Monday, August 31, 2015 sure to Read This

Blog quote #765...

"What is reading  but silent conversation." -Walter Savage Landor-
As a voracious reader, this caught our attention. There certainly is a ton going on when reading a good book. 
Lots of thinking and talking to self, questions,  what if's, do I agree, idea stimulation, etc etc. Heck... as we type, we think this list could reach 30 or 50 activities that occur while reading. WOW!
This quote, while brief, seems to be spot on..
That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Sunday, August 30, 2015

It's all about RESULTS...isn't it?

Blog quote #764...

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson-
What a crazy thought in this 'results driven world' we live in, huh?
We respect RLS's suggestion to focus on  planting, ie doing good deeds. The wisest know that  eventually good planting  and tilling will always produce proper results, somewhere down the line. 
And even if you don't see 'results' immediately, there is some comfort in knowing that you are helping others, and doing the right thing.
Carry on...
That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Thursday, August 20, 2015

On Second Guessing...

Blog quote #763...

"In the business world as well as in life, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield." -Warren Buffett-
Who would know more about Monday morning armchair quarterbacking or second guessing, than one of the greatest money investors of all time?
If we had access to tomorrows paper, everybody would be a genius. Unfortunately, we don't.
Good comments by Mr. Buffett.
That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Two types of Pain...

Blog quote #762...

"There are two types of pain in this world, the short term pain of discipline and the long term pain of regret. One weighs ounces and the other weighs tons. Choose your pain." -Jim Rohn-
Some quotes are so complete, there isn't a heck of a lot that can be added to their statements. The masterful Jim Rohn nailed it here.
Reminds us of the old Fram oil filter commercial from the1970's and 80's "You can pay me now or pay me later." We'll let you figure out which one of Rohn's suggestions is the wiser of the two.
That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Monday, August 17, 2015

When to call it quits...

Blog quote #761...

"Luck is always against the person who depends on it." -Unknown-
If you could 'depend on it,' it wouldn't be called 'luck,' right?
Ever notice when people hit a cold streak or bad stretch. They are going in the wrong direction and stubbornly try to buck the trend, whether it's business, sport, gambling , or whatever
We are all for persistence, resilience, perseverance, and no quit attitudes. However, sometimes it's just smart to stop, call it a day and try again tomorrow.
That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Friday, August 14, 2015

About Living in the Present- NOW!

Blog quote #760...

"The past and the future are great places to visit, but you don't want to live there." -Tom Payne-
What a great statement. Know anyone stuck in the past? Wallowing in stuff that is in the books and is never going to change. How about people that constantly talk about tonight, next Monday, or the coming winter?
The past is great for many things- including memories, and statistics, and trends. The future holds many dreams, hopes, desires, visions and projections. With that stated, it is wise to live for today. Be part of the moment. Now. This second. 
You can bet your bottom dollar that today, and the here and now-- come with plenty of action and require your full attention. We'd be wise to  heed to the old line that the present is a gift and we need to be in it, and live it it.

That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Blog quote #759...

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
We can go many ways with this statement. Part of us says making a decision on whatever, is three quarters of the battle to getting something done. The mind is a highly underestimated, powerful mechanism. 
On the universe joining in...perhaps it all seems to 'fall into place' once that decision  has been made. Others could make the argument that when you want something very badly, the powers that be go against you, and make things extremely difficult  to accomplish.
How about you...what do you think on this topic by Mr. Emerson?  

That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Monday, August 10, 2015

What a Clever Idea...

Blog quote #758...

"Try to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made 3650 happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment."  -Sydney Smith-
Thought this concept was ingenious. How about you? 

That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Funny T -Shirt...

Blog quote #757...

"I have CDO. It's like  OCD but with the letters in alphabetical order, as they should be." -Seen on a T Shirt-
Just a little humor for you from the  S-T Think Tank crew. This one got a giggle out of us. Creative too! 

That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Time to examine your conscience?

Blog quote #756..

"If a dog will not come to you after he has looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." -Woodrow Wilson- 
We're not sure if there is any credence to this, however, it does make some sense on the surface. Regardless, it's a funny quote.

That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Passions- What are yours?

Blog quote #755..

"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." -Julia Child- 
Does this sound like repetitiveness, or piling on?
We say...'So what?' 
Perhaps you could be passionate about something and not do it much, or give it much attention?
What Child is getting at here, we believe, is to determine what passions you have, and discover what really fires you up. Then, get active in it and stay active in it.
Sure seems to make a lot of sense.

That's my view...what say you? 
More great things await