Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog Quote #523

Here's Blog Quote #523...

"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure,' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
-Mary Pickard-

This is a great quote to keep handy to share with others. For whom doesn't, at some point in life, need a nudge to keep going? To persevere. To press on. Regardless of what it is, that we need some cheering and encouragement-- we all do,  and we all will.

Thus as Ms Pickard suggests- the so called FRESH START, is in our minds. 
It's a decision we make. To get up. To dust off, and to march forward.

Thanks for the nudge, Mary Pickard. 
Share on to someone you know-- that may need a little boost or encouragement.

That's my view...what say you? 


RonBoyd said...

Welcome back!

T.A. Smith said...

Sorry for the absence. Will try to be better at posting! There are plenty of dandy quotes that our views and feedback on...