Thursday, March 31, 2016

Make today-- a day to give out COMPLIMENTS!

Blog quote #889...
"I can live for a whole year off a good compliment." - Mark Twain-  

This quote is further proof how much we hunger for  praise, direction, and compliments in life. A simple affirmation, an encouraging comment, or a bit of praise can move mountains for many.   

Give some thought today  who it is, that you can lend a word of encouragement to. And don't leave out the successful or well off. Everyone wants to be appreciated.

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Snowflake-- how is this possible??

Blog quote #888...
"They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true how could the world go on? How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover--from the wonder of it?"- Jeanette Winterson, British Author-  

Watch out, for the more you think about this statement- the  greater the potential for it to blow the top off your mind. Just  give a quick thought to how many snowflakes make up an inch of snow. Let alone the amount it takes to cover the entire Rockie Mountains, or the Andes, or the Swiss Alps. 

And the fact that each and every one of those flakes is unique and completely different... WOW! Amazing! How does THAT ever happen?

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Monday, March 28, 2016

Problems--Maybe yours Aren't So Bad, after all?

Blog quote #887...
"What's that saying...If you are sitting at a table with a group and each of you put your problems in the middle--99% of the time,  after reviewing what's been added to the pile, you'll take yours back in a heartbeat. "- shared by Carol Schmeiser-  

Something powerful to think about today. Everyone(including you) is fighting some sort of battle.Spread more empathy and compassion,  today, this week,  and perhaps every day, going forward.

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Excellence in writing...

Blog quote #886...
"You can't keep a good man down. Happy Easter!"
-Sign spotted outside a church-

Excellence in writing, brilliance in thought.
Happy Easter to all...

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Friday, March 25, 2016

On Changing People's BELIEFS...

Blog quote #885...
"For those who believe no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible."  -Stuart Chase-

Superb quote here, with a variety of ways to interpret it.

A scientist may disagree with it as s(he) will always be trying to find proof to go against their belief. To the open minded, they would also likely disagree with this statement as they'd  listen and then three things could happen. These three are  a.) they could still agree to disagree  b.) they could modify, saying 'Geez, I never thought about that, let me re-adjust my position slightly,' or c.) they could say  'Wow, I never saw that, you are right. I now see and think what you think.'

Then you have the hard headed, opinionated human who is locked in on their belief. Could be a political or spiritual belief, could be a thought on how to run a business, to play a game, to solve a problem or  anything else. To that individual, this quote applies perfectly. They have their thought, and it's not going to change.  

As a heads up, it's usually more amicable and easier to associate with the open minded type  Hmm...

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Everyone fighting BATTLES- more kindness , please!

Blog quote #884...
"Please be kind to everyone you meet; for  everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."  -Unknown-

Just a heads up. A little kindness shared with others goes a long way. Who knows what that other person went through recently or even this morning?  Hmm...

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Just how IMPORTANT are you...?

Blog quote #883...
"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him."  -Dereke Bruce-

Histrionic humor here. With a whole lot of truth packed in as well! (Gold star for anyone who knows what histrionic means)

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Is the SKY truly the limit?

Blog quote #882...
"Anyone who thinks the sky is the limit has limited imagination."  -Anonymous-

Found this quote interesting as it's usually stated in a positive way. "Think big." "You can do anything." "The sky is the limit." "Reach for the stars, etc."

The way this quote is's almost telling  us--if the sky IS the limit, you are putting on limits, to what you can accomplish. Granted, the sky is a pretty big and vast goal. 

Point is, no limits. You may be surprised at what you can pull off!

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Which comes first...Joy or a Smile?

Blog quote #881...
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the  source of your joy." -Thich Nhat Hanh-

Interesting circle of events there. Be able to work joy and smiling interchangeably!

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

More Wonderful ADVICE...

Blog quote #880...
"I always advise people--never to give advice." -P.G. Wodehouse-

Reminds us of Yogi Berra's famous line..."When you come to a fork in the road, take it." More timeless and priceless wisdom, all with a silly twist!

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Monday, March 14, 2016

On Success and Taking Risks...

Blog quote #878 and #879...
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." -T.S. Eliot-

"The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings." -Dave Weinbaum-
Today a 2 for 1...

The first quote by Eliot involves a bit of a catch 22 conundrum. How do we know what our limits are? The answer--we really don't. And  whatever we think is our limit, is likely a fraction of the true limit.

The human body can extend far beyond our wildest dreams. The person who lifts a a car to save an accident victim. The soul  who survives a life threatening excursion, not on purpose, but because they have to. In a more fun example, the olympic athlete that starts out in her first local  competition, and 8 years later finds herself being pushed to the brink by other superior athletes, her coach, and herself. 

In the second quote, we believe DW is suggesting that we attempt many  things. Try, experiment, test the waters, do the new, live adventuresome. Come to think of it...why not? Sounds like more FUN!

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The REAL YOU...?

Blog quote #877...
"In our leisure, we reveal what kind of people we are." -Ovid-

There is some good truth to this statement. Over the years  I've learned a great deal about a person over a 4 hour round of golf, 2 or 3 games of bowling, or a day of fishing. 

Pick whatever recreational activity you like, as long as you have a bit of extended time with the person, it seems more often than not- the real person reveals their truer human identity.

