Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog Quote #534

Here's Blog Quote #534...
"Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible."
-Frank Gaines-

For those who have vision, and imagination- perhaps things are not truly 'invisible.' 
And with vision and imagination-- many times, things that seem impossible, turn out in fact, to be --possible.

We are incredible humans with far more talents, skills, and abilities- that we give ourselves credit for. Doesn't mean it's easy tapping into them- but  give it a shot...they ARE there.

Do something 'insurmountable' this week, even today.
Then when you wake up tomorrow- you'll realize- you just did the impossible.

Next,  repeat often and frequently. 
Watch the confidence grow and the 'perceived impossibilities of past' melt before your eyes.

That's my view....what say you?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blog Quote #533

Here's Blog Quote #533...

"No one knows how to be where they are."
-Lewis Black-

Does this sound familiar to anyone? With all the cell phones, I Pads, texting, Blackberry's and other high tech stuff going on... is anyone really where they are( mentally)?  
Can you say multitask. 

Are people clearly tuning in-- to the conversation at hand,  or is their mind in 3 different places?
Info overload anyone? Is the world moving a bit too fast?
Are we over computerized and digitized?

Anyone have thoughts on this?

I have some:
Slow down and be present where you are. 
Give your undivided attention (and RESPECT) to the people you are with, or excuse yourself from their company. 
Listen- with two ears and two eyes.

It's called common courtesy. Something that perhaps, our society is getting away from a bit too much. And the ironic thing is that most of the 'stuff' that's diverting out attention- really isn't that important in the grand scheme of life.

Let us all pull in the reins a bit on these machines, and get back to some basic common sense and courtesy. Be present where you are. Certainly you'd appreciate it, if others gave you the same treatment. 

That's my view...what say you?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blog Quote #532

Here's Blog Quote #532...

"One should go invited to a friend in good fortune, and uninvited in misfortune."
-Swedish Proverb-

We took this as saying...  Don't just be a 'fair weather' friend.
When things are good-- don't out of the blue,all the sudden, become your friend's best and most cherished one. Wait for them to share their good tidings and fortunes with you.

And on the flip side, don't be a stranger, when tough times come to your friend. That's probably the most important time to be by their side, in unison, with them.

Very wise Swedish words here.

That's my view...what say you?