 2 pack quotes on accomplishment, are not quite contradictory,yet both are worth noting and need to be respected in their own separate ways.
We took them as this... 
First, dreams are important and part of the success equation, but action must eventually be taken. Second, while action is also critical, too much at once, like anything in life involving excessiveness, might prove to be counter productive. Sometimes even destructive. 
Need to look no further than the multitude of new businesses that fail quickly -due to under planning, under capitalizing, or  just not ready to take on all that's coming their way, due to trying to tackle too much at once.

Thus,  do dream,  do act, but be careful not to bite off more than you can snack on.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What does this quote mean?...

Blog quote #1047...  
"There is more credit in being abused by fools, than being praised by rogues." -F.E.Smith-
Anyone want to take a shot at what the quotist meant here?

Excellent advice- from Albert Einstein

Blog quote #1046...  
"A hundred times every day, I remind myself that my inner & outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead- and that I must exert myself in order to GIVE in the same measure that I have received." -Albert Einstein-
Now there is a man who understands a thing or two about human relations. It's about give and take; about helping and being assisted.  Sharing, as well as receiving. 
May more of us strive to have the humble and appreciative mindset of Mr Einstein, here. 
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Still more solid advice...

Blog quote #1045...  
"God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win, tails you lose." -Anonymous-
Which end are you using--for your success?  Hmm...
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Solid advice...

Blog quote #1044...  
"When someone offers you a donut, a compliment, or a breath mint, take it." -H Jackson Brown Jr.- 
Some very solid advice here. We suggest you 'take it.'
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Monday, October 17, 2016

The value...of an enriched MIND

Blog quote #1043...  
"You have to study and learn, so that you can make up your mind about history and everything else, but, you can't make up an empty mind. Stock your mind, stock your mind. You might be poor, your shoes might even have holes in them, but your a palace." -Frank McCourt- 
It's OK to have opinions, but the more knowledge and understanding you can have behind them--the better your conversations can be.  
And last we checked the library has very low or no fees to entrance. In addition, their doors are open to everyone. There is a whole world of education,  waiting for any and all to grab.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Sunday, October 16, 2016

What is the purpose...of FUN?

Blog quote #1042...  
"The purpose of fun, is to live it." -Bernie Dekoven- 
Which prompts the question: 
Are we living it? Are we having fun?  Hmm...

That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Friday, October 14, 2016

How to help promote World Peace...

Blog quote #1041...  
"What can you do to promote world peace? Go home, and love your family." -Mother Teresa- 
Can we get much better or much simpler advice than this? Something very attractive about basic, common sense guidance and recommendations. 
The good Mother Teresa really knocked it out of the park here. In the end, as most all of us know deep down-- it's all about LOVE!
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Advice for TODAY...

Blog quote #1040...  
"Can there be any day but this?" -George Herbert, 17th century British poet- 
We took this as a sign to Live In The Present
How about you?
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

3 things to do--with Mistakes...

Blog quote #1039...  
"When you make a mistake- admit it, learn from it, and don't repeat it."  -Paul 'Bear' Bryant-
Three fantastic pieces of advice- from one of thee most successful football coaches of all time. We will add that this is why mistakes can actually be 'good.' They help you learn, grow and mature. 
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

On taking ourselves too seriously...

Blog quote #1038...  
"Its very hard to take yourself too seriously when you look at the world from outer space."  -Thomas Mattingly II, Apollo 16 astronaut-
Humility is one of the most attractive traits any of us can have. Wouldn't it be a tasty slice of humble pie, if each of us could experience what Mattingly is referring to here?
Since we can't, perhaps we can take his word for it?  
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Monday, October 10, 2016

On the beauty, of LEAVES...

Blog quote #1037...  
"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." -John Burroughs-
Never even thought of leaves in this light. What a beautiful view of them. 
Hats off to the mind and vision of Mr Burroughs!
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Yet another 'hidden secret' of life--revealed

Blog quote #1036...  
"Life is about making an impact, not making an income." -Kevin Kruse-
How many people do you think have this backward? It seems to me the closer we get to the end of our lives this becomes not only incredibly clear, but also a source of regrets, for many. 
The quicker we all figure out that  a.)we cannot take money/other worldly possessions with us, upon departing and  b.)that helping others is a win/win situation-- the more gratifying our lives will become. Just our opinion though.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Friday, October 7, 2016

When tough times come...

Blog quote #1035...  
"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate." -Ann  Landers-
Probably not an emotionally satisfying quote. However a few quick points...
First, very true. Second, extremely hard to do. Third, I've found when  things are rough, to get yourself out of a funk, go see where you can help another person with their challenges/ grief/ difficulties. It does make a difference when you help others for reasons mentioned above.  
 Good stuff from the wonderfully wise Dear Abbey!
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What to do, when you are Angry

Blog quote #1030,31,32,33,34...  
"The greatest remedy for delay." -Seneca-
"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow." -Chinese saying-
"Grow angry slowly. There is plenty of time." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
"The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk." -Jacqueline Schiff-
"Understand this my dear brothers and sisters: You must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry."  -Bible, James  1:19- 
A five pack today, on the subject of ANGER. Hopefully from this quintuplet of highly respected authors, the hint is obvious of what is the best thing to do when you are angry. Cool off, before doing something stupid. 
By the way, we've used Jackie Schiff's recommendation more than once- it works!  
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Superb conversation piece here...How much is too much (or little)?

Blog quote #1029...  
"As much is lost by a card too many, as by a card too few." -Miguel De Cervantes,  16th century Spanish writer- 
Overkill vs. Neglect. Which is worse? That is a great conversation piece and a wonderful piece of thought from way back in the 1500's.
We are going to take a pass so as not to add bias, and let you answer your opinions.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await

Monday, October 3, 2016


Blog quote #1028...  
"Nodding the head does not row the boat." -Irish proverb- 
Talk is great, but at some point action is required. Enough blabbing. Time to stop the jabbering, and get some things done.
That's my view...what say you?
More great things await