That's my view...what say you?

More great things await

Friday, March 11, 2016

Another tip, on HOW to SUCCEED...

Blog quote #876...
"I have succeeded, by saying what everyone else is thinking." -Joan Rivers-

Does this sounds like anyone else today? (hint: think politics)

Also, is it not ironic that Joan Rivers also won a season of the Celebrity Apprentice?

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Thursday, March 10, 2016

With Blame or Praise- always keep a Level Head

Blog quote #875...
"As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind,so the wise man does not waiver before blame or praise." -The Dhammapada-

This quote reminded me of a principle that Coach John Wooden used to teach his students and players. Always keep a level head. Do not let the praises go to your head when winning. Neither put much credence into the complaints and critiques that come your way with losing. 

Just give your best, try your hardest and keep practicing and perfecting the fundamentals. For in the end,what is most important is that you can look in the mirror and know that you gave it your all.

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What CAUSED the Problem?

Blog quote #874...
"Don't look where you fell but where you slipped." -Liberian proverb-

We believe that this message is suggesting that we dig deep and not blame or concern ourselves with the problem itself, but look a bit deeper as to what was the root or cause of the issue. 

Otherwise if this is not determined, we are most likely to 'keep slipping.' And that's certainly not a good long term strategy for life.

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Monday, March 7, 2016

The best type of people- to LEARN from

Blog quote #873...
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man whom agreed with me." -Dudley Field Malone-

While I'm sure Malone did learn some things from like minded folk, his main point is well taken. Usually most learning comes from people with opposing or different views that you never thought of. It creates questions such as  'Why?' and  'How did you get that info?' and 'What makes you think that?' and  'Who shared that statistic with you?' 

It's a fairly large world out there and simple logic tells us that as a single human, we can only absorb and retain a fixed amount of info. We learn from others, but more--from those who are dissenters than 'Yes, I agree' people.

There's an old line...How boring life would be, if all of us held the same ideas, thoughts, and opinions. How dull, and how true!

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Reading Books- one of life's True Treasures...(here why)

Blog quote #872...
"The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men and  women of past centuries." -Rene Descartes-

What an interesting way to think about reading a book. And it seems to be true. What a great feeling to be alone with a good book, a comfortable chair and some luxurious peace and calm. 

It's an opportunity to truly give yourself a chance to get into the mind of the author regardless if it was composed 8 months or 10 years ago, or even centuries past.  

You and I get to climb into that author's mind and be thinking and feeling whatever his hand- her mind directed their pen to share with us. 

The reading of a of the truly remarkable pleasures this earth has to share with us all. Dig into one today...

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Example of HOW to LIVE Happily Ever After...

Blog quote #871...
"It is only possible to live happily ever after--on a day to day basis." -Margaret Bonnano-

What a superb statement here. Boy,  this makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bold statement about Good vs. Evil

Blog quote #870...
"Right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." Martin Luther King Jr."

A reminder from the good doctor, MLK.
In the end  good is always stronger than evil and will trump it. Isn't that great news? 

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Friday, March 4, 2016

Reason for worry...if you have no critics?

Blog quote #869...
"If you have no critics, you'll likely have no success." -Unknown-

At first blush this quote sounds very negative, but it is actually brilliant. Think about it. If no one is giving you any attention or a hard time about your work/talent/sport/activity.. it's likely you are not doing much of anything. 

Unless you are living in a bubble, no critics means there is basically no reason for an opinion on you. Hmm... 

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Where Money Comes From...

Blog quote #868...
"Money grows on the trees of persistence." -Japanese Proverb-

Just another way of saying... Whatever you are working on, keep at it, stay in the game and persevere. Persist like crazy.' It's one of the major ingredients--to success.  

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

On Getting the LAST WORD...

Blog quote #867...
"Let me tell you something. This is my playpen, and I get the last word." -Judith Sheindlin, TV's toughest judge-

Great line!
We all have times when we have the final say...good time to use this line.  

Thanks for the humor, Judge Judy!

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

People who improve-- be wary of the BOO-Birds!

Blog quote #866...
"If you want to improve, be content- to be thought foolish and stupid." -Epictetus-

Some excellent Greek wisdom from 20 centuries back(yes 2000 years ago). Epictetus nails this on the head and sadly, it's just what most people do. 

If you try to change, or better, or improve, people who don't want to go with you on that journey will criticize. It's uncomfortable for them. It's  challenging, it's out of their groove zone, their regular, mundane day to day routine. And God forbid, it's something new and visionary, people will think you've flown flat off your rocker.

But know this--Anyone striving for betterment, improvement, learning, growth and progress is heading for positive territory. Don't listen to the naysayers.  Do what YOU have to do, to advance yourself. It's the stuff and substance life is made of. 

Ironically once you've stuck it out a bit, some of the boo birds will come around to your 'crazy way' of thinking or doing. And the others...well  they'll just  have to stay in their little comfort bubble and keep missing out on all that life has to offer. It's a big juicy world out there, with plenty to experiment and explore. 

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await

On...Giving it your ALL

Blog quote #865...
"I  have never had a policy: I have just tried to do my very best- each and every day." -Abe Lincoln-

If this is really true, can you ask anything more of someone- than to just try their best and give it their all, day in and day out?

That's my view..what say you?

More great things await