Tuesday, January 31, 2017

When to stay Silent...

Blog quote #1096...  
"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective- as a rightly timed pause." -Mark Twain-  
It appears appropriate at this time, to pause for reflection. Hmm...
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Cost of education?

Blog quote #1095...  
"Education costs money, but then so does ignorance." -Claus Moser-  
In the 'don't forget to weigh this in' category...

That's my view...what say you?

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What to do with a IDEA...

Blog quote #1094...  
"Ideas are like pizza dough: made to be tossed around." -Anna Quindlen-  
If you have an idea be sure to write it down so you don't forget it. Then, when the timing is right (could be immediate, soon, or held for a bit)  be sure to share it with others. Kick it around, run it by a few people, toss it out there like a pizza pie as the author suggests. 
One never knows when an idea's time has come. And like there is no such thing as a dumb question, there are no such things as bad ideas- just different viewpoints and opinions.
Worst thing is when you see your held in idea out in the world somewhere and you say, "Man, I thought of that, I just didn't share it or follow through on it." Let's make sure that doesn't happen. Got an idea? Let's hear it...
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

So...what about the FUTURE?

Blog quote #1093...  
"The day after tomorrow is the 3rd day of the rest of your life." -George Carlin, comedian-  
Now, go make something of it. The past is behind you and in the books. 
Go. Press forward. Onward. Bigger and better and brighter and more bountiful things await, if you are ready to act...
That's my view...what say you?

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Grandparents and Grandkids...

Blog quote #1092...  
"Nothing makes a child as smart...as having grandparents." -A. Nonymouse-  
Anyone out there guilty of doting on or spoiling their grandkids? Aahh, it's just what we do!
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The fair-weathered friend...

Blog quote #1091...  

Definition of a fair weathered friend:
"A fair weather friend is one who is always around when (s)he needs you." -Unknown-
Kind of sad, but probably more true than we want to admit. Be on the lookout for such 'folk' and try to steer clear.
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

On...Overestimating and Underestimating

Blog quote #1090...  
"Most people overestimate what they can do in one year, and they underestimate what they can do in ten years. -Bill Gates-
How about you? Are you an over-estimator short term? An under-estimator, long term?
Or, are you making things happen in 2017? 
Most of that answer--is a decision--in the mind-- as we speak/type.  Hmm...
That's my view...what say you?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Best companion,EVER...

Blog quote #1089...  
"The freakin' lab...what a creature."  (written with a huge grin) -Tim 'Grand Poobah of Smiles'  Smith-
Only those who have experienced the labrador retriever will understand this...
The curiosity. The passion. The energy. The love. The playfulness. The intensity. The loyalty. The nut-si-ness. The fun. The durability. The cleverness. The silliness. The companionship.
If you've never had the pleasure of being with a labrador retriever, you are in for one of the best times of your life. We recommend it as highly as anything on the planet.
That's my view...what say you?

Friday, January 6, 2017

The best way for students to learn...

Blog quote #1089...  
"Teachers open the door. You enter yourself." -Chinese Proverb-
Teachers can do their darndest to get the student all set up to learn, however, it is a two way street. It takes a combined effort. The student needs to decide to learn.  
As a side note: When the parents join in with full participation, that's when the real magic of learning truly takes off!
That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A upbeat message...of new beginnings, from a very smart DR.

Blog quote #1088...  
"You have brains in your head and you have feet in your shoes.You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr Seuss-
Thought this was a decent one to start Twenty Seventeen with.
I say  let's make this one of our best years ever. Why the heck not, right?
That's my view...what say you?

The Head vs the Heart...

Blog quote #1087...  
"Stop insisting on clearing your head--clear your heart instead." -Charles Bukowski-
Sometimes we overthink things, when perhaps we should go with our gut, or feelings, or heart? 
This Bukowski statement could mean several things to a different number of people. How do you read what the quote-ist is trying to convey, here?
That's my view...what say you?